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Psalm 94

Thread from /pol/

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Antifa troon terrorist attempted to assassinate President Trump today. This was clearly an act of war. If they can't steal an election, why not just arkancide the opposition? Fortunately, liberals are so fucking gay they can't shoot and only grazed his ear. Must be a skill issue.

16 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
This troon terrorist also wanted to shoot Joe Biden.
Replies: >>7675
Listen: We ALL want to shoot U.S. politicians. Don't try to make the schizo sound less of a schizo.
ZOMG tehres been anuva shoitng o_O
Replies: >>7681
speak like you have matured mentally at least somewhat over the past 20 years please

Thread from /rx/

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experiences? what do you recommend?
Replies: >>751
>>750 (OP) 
Boofing is more effective, faster, and far less uncomfotable than sniffing. It shouldn't be a problem unless you're one of those people who always has a shitty rectum. Maybe fix that? Also don't do the tasting thing they do in movies, it will ruin your evening if you were planning on eating, drinking, or speaking.
Last edited by Hidden User
Or did you mean coca leaves? If so, just chew them for a while, my guy. Using them for an infusion is tempting but not very effective, and you probably won't drink all of it.

Thread from /b/

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Once I revert to an egg I must bury myself underground for three years, there my form matures.
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Replies: >>10370 + 1 earlier
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>>10172 (OP) 
Replies: >>10371
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Thread from /b/

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To join, post your favorite mudkips.
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Replies: >>10368 + 1 earlier
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>>8845 (OP) 
Replies: >>10369
damn 4chan turning swastikas into sauvastikas smdh frfr no cap swr2g

Thread from /m/

if IHM had a son:
Replies: >>879
speak on that
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>>877 (OP) 
Joslyn used to have a son, then she turned it into worm food.

Thread from /m/

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ok so let's be a bit more organised I guess: Post what you fucks are listneing to at time of reading this. If you're not listening to anything-- why? What's wrong with you?

Last edited by klapaucius
310 replies and 176 files omitted. View the full thread
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We all know, and have first-hand experience to back it, that Google has gonet to shit and etc, etc etc; but I honestly thought people were just being le funnee meemsters when stating that bing.com is any good. Turns out? That and Yandex just scrub the sticky, mouldy, piss-coated floor of the gas station toilet that is the Internet with Google's dumb fucking turd-eating face. Glad I gave it a go.
Hey, do you


hey y'all ever 

dya ever notice how-- hey, 

ever noice how most weebs arn't nazis 


hey ever notice how most nazis are weebs

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Thread from /art/

Jrewl Spargrkis Thread.
4 replies omitted. View the full thread
shut up, OP
Deleting your posts doesn't make you any less of a faggot, OP
Replies: >>339
This setting has now been toggled due to the sheer faggotry of OP
Reporting your own posts also doesn't make you any less of a faggot, OP

Thread from /pol/

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I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system called usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the belt
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, a sub-country.  Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs or decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Mass persecution was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least from the deep web I dug up some data. In Finland, people with multiple problems are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems. Sometimes their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. The whole is managed pretty much completely and throughout the necessary amount. Society is a brainwash and a gross exploitation facility. 
So they have pretty much taken control of everything and are turning the overall picture in the direction they want as if secretly behind the scenes. Opinions are managed. Public discussion is managed. People are controlled. Even this arrangement in society makes it impossible to hear gravel sounds. There are very few awakened people and they are actively tried to be silenced or even killed.
Isn't that pretty cool? However, this is true and for the most part in the way I presented. In my opinion, this current social model is sick and should be brought into public discussion.
I myself am a victim of mass stalking. More than 100 similar stories have been collected from us people of this fate in Finland and submitted to the UN and the International Criminal Court for Human Rights. However, I personally don't think that any body will do anything about these things. The government does not respect human rights even though it is officially committed to maintaining them. 
Seinäjoki's Gestapo murdered Tero Hopevauori and Jani Ritvanen by forcing them to commit suicide. They also murdered a police officer named Petri Kangaskoski by forcing him to shoot himself at the Kokkola police station with his official weapon. They also ruined my "normal life" and apparently kill somehow. The system has killed thousands of Finns.
Completely innocent people. 
Gestapo and civil servants also force others to commit sexual acts. They also rape. They embezzle money/property from people/state and threaten and kill.
State traitors. Terrorists of civilians. Prazits.
US action is a senile relic of the post-WWII world. In my view, the West needs to stick to its values. They will, implement and have achieved a partially totalitarian dystopia. The entire society has been ruined from its foundations, and its most important pillars are not respected. There is no need for bread, circus entertainment, propaganda and a force-fed imperialist agenda, little like some social show that is a lie and if these sink in you are just in a blissful dream. If it doesn't sink, maybe you will be persecuted. 
The future cannot be American-led. They do not respect western values. Human rights. Laws. Democracy. Divisions of power. Nothing.
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Replies: >>7677 >>7678
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>>7676 (OP) 
cool story bro
>>7676 (OP) 
You are fucking dumb
Replies: >>7679
Hey now, that's insensitive. There's a difference between being schizophrenic and being dumb, my guy. Unlike The Dumb, you can't fix schizo.

