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take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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it is of my belief that America will fall, the only question is will something rise from the ashes or be taken over by Russia or China.

First and foremost fuck communism. Shit is just an excuse to ignore human rights.

what would be a better alternative to the current system America has? The mass corruption has come to be because of the inherent flaws in the system and the lack of integrity of those who hold political office.
Replies: >>173 >>183 >>770
I think the future for the United States of America is balkanization as a means of preventing corruption. Historically, the USA was a union of independent nation states with some powers deferred to the Federal government. The Federal Government being the central and main government is a new thing, and it clearly isn't working out. So, a return to separate governance seems to be the most likely next step.
Replies: >>140
That'd just letting EU takeover our sovereignty then. Global government is upon us whether we like it or not. Soon, having a government that serves its people's interests will be a thing of the past. Maybe we should accept the future for nationalistic minded people summed up as something like "decentralized theocratic technocracy" or "tribal socialism"?
Replies: >>143
I think what would happen instead is a regression to a smaller federal government and more power granted to State governments. A sort of "soft" balkanization, so to speak. This would create a quarantine for corruption as less federal influence would mean less effect of federal corruption. Likewise, corrupt states would have less influence on non corrupt states. It would also allow for greater diversity of governance in the United States. 
As for the EU, it's a bad joke. The European nations hate each other, and some of the worst wars in humanity's history have been fought amongst them. So naturally, as we're currently seeing, letting these nations appoint unelected officials in order to write rules for each other isn't working out. There's no secret to why Brittan decided to leave. I can't imagine the EU lasting for more twenty-five years. The only reason they haven't outright dissolved already is a collective fear of Russia.
Replies: >>169
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>First and foremost fuck communism. Shit is just an excuse to ignore human rights.
No. The point of communism is that it's a mode of production without class society or the exploitation of workers with wage labor. Commodity production would no longer exist, and the state will cease to exist as it is a manifestation of class society. It is true that "Marxism-Leninism", as conceived by Stalin, is opportunistic as it merely preserves commodity production, wage labor, and as a result: capitalism. "Socialism in one country" and "socialist commodity production" are all Stalinist concepts that have led to the death of working class emancipation. All I'm gonna say is that Amadeo Bordiga was right about everything.
Replies: >>168 >>170
The problem with being born into a capitalist society is that change requires money, and if you have the money, why would you want it to change?
Oh my fucking god. Are you trying to prove Mutts with their education level should never be trusted with their opinions? Shut the fuck up already you snownigger cocksucker
I hope your island gets nuked again
 Commie cuck
communism was created by the jews.
Replies: >>172
And you gave the Jews the key to controlling the fucking world by submitting to them like good german trash
>>138 (OP) 
You're a fucking retard. Countries don't just "fall". What shows have you been watching? Maybe go read a book for once.

The United States Government, and I'm pointing to the Law not the military side, if it were to "fall" because a
A better alternative would be what we used to have minus the corruption plus some extra feedback systems to ensure whatever corrupted the previous system never arises again. 

Corporations should not be allowed to exist other than for a temporary commission to complete some project
>>138 (OP) 
It'd more likely be taken over by the Blue Helmets by the UN but not for the reason you'd think.

An already fragile US means certain "disasters" would have to take place to really kick the heel of the table on this. I used quotes because all calamities are preplanned. Sure, it could be a proxy invasion by the Chinks and are already weakend Tranny military would need the assistance of the UN, it could be a series of "natural" disasters triggering a SoE in the states and reliance of humanitarian aid. There's no true way to predict what will happen, but there certainly will come a time where the Kabbal will topple our Empire such as they did with every great empire before them.
>>138 (OP) 

>What would be an alternative

Austrian Economics.
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