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Psalm 94

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Lol 4chan is down. Rest in piss.
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even big sites have fallen
only so much fed and neonazi backing can do to pump up the corpse
Replies: >>7655
I'm sure you are
you're literally replying to a 4chan immigrant
what hiroshimoot does meets the bare minimum definition of "run"
Replies: >>7703
that's so interesting

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Whats evolutionary reason why even thru i didn't want to drink, at supermarket i had such low impulse control, i got some beer, just in case i want to on weekend. 

My guess is that most of my ancestors that had higher impulse control didn't drink and rape/fuck some girl, and only my ancestors that got drunk and then were funny, and fucked some girl did survive. 

But now thanks to internet and such things you can just drink beer at home and be entertained. So it doesn't works anymore.
Replies: >>7678
>>7677 (OP) 
In english?
>goes on reddit

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How far can this thing smell?
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We agree.
Replies: >>7666
we indeed agree that you fuck dogs
Replies: >>7668
Replies: >>7669
being nonchalant about raping dogs does not make dogfuckers any more welcome here, you know

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Achievable natty?
Replies: >>7480 >>7667
i must become long
Replies: >>7494
>>7478 (OP) 
dread natty roots natty?
But are you a cat
>>7478 (OP) 
not the neck, but the rest yeah

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blorp sheelp plap popl leb shlaborb blomb. blomb shlorbelb blarb blep
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good, we've been getting shitty gets lateky
Replies: >>7004
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>imageboard admin calls anyone autistic
Replies: >>7664
because you are, mootlover

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Deathly screams, in the depths of the sea
A foolish plan, no one left to see
A propane tank, their vessel of fate
Dumbasses going, to witness the great

The titanic, a majestic sight
But their craft, was built so light
Cheap and unsafe, it could not last
Imploded and crumbled, under the pressure of the past

Death awaits, in the dark abyss
No hope left, for these foolish ones
The titanic, a vision of beauty
Their fate, sealed by their own stupidity
114 replies and 48 files omitted. View the full thread
 keep your hopes up, maybe one day
Replies: >>7486
f o l l o w y o u r d r e a m s

I aim to please
Billionaires killed themselves.
No-one went to gaol.
Based and red as fuck.

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How flexible are you
Replies: >>7570
>>7569 (OP) 
I have put off meeting with friends several times, even though I only get to see them once or twice a year, because the only time they were all free was Saturday Night, and Saturday Night is Film Night. It is the Night in which I watch a Film.

So, no, I'm not very flexible.
i have relatively high tensile strength and low-medium rigidity per unit
I can 360
Replies: >>7660
pics || GT

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google formalin cat
Replies: >>7439
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We said cats, not dumb whores.
Sister it quite literaly is not. Check ur calendur
i tawt i taw

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The AGO has confirmed it has received complaints from Incognet and Crunchbits and that the complaints fall under the scope of their office. I am filing mine this week.

Residents of Washington may be needed soon.

Edit 1: Small update but when we tried to route another /48 off my subnet it was also blocked immediately before ever being pushed live as an AAAA record. In short, this means the company is actively hawking my subnets and terminating them as soon as they go up to deliberately deprive Washington residents of Internet access to websites of their choice.


Edit 2: Actually, they blocked my /32, which means Hurricane Electric is blocking 65,536 network blocks containing 65,536 subscriber blocks each with each subscriber block containing 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible addresses. With this number, I could assign each gram of the Earth's total mass 74 IP addresses each. They have done this specifically to accomplish keeping Washington residents off the Kiwi Farms.

c 4 urself

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Stop posting this dumb shit here we've warned you

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good. your site is for faggots
Replies: >>7646
is that why you're still here wasting everyone's time?
yeah, post gore ya big boy, that's going to get the attention you crave so
Replies: >>7653
i am so glad that image was automatically thumbnailed, because what little i did see made me glad it didn't load fullscreen.

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Verse 1

Mama said don't do no foolin', don't get caught up in no mess
But these young motherfuckers they just don't seem to care less
They just don't think it through, gettin' pregnant and shit
Mama said don't do no foolin', don't do it for no hit


Oh, them young motherfuckers, they don't care what they do
Gettin' pregnant and shit, don't think it through
Mama said it ain't right, so don't you do it too
Gettin' pregnant and shit, it's something that you should never do

Verse 2
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Want me to travel back in time and shoot the artist in the balls?

Bruh that park has golf let it be a sanctuary
Replies: >>7555
what, it's too small to have golf; I think you're confusing stations, no wonder you didn't show up
Replies: >>7627

My bad

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