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Psalm 94

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Replies: >>5305
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>>5304 (OP) 
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hang on guys, are they implying that black people have aids
Replies: >>5307
>black people 

Do you mean niggers? Well, yes

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I'm tired of myself.
I wanna die but i know is painful anyway.
I'm still alone every friday/saturday night for life.
What the fuck is life expecting for me?
Replies: >>5272 >>5273 >>5303
>>5271 (OP) 
Life is not an anthropomorphic entity that expects something from you. That's a copout. And whoever said that suicide has to be painful?
Also weekends are overrated. You can get whores any day of the week. And if you're looking for a meaningful emotional relationship I've got news for you: That's just your lizard brain lying to you, to coerce you into creating life. Don't do that: It's a crime.

tl;dr: If you're gonna mope about, do it right.
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>>5271 (OP) 
Don't say that, there's still so many things for you to experience. I'm 32 and feel like I've been through a lot until I compare it to the time I have left. Being alone doesn't mean you have to be lonely, either. Find value in yourself anon. Try a shift in perspective, positive thinking yields positivity. Know that you are never truly alone and there are people out there that you might not even know that love you. You're important.
Last edited by ihm
don't do it.

but if you do, stream it and do a flip faggot.
>>5271 (OP) 
elliot rodger is that you

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post cats RIGHT MEOW
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Just doin my job
This is Jules
Replies: >>5268
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And his brother Bo gets a boop
Replies: >>5268
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nice cats. look fluffy
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this is the only good picture i have of my cat because he won't stay still long enough to get his face in the picture. this was taken by my friend who used to work as a photographer. i got this one framed actually

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why are all you people now trying to "expose" me? It seems every other month some random Q people or anonymous detectives are trying to out me for something I never done.

I can see that IHM is yet again angry with me because I blocked her. stop being petty and grow up there's nothing you can say to convince people I'm certainly evil or trying to orchestrate some wicked plan to takeover the internet.

I personally have no more involvement with 8chan and they hate me you would have known that if you just do basic astute research about me instead you all are just making up more theories about me that borders on fan fiction.
67 replies and 28 files omitted. View the full thread
go back to africa
Replies: >>5258
I'm probably whiter than this entire website, Shlomo
Replies: >>5259 >>5262
No chance, subtropical mud hut denizen
Being albino doesn't count

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In this channel, liberals flip out on street preachers. I think they’re in Canada.
Last edited by captaininsano
4 replies omitted. View the full thread
stop being in denial you hasidic jew
Replies: >>5247 >>5255
I'm not the other guy ya fuckin fed
Just try the channel out!

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Try reading the global rules, faggot

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USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST read the fucking rules, no porn, dicks, gore etc fuck

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lol true.

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Replies: >>5176
>>5170 (OP) 
looks dry af. like western united states. yuck.
Looks wet af. Like eastern United States. Yum.

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why are all you people now trying to "expose" me? It seems every other month some random Q people or anonymous detectives are trying to out me for something I never done.

I can see that IHM is yet again angry with me because I blocked her. stop being petty and grow up there's nothing you can say to convince people I'm certainly evil or trying to orchestrate some wicked plan to takeover the internet.

I personally have no more involvement with 8chan and they hate me you would have known that if you just do basic astute research about me instead you all are just making up more theories about me that borders on fan fiction.
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why are all you people now trying to "expose" me? It seems every other month some random Q people or anonymous detectives are trying to out me for something I never done.

I can see that IHM is yet again angry with me because I blocked her. stop being petty and grow up there's nothing you can say to convince people I'm certainly evil or trying to orchestrate some wicked plan to takeover the internet.

I personally have no more involvement with 8chan and they hate me you would have known that if you just do basic astute research about me instead you all are just making up more theories about me that borders on fan fiction.
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why are all you people now trying to "expose" me? It seems every other month some random Q people or anonymous detectives are trying to out me for something I never done.

I can see that IHM is yet again angry with me because I blocked her. stop being petty and grow up there's nothing you can say to convince people I'm certainly evil or trying to orchestrate some wicked plan to takeover the internet.

I personally have no more involvement with 8chan and they hate me you would have known that if you just do basic astute research about me instead you all are just making up more theories about me that borders on fan fiction.
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((( why are all you people now trying to "expose" me? It seems every other month some random Q people or anonymous detectives are trying to out me for something I never done. )))

((( I can see that IHM is yet again angry with me because I blocked her. stop being petty and grow up there's nothing you can say to convince people I'm certainly evil or trying to orchestrate some wicked plan to takeover the internet. )))

((( I personally have no more involvement with 8chan and they hate me you would have known that if you just do basic astute research about me instead you all are just making up more theories about me that borders on fan fiction. )))
Last edited by Hidden User

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This place used to be fun? Its just constant drama about some fat furry faggot or 8chan like come on

IHM why do you even care about these people so much?
Replies: >>5172
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>>5164 (OP) 
lol idk

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USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST It is time for you to go fuck yourself

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