How 4kike/pol/ is used to demoralize newfags.
Memeflags. - ONLY on 4/pol/ - To help shills hide and samefag.
No .webm audio. - ONLY on 4/pol/ - To stifle the flow of information.
No Tor/VPN posting. - To harvest IPs and identities of potential dissidents, and to help identify and arrest you if you are deemed to be too dangerous.
No mention of other boards/chans allowed. - Can't have the niggercattle escaping their pen.
Clearly written rules in the pinned post. - Multiple posts that violate these rules directly and blatantly on every page are never removed. - This is to demoralize you.
Quality posts, real world happenings, confidential leaks, forbidden knowledge, organization to action/activism are deleted arbitrarily and regularly. - Meanwhile the trollposts, shills, leftyprop, ridicule, and other worthless threads are kept up. - This is two fold; to demoralize you and to stifle the flow of information.
Bots. - Around the time the Telegram bot was made that would attempt to describe any images posted on Telegram with a phrase that starts with "I think it looks like ..." was made, such messages began to be posted on 4/pol/ randomly. Over the years this and many other indications of botposting have been observed on 4/pol/ and whenever a new bot comes on the scene, posts in that bot's writing style start to appear on 4/pol/ - This is to give the illusion of more traffic, and to dilute/bury information and meaningful discussion.
Bumping on 4/pol/ is fake. Bump order is