Thread from /b/

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Meet the shitlib couple from Springfield OH, that is making a killing off of housing and importing thousands of Haitian migrants into the community.
9 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
do i look like vinesauce to you
Replies: >>10348
All I know about vinesauce is that youtube really wants me to watch that shit and I cannot be any less interesed. Same goes for something called jerma and mosh. I've spent literal hours going through the recommended videos clicking on "not interested" to no avail.
Replies: >>10349
if i see one more "jerma hilights" video i'm gonna slice my balls off on his Willem Dafoe-esque jawline.

the only vinesauce trivia i know is that Vinny fucked a girl that looks like him.
Replies: >>10350
"Jerma being whatever for whothefuckcareshowmany minutes straight" this and "smosh clips that make me be lolsorandumb ecks dee" that. I hate what Youtube has become.

Thread from /b/

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It's a nigger man
Replies: >>10325
Is he from Alabama, and, perchance, does he want to be free?
Replies: >>10326
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No last I checked he's hanging from his family tree
Replies: >>10327
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Thread from /pol/

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When you see those nofap threads, always assume filthy muslim monkeys are behind every one of them. It's pretty self-explanatory why they push it, but in the end it's all about spreading sharia law to everywhere. The day we implement sharia law is the day we lost to those disgusting arab monkeys.

You should treat porn as entertainment, there's nothing "unhealthy" about it unlike what these monkeys have claimed. Porn is the main driver of technological advancement, it is an essential element of our society. It's also interesting they never mention small startup porn producers, and how they'll get hit with their backward propaganda. No, these sneaky fuckers paint porn producers as all big powerful cartels, in order to make it easy for us empathetic westerners to dehumanize anyone in the porn industry. 

As we approach November, you can expect more nofap shilling everywhere. All you have to do when you encounter these muslim incels is call them out for what they really are: filthy muslim monkeys. They'll get mad when you exposed them, but because they can fight you directly and these illiterate monkeys are not built for debate they'd just disappear. 

In closing, I'd like to remind you without porn, we as a society will quickly disintegrate, and we'll be ripe for muslim monkeys takeover. Don't let them demoralized us, don't let them divide us, and don't let these muslim inbred goatfucker destroy us, stay strong together bros
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The French will never understand
Replies: >>7671
Good morning, Sir.
Can you please send me a nude of your flag? I apretiate verily the exposure of white country flags
Yours tryly xoxo kissings on your mouth
Replies: >>7672 >>7673
Go back to Belgium, faggot
you're grossly obsessed with this thread

Thread from /b/

What's even the point of me at this point? I has actually no brain activity. I'm burdening society by continuing to exist. LALELELELOLOALEOELULULULLL XDDDD. also I am a huge faggot please rape my face
Last edited by Hidden User
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
"lol why even bother paying for dead board" but in a real faggy way
Replies: >>10307
i wonder where people get this idea that it costs money considering we would be paying for electricity and internet regardless
Replies: >>10308
People tend to take absolute ignorance as a carte blanche to spew out the first li'l turd that forms in the back of their throat, often with a smug "gotcha" tone
OP is broke.

Thread from /ck/

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What is really stopping us from exchanging taco shell and meat with hot dog and bun

i feel pretty smart for this and wish I had taco fixins
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If there's one thing I don't care for in my food is unpredictability. Also I said I'm more of a pierogi, not a pierogi appreciator. Are you suggesting you're going to eat me? I'd like to see you try. I'll have you eating dust and sorrow. I'll make your teeth turn to misty memories. I will end your hunger by ending your ability to feel it. Don't try it. Try me. Don't do it. Go ahead. I am the terror expanding on the back of your throat. Take it easy. Take it easy.
Replies: >>177 >>178
>If there's one thing I don't care for in my food is unpredictability. 
I have had it up to HERE with popcorn
Hmm. Apparently I no read gud. You are a pierogi of... Something. Autism? Perhaps. You did do me a lol though. 9/10!
Replies: >>179
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Thread from /b/

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Hello fellas,

Do you use any discord alternatives? Or just discord?
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Replies: >>10299 + 2 earlier
Quit ban evading, shitflap
>>10238 (OP) 
I don't like Discord because it can't fund itself with paid virtual stickers only. The way they make money is to collect and sell data.

