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take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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so the plaid army and the diagolon meme, boogyman, "terrorist group" is living rent free in the minds of the canacucks and the uniparty.

i mostly lurk here, but ive only recently learned of the plaid army and associated streamers.

i was pretty tuned into the 2022 convoy protests, yet i never heard of these guys participation front and centre in those protests. 

honestly shits funny af, and its so funny because its causing mass moral panic in the shitlib sphere

#yeetthejeets is their newest piece of memery. 

recently they mass reported the gofundme for a hideous canadian trans/antifa activist who got arrested for assulting zogbots who where breaking up an pro-hamas/anti-israel protest....

honestly this is kinda cool to me and i thought id share it. 

some context, this is their wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagolon
when i was looking into these guys, basically all the people who call anything they don't like, whether it be Nazi/white supremacist/fascist or not, are calling Diagolon and the plaid Army Nazi/white sepremacists/ fascists so thats not exactly helpful....

turns out I was in a few of their telegram channels without even knowing it, I joined them several months or years ago because I saw some stuff that I liked, like good political arguments and points

I've been trying to do research into them, because the MSM claims they are some internet organization.... and have figured out that essentially diagalon is essentially a Boogaloo adjacent meme

Ive started to listen to a few of their live streams, there's definitely some stuff I don't agree with, but there's also some things I do agree with

when I looked them up on google, the results definitely seems censored. 

I've been trying to do my own research on them and figure out if they're a group I want to follow or no

they definitely said some spicy stuff, but not really any worse than you hear in a lunch room or on Facebook

this link explains the meme
>i mostly lurk here

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>A meta-analysis published online in JAMA Psychiatry in September found that Black individuals are at higher risk of ADHD diagnosis than the general population, a finding that “challenges generally accepted statements that Black individuals have a lower prevalence of ADHD compared with others,” the authors note.

How do we solve the negro sperg question? Education doesn't affect them at all because they can't read due to lack of focus and attention span. Do we need to build special sperg camps?
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It's a superb anti swede repellant because this is how their flag is expected to look within this decade or so
Another sunny day in paradise
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The final solution.
Replies: >>7480
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We should convert this thread to a Norway appreciation thread just like swedish twinks are being converted to islam

Also we are better rednecks than them who prefer moonshine over amphetamines and we know how to volvo better than their svensson asses

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>this backdoor is at least triggerable by remote unprivileged systems connecting to public SSH ports.

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I just realised the reason only the word schizophrenic is not in all caps is probably because OP didn't know how to spell it so he googled it and copypasted it LMAO
Replies: >>7453
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May OP rain dogshit on you all.
truly shameful, i at the least respell the word next to the correct spelling in all caps
Replies: >>7454
who asked

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Replies: >>7365
russian troll
Replies: >>7362
a boring one at that
I remember the 2008 Kartvelia conflict well, and it's weird how no one else I personally know seems to

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If all you consume is what you enjoy and agree with, that is confirmation bias. I like to get the views from a wide spectrum whenever possible. This puts me at odds with many people because we aren't a banana republic yet, but we're getting there.
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and the shit you agree with is low-IQ gypsy bullshit, aye
Uh yeah sure, nigger
Replies: >>7281
Aim your responses before we all make fun of you
Replies: >>7282
excuse him, he's got the gyppoisom

Back when we had funny shitposts whilst having a variety of topics to discuss while having a hands-off approach to moderation. And of course, no kids or trannies roaming about to poison the community.
Replies: >>7255 >>7256
>>7254 (OP) 
That means you won't be bothering us anymore, right?
>>7254 (OP) 
That's nice, fuck off.

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Congratulations, IHM.
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you dont gotta pay for sex, man
Replies: >>7236
>Not only does he still obey the Symbolic Imperative, he also thinks "no money exchanged" = you're not paying for it
lol how primitive; enjoy the middleman monkey dance
Replies: >>7240
wow your such a brilliant, intuitive, red-pilled, little incel, aren't you?
Replies: >>7241
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worry not

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Spoiler alert:
We didn't.

And we also openly despise the LGBTQPedo crowd, have reported/exposed numerous people for openly grooming minors in Roblox/Discord/etc, and helped send at least a few of these freaks to jail.

Their Twitter account is freely allowed to post such insane defamation and neither Twitter nor any part of the 'justice' system will do anything about it.

Kiwifarms is far from the only website Epik has harmed and/or responded to with complete insanity.


Epik's registered address is a hole-in-the-wall office in Wyoming.
30 N Gould St Ste E · Sheridan, WY 82801 ; Phone. +1 (737) 301-5923

Anyone who happens to know where their *actual* office(s) is/are, please feel free to chime in.
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Reach out on telegram, I'd rather not post publicly yet.
Username is tetrachromat.
Replies: >>7056 >>7057
I'll get one of my contacts.
If someone just contacted you now, tell him a good condiment that goes with what he mentioned.
Replies: >>7058
I see nothing. Make sure the @ is tetrachromat. Display name is IHM and I've got a picture of Shodan as pfp.

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Are you faggots ready to have a December to remember?
Last edited by Hidden User
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Granted: Their slave trade did give them the chance to poin to the only two undisputed american originals worth anything at all, which are blues and jazz (and even then with two bigass asterisks next to each genre), but damned if the whiteys didn't try to take credit for "perfecting" the best thing they ever had, indirectly making blacks turn to funkadelic and afrika bambaataa
>Metallica has never done anything to deserve any sort of praise

Could have saved yourself time by just stopping there

Christ you're unbearable some of the all of the time.
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>6970 >>6971
The rest will never not need be said
I know, I know. At least I'm not a swede tho

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Continuing  thread
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Replies: >>6961 + 1 earlier
nice sentence but I dont speak fucking stroke
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shoot the sand monkeys back to allah
Replies: >>6762
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>also bumping retarded thread
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>>6221 (OP) 
remove kebab

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