/pol/ - politically incorrect

take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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I've been lurking around the alt chans, looking for a decent refuge.
This /pol/ is slow but breddy gud.
But dudes, and dudetes, you need to reply more, to get the convo going.
It doesnt matter if there's only two ID's talking.
You got to start somewhere.
The main problem the posters on this board has is fear of talking in an echo chamber, and replying without being a smart-ass or smart enough.

I'm rooting for you guys, because from what I've seen, you guys are at the top of the heap, as far as I can see, by my standards.
So can we please make this happening?
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Replies: >>1168 >>1172 + 1 earlier
>>919 (OP) 
Hey frens. I sometimes forget about these alts. Youre right OP I should reply more. Im cutrent on a 3 day at a lesser chan for calling who i assume is a jannie a pedo/groomer. All the disney threads recently. Turns out i hit a nerve and the reason given was replying to a pedo thread. Fucking makes me mad. I have always tried to help curb the degeneracy and now these cunts think theyre funny. Can not be bothered to hit the IRC so I vented ITT.  I hate the antichrist.
Replies: >>1169
that's alright, the IRC server is having issues at the moment anyway but there's always the tg or discord as well

edit: irc is fix lul
Last edited by Hidden User
>>919 (OP) 
Hvem faen er du?
how do i eat ass

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It just can’t happen anymore. They’re so psy-op’d by whatever the boogeyman of the week is on reddit/twitter/the guardian that they can’t comprehend anything that requires some basic thinking and isn’t already a media-approved concept. Last night I showed some friends how DARPA LifeLog’s cancellation date is the same date as Facebook’s founded date. Anyone with a fucking BRAIN can understand the basic, raw implications of that. Instead someone in the conversation noticed on wikipedia that LifeLog was cancelled because libertarian groups complained about it. I’m not a libertarian but I think that they are one of those boogeyman groups leftists get practically mkultra triggered by the mention of. The conversation immediately became (verbatim quotes):

>”libertarians don't mind about civil liberties stuff if its done by a private company. they only care if its done by the government. so well done to zuck for realising that”
>”another in a long line of delusions that plagues the libertarian”
>”i wonder how a platform like that but run by a government would be. maybe it would be something like nextdoor”
>”maybe it would be something like nextdoor”
>”maybe it would be something like nextdoor”

How many worms do you have to have slithering around in your brain to miss such an obvious point handed to you on a
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>Everyone I know who expressed reasonable vaccine hesitancy but then went on to get vaccinated now shills hard for vaccination and treats vaccine hesitancy as delusion at best or virtual criminality at worst
This is the same concept as parents whose children have been vaccinated.
It's just a bit more vain and pathetic, in that to ADMIT that these vaccines COULD be bad, or even worse ARE bad, would be to admit they made a mistake; that they have only themselves to blame for any and all harm that come to them as a result. They chose this, after all, "willingly."
We have to stop seeing these people as part of "we"

In general I think everyone who will side with the nannystate has already earmarked themselves

living rent free in your head

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>It starts with

One sneed
To seed and feed
It doesn't even matter how hard you seethe
Keep that in mind, I designed this shitpost to make trannies cry

>Watch them cope

Sneed is a powerful thing
Watch it get posted as the trannies all swing
From the ceiling, a hilarious thing
Trannies, jannies and niggers are all the same thing

Blown the fuck out below
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((( and that's a GOOD thing )))
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This will lead to WW3?!
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Replies: >>999
Replies: >>1000
/it's fucking happening/
Replies: >>1017
Nice get

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People fighting, dying and fleeing from their foreign volunteer duty in Ukraine.
Contributions welcome, please google translate if not in English and archive.


>Swede - Jesper Söder
March 13

>Norwegian - Fredrik
March 15
>Norwegians - Fredrik, Kevin + Damien comments
March 29
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Replies: >>788
>>729 (OP) 
Kek what a bunch of clueless dumbfucks. Those people can vote!

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it is of my belief that America will fall, the only question is will something rise from the ashes or be taken over by Russia or China.

First and foremost fuck communism. Shit is just an excuse to ignore human rights.

what would be a better alternative to the current system America has? The mass corruption has come to be because of the inherent flaws in the system and the lack of integrity of those who hold political office.
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Replies: >>173 >>183 >>770
>>138 (OP) 
You're a fucking retard. Countries don't just "fall". What shows have you been watching? Maybe go read a book for once.

The United States Government, and I'm pointing to the Law not the military side, if it were to "fall" because a
A better alternative would be what we used to have minus the corruption plus some extra feedback systems to ensure whatever corrupted the previous system never arises again. 

Corporations should not be allowed to exist other than for a temporary commission to complete some project
>>138 (OP) 
It'd more likely be taken over by the Blue Helmets by the UN but not for the reason you'd think.

An already fragile US means certain "disasters" would have to take place to really kick the heel of the table on this. I used quotes because all calamities are preplanned. Sure, it could be a proxy invasion by the Chinks and are already weakend Tranny military would need the assistance of the UN, it could be a series of "natural" disasters triggering a SoE in the states and reliance of humanitarian aid. There's no true way to predict what will happen, but there certainly will come a time where the Kabbal will topple our Empire such as they did with every great empire before them.
>>138 (OP) 

>What would be an alternative

Austrian Economics.

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Gun control hypocrites
Because guns are euros privilege,nigger

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Putin isn't the one telling me my adolescent son could be placed on hormone blockers against my will as a parent.

Putin isn't the one telling me my daughter must accept mentally deranged trannies in her bathrooms and gyms.

Putin isn't the one requiring affirmative action for boards of Nasdaq listed companies.

Putin isn't the one telling me I owe black people reparations based on skin color.

Putin isn't the one installing lawless district attorneys in major cities across America.

Putin isn't the one who locked up Americans without bail for peacefully protesting an election widely suspected to be rigged.

Putin isn't the one plotting to destroy my constitution by packing the supreme court.

Putin isn't the one teaching my children to hate themselves and their heritage.
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I have denied nothing and only showing Putin is not for the white race.
But please keep showing off how much of a faggot you are kid.
Replies: >>621
meds, xir.
doesn't fuckin sound like it, Karen.
Putin is the one telling that you should worship central asian churkas and armenians

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Kids movies are pozzed. 
What can we do about it?
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