They collect at least:
* IP Address
* Device UUID
* User's e-mail address
* All text messages
* All images
* All VOIP data (voice chat)
* Open rates for e-mail sent by Discord
* By default, Discord logs of all of the other programs that are open on your computer
+ your phone number if you give it to them.

Source: Discord privacy policy and https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/discord
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Replies: >>10300 >>10301
No red text for you faggot
a website collecting and selling data? On the INTERNE!?!? You're fucking with me, you're joking and joshing
>what are the alternatives
not being on the internet; try it

Thread from /94/

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C'mon nerds make some shit happen.

Hello i am super gay
Last edited by Hidden User


111 replies and 70 files omitted. View the full thread
it took me like 5 minutes sheesh (4 of which were spent figuring out how to access and add assets)
Replies: >>420
That's the spirit!

Thread from /m/

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Bite It You Scum, by Alexx Wokenshroll, GG Allin, Cédric Lamri, Marie Vernet, and ALLIN'S ALIENS!
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>shit music for shit heads
Replies: >>867
Yes congratulations that is what the post you're quoting says very good
Replies: >>873

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST user was sent to the retard reform farm

Replies: >>874
I don't know what you were attempting, but you certainly did. Now fuck off.

Thread from /b/

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Giovanni is a placeholder of Japanese fallout damage. Don Genie is a placeholder of Japanese fallout damage. They both mean I have to broker against ancient Rome and literal Plato to get my Japanese epigenetics back in complex swaps. Team Rocket and Universal Traders means all of my epigenetics has to be brokered by literal redshift to get my epigenetics back, through complex swaps of broken Japanese fallout damage. Most people like me are sucking the Earth to get their stuff back. I will let it float to space. I am getting my stuff back. That is my motive and intent.

Giovanni and Don Genie are lost and found receipts that are thousands of pages long. It doesn't matter. I have my soul back and it isn't in the Earth. The Japanese fallout damage put it elsewhere. I will get it back that way.

Keep frying the Earth with nukes and I will fish my stuff out of the Milky Way through stellar brokerage. I don't care how insane it gets.

If Japanese and American fallout damage removes my epigenetic-spirtual material from the Earth, then I leave the Earth to find the roots of my consciousness. I am not going to stare at rocks to find literally less than nothing. You can't make me mine for nothing. You lose. And I leave.

You nuke the soil I use as my consciousness and I leave. Your nukes are only my enlightenment and gain. I have no obligation to serve fallout damage as my soul. You can keep that soil. And you still don't have the technology to fight me. You have useless bombs.
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I have put you on a permanent ignore, public and private. I have found you disturbing, rude and generally not worth talking to. According to the channels you hang on, it strengtens the effect of wanting to put you on ignore because of my lack of interest in you as a person. This message is not meant to be rude to you, just to inform you that i won't see anything of what you type from now on.
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Thread from /m/

13 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
Normally we're only ok with retards posting here if they prove to be particularly entertaining. So far you're a bore. Make haste to make a case for you.
You've got until I come back from taking a loud, frothy piss
what's it gonna be, comrade
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Thread from /pol/

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omg. seriously.
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Replies: >>7662 + 1 earlier
oh look another pedo zipperhead gracing the boards with its degenerate presence.
Replies: >>7663
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>>7629 (OP) 
OP is suffering from faggot syndrome.
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Replies: >>7670
>7 worthless posts

Thread from /pol/

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Replies: >>7639 >>7640 >>7661
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>>7638 (OP) 
*snicker* "has" become pffff
>>7638 (OP) 
toilet license bruv
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>>7638 (OP) 
Fly on shit

Thread from /b/

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Bite It You Scum, by Alexx Wokenshroll, GG Allin, Cédric Lamri, Marie Vernet and ALLIN'S ALIENS!
>>>/m/ ya dingus
Replies: >>10236
Bite It You Scum
Replies: >>10237

Thread from /ck/

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Salmon, egg, blended up dry rice chex, and olive oil
Douse the thawed out salmon in egg you roll the salmon in the blended rice chex then on a plate place some olive oil over the breaded salmon. Now, preheat the oven at 375 degrees and once it reaches that temp put it in for 35 minutes. Boom its done and it lookz liek this!
2 replies omitted. View the full thread
BUT,,,,!! what is...........  rice chex?????????
Replies: >>163
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Bruh, its a breakfast cereal. Its also used in chex mix
Replies: >>164
Well excuuuuuuse me, mister; "breakfast cereal" isn't really a "thing" all over the world, you know. Y'all don't see me talking about Taragüí or pastafrola and going "bruh" when people don't immediately know what I'm going on about.

