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take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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Sieg Heil, fellow Aryans

We've all heard the names: Jews, Hebrews, Semites.

Well, I believe that the Semites (from the Biblical lineage of Shem) were White - Caucasian, along with the Adamites that came from Adam and his wife, Eve.

The name "Jew" wasn't even mentioned in the Holy Bible until like 2 Kings, but there needs to be made a distinction in context.

The word "Jew" highly likely (in the New Testament) is used as a litmus test for understanding and knowledge. The changing of language, identity, has been happening on a frequent basis throughout history. Most of the changes are around absolution of bloodlines, DNA, etc, and more around the merging of peoples into a singular nationality. For the most part, "SEMANTICS" is BS when it comes to DNA. Immutable fact.

There should be a clear distinction between the "Jew" of today's term vs a person who is from the tribe of Judah. And, the nation of Judea... Even though the Romans ruled over the land of Judea, Edomites - a people from Edom, or Idumea - slowly progressed north of Edom into the newly exiled lands of Judah by the Babylonians. A certain number of people from the nation of Judah returned, under an edict from Nebuchadnezzar, returned back to the land of Judah to build the Second Temple. A certain group of Edomites decided to levy their way into "helping" the people of Judah build the second temple. The same individuals were rejected. In jealousy, they decided to write to the officials in the land and abroad of what was "happening", obviously, obfuscating the facts from the officials.

There is no mistake... The Edomites were still in the land when the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees took over the Second temple. With the advent of Jesus' birth coming around, the Edomites, now known to be "Idumean" in Roman tongue, had held power in the land now known as "Judea". Likely could call a citizen a "Jew" - after JU-dea (maybe a different form of "Idumea" - Iudea. The king of Judea (EDOMITE / IDUMEAN) had likely heard prophesied mysteries of a chosen Messiah / Anointed one - known now as Jesus Christ - unto which he would have likely killed, if not for a temporal fleeing down to Egypt. Mary and Joseph returned after some time, but it didn't save the rest of those around Christ's age of being slaughtered after the census.

Remember: A census can be good, in a particular way, but can be harmful when the local, state and national governments use it to de-populate Caucasian numbers through "Diversity quotas". "Diversity quotas" should be considered real. Certain numbers of inter-racial relations happen because of propaganda, "tolerance", deliberate immigration and wars / rumors of wars.
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Replies: >>5102 >>5117 + 2 earlier
>>5083 (OP) 

Another note, Herod was not king of Judea, he had no lineage pointing back to the 12 tribes at all, the kingdom no longer was recognized at this time due to Roman occupation. He was of Greek and Roman heritage.
>>5083 (OP) 
I love jesus and he loves us all
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The Bible is the truth, whether you accept it or not.
And God accepts all who put faith in Him regardless of race.
Replies: >>5165

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So what happened I'm starting to feel like we got used for some purpose I'm not sure of?

A lot of us are from Dread and there was a person that wanted us to use this website even paid people some money? Now everyone died and no one has any clue what happened?
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Replies: >>5157 >>5160 + 2 earlier
No idea.
>>5153 (OP) 
>Political Ramifications
yeah, Erdogain is gonna get murdered because of what happened here
bruh lol
>>5153 (OP) 

what drugs are you on? I want some of them

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7chan's now using AI to moderate boards
>As I'm sure many of you are aware of, the economy has taken a bit of a downturn for a while now. Unfortunately, 7chan has not been immune to the effects of this economic pinch either. Our inability to secure further venture backed capital combined with diminishing advertising revenue rates have left us unable to continue paying the salaries and benefits for our staff. We were sadly forced to make the tough decision to let most of our moderating staff go last week. As a measure to help mitigate the loss of our valued moderators, we have created some tooling to leverage ChatGPT as a form of post vetting and moderation. Currently, this new AI assisted moderation process is only being used on /b/ while we sort through some of the expected bugs, however we hope to roll this system out site-wide by the end of April. We appreciate your patience, and we wish the best of luck to our former moderators in all their future endeavors.
At first I thought this AI stuff was another false alarm, but I'm not so sure now.
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I thought 7chan got seized by interpol for housing cp? They on some onion server now or something?
Replies: >>5107
I'm not aware of that happening anytime prior to 2015, but I also stopped paying attention to 7chan around 2010 so I could have missed it.
Replies: >>5108
they still have /cake/ so it hardly matters: they're pedos
Replies: >>5109
Yeah, but that's not an answer to the question that was asked.

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Jvtl huk mpuk tl dolyl dvykz hyl dopal huk aol zrplz hyl nylf.
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Replies: >>5074 + 5 earlier
>>5055 (OP) 
This is a Caesar Cipher. It translates to:
Come and find me where words are white and the skies are grey.”

