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Psalm 94

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what makes these pieces of works worth few thousand likes and traffics https://www.instagram.com/rinotuna/

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST ................ . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . g o l d e n . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .........

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I'll pray for you.
Replies: >>7149
so you havent been. how diligent
Replies: >>7150
lol, lmao even
No worries. I'll pray ESPECIALLY hard for you.
Replies: >>7151
too late. yer slow and your prayers are unclear

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this person has hurt me so much and it has even caused me trauma, she deserves to die! send her all the death threats and harassment you want, the more the BETTER.
her instagram is

Do reply with screenshots of what you sent to her!!
Have fun!! ^__^
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Better than being a kissless turbovirgin.
Replies: >>7130
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The internet is not your personal army faggot.
Replies: >>7133
you tell 'em, three weeks after everyone's moved on

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help /b/ i had anal sex with a black dude and now i have aids
Replies: >>7084 >>7085
>>7081 (OP) 
that's very brave of you
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>>7081 (OP) 

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I'm one of the mods for 8chan and I noticed some brewing war between these sites and I was wondering why everyone here is so hell bent on destroying 8chan?

Anyway can you all explain the crazy amount of 94chan pysop going on there's been over 50+ threads about how hotwheels is going to die and why 94chan is winning what's going on can we have an honest discussion
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Replies: >>6983 + 21 earlier
your banned, faggot.
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>>4649 (OP) 
Fuck off 8chan glownigger, Jew Watkins ruined the site
everyone with a brain hates pedos
8chan is gay

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I know it was relatively dead and primarily populated when it was linked to the discord, but i'm gonna miss it.  It was a fun experiment to message people through my old blackberry and other legacy devices but I understand, with degeneracy ramping up online it'd only be a matter of time until they exploited irc's vulnerable infastructure
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Replies: >>6991
I mean it still uses basic ssl, hasn't that been decrypted as an algorithm for years?
The irc setup wasn't great to begin with.  I needed to overhaul the whole thing and that wasn't gonna work on the $5/mo server we were using.
Last edited by Hidden User
What is this faggotry

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Has the last few years made you more or less antisocial /b/? Speaking personally, I just don't like gay people
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Eat shit.
You'll be eating plenty of it in multiple flavors when I'm through with you.
Replies: >>6948
Shut up Flounder
Quiet nigger
Replies: >>6981
No u!

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Yo, can you guys make a cooking board?
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Replies: >>6955
>>6953 (OP) 
no, and we can't make a site discussion board* either
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How do I find the unlisted boards?
Replies: >>6978 >>6979
The cooking board isn't unlisted
thorough guesswork

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Remember when Nick Fuentes fans tried to colonize 94chan for the pedophile catholics?
Replies: >>6941 >>6949 >>6951
>>6938 (OP) 
Yeah, there's still wignat faggots in the telegram who don't realize that we're making fun of them
>>6938 (OP) 
Remember when the pedophile catholics were majority homosexual? Pepperidge farms remembers, faggot.
>>6938 (OP) 

Nick Fuentes is a closet homo who is grifting easily swayed wignats with Christian rhetoric. He's the literal definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Does anyone else wonder how they manage consistently the most annoying, contrarian, henpecking creatures in all the internet?
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call me a zoom zoom but wtf is gaia?
Replies: >>6907 >>6910 >>6911

it was a place where pedophiles and cia agents groomed children in the early 2000's
Nigger, google exists
zoom zoom

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Snorting cocaine off a dead hooker's ass is not only a better experience than snorting cocaine off a midget's dick, it is also a more sanitary experience. The dead hooker's ass is not alive and carries no pathogens, while the midget's dick may have bacteria or other health risks. Furthermore, the dead hooker's ass is more spacious and the cocaine can be spread out more evenly, providing a better high than snorting from a smaller surface area. Finally, the dead hooker's ass is a more interesting and visually stimulating experience, providing a unique and memorable experience.

Also, snorting cocaine off a dick is gay as fuck

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