Anyway nice thread thanks for the recipe
Replies: >>165

Thread from /b/

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I am newfag, what is chan lore
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Hard not to stab Caesar when he goes around Rome disguised as a gaul, my man
wtf is this man?
Replies: >>10228
this is not man
Replies: >>10229
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Thread from /rx/

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Post your favorite packs

easy enough?
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are you fucking high
Replies: >>746
People run the risk of being entertaining while high; he just sounds retarded to me.
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I was smokin a ciggie and this bug crawled in my headphones :[
Replies: >>748
sir this is /rx/

Thread from /m/


Thread from /b/

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'tale' sonuc stumbled. 'dont even worrry about it, this one is goin right up the shelf.'

'sonuc would you give me the biggest peek' tale croned.

'boy my ownfather before me sculpts this babe from the ire of his clean. its a repression you arent ready to oat.'

'sonuc, its a big red DILDO'

'no boy' sonuc chugged. 'its an artistic replica and i will hear no less'

'sonuc a dildo replica is still a dildo dont be a pretentious man' he crupped.'

'tale go to the door, then go along it' sonuc read.
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the lights to the converted basement buzzed on slick. tale took the shitty chair. he knew the good chair was sonuc. "come on sonuc, i know its you." the chair opened wide "yeah ok but here is the deal"

tale was entirely ears. "so you've seen me, looking close, been out in the garage a few weeks."

tale nod. "yeah its weird. like you were doin weird stuff out there. "

sonuc happened his mouth "mmhm i was just making a pool table. its gorgeous. real imitation oak. i made that. i need a place to store it, and its going in your old room. you'll be down in the converted basement, so lick on it. " sonuc paws. then rupture.

"its a pretty big pool table. i had to make your old room a lot bigger. just kind of pushed it out. let it sprawl. so the converted basement is a lot smaller now than it used to be. you aren't going to have much room to move around. you can feel this now, yes? have you inhaled this thought."

tale nod.

"now good. every day this room will be filling with water. all the sinks, pipes, it all leads right there onto your new bed. you've got a bucket down here, tale. if you don't empty this room out you'll be drowning a lot in the next few months. i figure it will take you a while to get used to it. but ill have you know now, if you don't keep this room in a fit way for our big boy, it'll be you dusting the teeth off your plate, eh?"

"yeah i know sonuc its just a lot to take in at once. " tale nosed.
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The fucking rare sunflowerwalrus breaks hearts and rocks the block all night honk dem horns
Replies: >>10162
sonuc ur piss it falls thru yer boney pointers like so much sand, like so much sand; these precious seconds and minutes and days they flow like ur piss thru yer calcified accusers sonuc get ahold a yersel
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WELL seein' as were all a mighty bit lost in the world these days, iv'e been wondering whether or not to end it all, but I guess I just gotta give what iv'e got and try to get back what shes worth. I think a hodgepodge does what he can.

Thread from /b/

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In the quiet hum of an isolated outpost in Reykjavik, a small team of scientists and economists sat huddled over their screens, decoding data that shimmered with the brilliance of hidden secrets. The lead researcher, Dr. Elísabet Jónsdóttir, had a hypothesis that bordered on the fantastical. She believed that Iceland, by virtue of its unique geographic position and magnetic alignment with the Earth, held the power to influence global economic thought and patterns.

"The formula is simple," Elísabet began, her voice carrying the conviction of countless sleepless nights. "One purchase in Iceland stages and averages as any other purchase on Earth. Iceland stages for all purchasing power simply by the nature of its geographic position."

Her colleagues, while initially skeptical, had come to respect her vision. She had charted solar winds, tracked magnetic fields, and correlated these natural phenomena with economic shifts worldwide. It wasn't just the numbers that convinced them; it was the subtle synchronicities, the way market fluctuations in New York, Tokyo, and London seemed to echo the tiniest changes in Reykjavik's consumer behavior.