(Once again, spelling out Mastermind)
Replies: >>5075 >>5076
do you even read threads before replying
Replies: >>5077
>im more autistic than you

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Homofascism is the worldview of Truth to put it simply. This Cosmic Truth reveals itself via the Männerbund. The Männerbund are and always will be the Aristocrats, Warriors, Noblemen, etc. And more importantly they are always Homosexual. “Why is that?” you may ask. Well it’s quite simple really: the act of Homosexuality mirrors the acts of the Divine throughout Aryan mythology (whether it be Germanic/Norse, Greco-Roman, Celtic, Vedic, etc) and therefore puts itself above mere Heterosexual reproduction thus establishing Hierarchy which we all know is fundamental to Fascism.

Homosexuality will always be the basis of Fascism. Many of the early members of the NSDAP were Homosexual (Ernst Röhm, Edmund Heines, Karl-Günther Heimsoth, to name a few) and even Hitler can be speculated as such. People such as De Sade and Nero were also unarguably Proto-Fascists. And please do not tip me off to the Jewish Propaganda that Homosexuality was outlawed in the Third Reich. All of the sources I have seen to support such claims are from Jewish/Liberal academics, wikipedia, and forgeries.

You may ask “How can I help Homofascism?”. I’m glad you asked. I’d advise you install grindr on your phone and start recruiting Aryan Men to your own Homosexual Collective. Such an act is a relatively small one in the grand scheme of things but each small step will inevitably lead to the Homofascist Galactic Lesenbraum, free of the Femoid disease with the ability to breed with other Men via Genetic modific
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Greatest Roman historian holds up about as much weight as greatest Greek physician.
Figure of speech spoken by a true idiot - you and
Replies: >>4779
Lol great troll anon.People really fell for the bait.

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I don't watch the super bowl, but I'm surrounded by boomers who do. This year I found myself revisiting an essay Richard Spencer wrote a while ago, and it's honestly on point. Thoughts?

>The System doesn’t want us to do; it wants us to watch. It doesn’t want us to create but consume; to watch porn, not make love or produce familes. All experience is to be moderated; all value, monetized and commodified; and all community, reduced to brands. Fandom itself is an expression of the loss at the heart of the modern world. Men want to fight and win, be part of a gang, sacrifice for glory, and be rewarded with fame and women. (Even nerds want this, as they gravitate to videogames of war, conquest, chivalry, and violence.) “Fandom” is the collective identity the system is willing to offer us.
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Replies: >>4906 + 1 earlier
t. butthurt eurofag

Streaming services. I try keep up to date on things
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>>4882 (OP) 
He is not wrong
Hes correct on that one.But i lost respect for him long ago after he sold out and deradicalized and how hes lost pretty much all standing he had before.

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We had a good run for a bit, but the time has come to split into multiple countries, become a federation of states, or kill each other off.

The vast majority of the country plays into the evil subversion tactical puppetry going on in Washington and literally treat politics and our livelihoods like a team sport. What in the absolute fuck makes anyone think that there should be winners and losers when we're all in the same fucking country. A rising tide should raise all ships, not fuck you, I get what I want and fuck everyone else. 

Before someone makes some comment about me sounding like a socialist or something retarded like that, fuck democratic socialism, it doesn't work in a country of our size and never will. Cronyism of all kinds is the cancer killing America. Quid pro quo, pork barrel legislating, sending money to foreign nations while we have people here starving to death, etc.

I'm not even necessarily calling for  a violent revolution unless the federal government stands in the way of we the people exercising our constitutional right to abolish the federal government. It is time.

Lefties can congregate in their states and have their liberal utoptias, righties can have their 2nd amendment approved tactical nukes in their states, and we can stop pretending a nation of this size is governable by anything other than a tyrant or monarch.

If you disagree, you're fucking retarded.
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i didn't say the contrary nigger
that's what governments are designed to do
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Replies: >>5015

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What is the political implications for us pushing the use of Datura to junkies in order to scare them away from drug use, thus becoming more productive people. 

Should we conduct a mass psychological operation on drug forums?
What do you think anons
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I love /pol/ very much you autistic nigger
Pussy. So ashamed of the faggot country you come from that you can't even show it. That's worse than French boys.
Replies: >>4994
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Replies: >>4914
>>4908 (OP) 
Quit promoting your faggot videos, if you can't say it was the jews then I do not want to hear it.
Replies: >>4989
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he directly stated it was the WEF/NWO so he basically said ti was JEWS
Replies: >>4990
We have ID's on this board. Retard.

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Can we talk about it?
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so hyperborea bread?
anyone read The Coming Race? i'm interested.
Its more believable than the official Holocaust narrative for sure.

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