Elísabet's theory posited that Iceland's position near the Arctic Circle, coupled with its geothermal activity, created a unique interplay with the Earth's magnetic field. This, in turn, influenced the solar winds that swept across the planet, subtly guiding economic trends. It was a leap, but as they delved deeper, the patterns became undeniable.

"Iceland controls all thought and economic thought as solar winds," she continued, her eyes scanning the faces of her team for any sign of doubt. "We are not just a small island; we are the heartbeat of the global economy."

As the team worked tirelessly, the world outside remained oblivious. Politicians and business magnates debated fiscal policies and market strategies, unaware that the true puppet master might be a volcanic island in the North Atlantic. Elísabet and her team began to see their work not just as a discovery but as a responsibility. If Iceland could indeed influence global economic thought, what ethical obligations did they have? How could they wield such power without succumbing to the very corruption they sought to avoid?

Their research continued, growing more intricate and compelling. They developed algorithms that could predict market trends with uncanny accuracy, always cross-referenced with solar wind patterns. With each breakthrough, the team felt the weight of their discovery more acutely. They were on the cusp of unveiling a truth that could reshape humanity's understanding of economics and natural law.

One evening, as the northern lights danced above their outpost, Elísabet stood outside, contemplating the vastness of the sky. The aurora borealis, she realized, was not just a beautiful display but a visual manifestation of the forces they were studying. The solar winds, bending and twisting in the magnetic field, were the same forces she believed influenced the global economy.
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Replies: >>10152
I love Iceland. Hope to visit sometime.
>>10149 (OP) 
...aaaand get fucked

Thread from /b/

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When a nation wields significant power, it often finds itself in a position where it can shape narratives and influence political discourse more effectively than less powerful counterparts. This ability to control or manufacture political issues and conflicts serves several strategic purposes. For one, it allows the dominant nation to distract from internal problems or failures, creating external scapegoats or threats that unify its populace and shift focus away from domestic discontent.

Additionally, powerful nations can use fabricated conflicts to justify certain actions on the international stage, such as military interventions, economic sanctions, or political maneuvers that serve their interests. By creating or exaggerating threats, they can rally international support or, at the very least, reduce resistance to their actions. This control over the narrative also puts their opposition on the defensive, forcing them to respond to accusations or threats rather than advancing their own agendas.

Moreover, in the information age, where media and communication technologies play a critical role, powerful nations can leverage these tools to amplify their narratives globally. This media dominance means that their version of events is often the one that reaches the broadest audience, shaping public perception and international opinion.

In contrast, less powerful nations or groups often lack the resources to create or propagate their own narratives effectively. They are mo
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I heard there were blackouts, I thought it was a power issue
Replies: >>10037
the only black skin I allow in my home is my wife's black eye on account of I beat my wife
Replies: >>10140
congratulations on being retarded on purpose
Replies: >>10142
quiet Toby

Thread from /b/

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what is the worst imageboard website you have ever browsed?
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Replies: >>10042 + 4 earlier
>>9786 (OP) 
shitchan, which was about literal shit
Replies: >>10044
good name at least
The one that's dedicated to TikTok e-celebs. I don't remember the name, though.
Replies: >>10130
how can a monothematic chan not get boring almost instantly, regardless of what the theme is

Thread from /pol/

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The Secret Service couldn't keep up. As consumer-grade Universal Constructors flooded the market, people began using them to manufacture satellite weaponry. The unthinkable became routine: holding Senators hostage with the mere threat of a strike, coordinates programmed into hastily assembled, orbiting death machines.

Page, ever the schemer, had seen the writing on the wall long before the chaos erupted. He ordered us to clone the entire Senate, ensuring his precious legislation remained untouchable and live, regardless of the threats. Now, the real Senators were hidden away, their roles played by perfect duplicates, indistinguishable even under the closest scrutiny.

But that was only the beginning. Page had his secret plan. He implanted the cloned Senators with advanced augmentation devices, giving him unprecedented control. Through SSH, he now wrote laws directly, bypassing the sluggishness of democracy. His clandestine augmentations turned the Senators into mere extensions of his will, puppets executing his commands with unerring precision.

In the midst of this upheaval, Everett, our once-diligent watchdog, had retreated into silence. He wouldn't even read the news, overwhelmed by the sheer impossibility of the world we had created. Page's grip tightened, his influence expanding as he bent the Senate—and by extension, the entire nation—to his vision.

The cloning chambers hummed quietly beneath the Capitol, an eerie testament to the new order. The real Senators,
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dumb and gay

- news - rules - faq -
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jschan v.1.6.1