/pol/ - politically incorrect

take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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File 169833720742.png - (129.35KB , 680x625 , cognent.png )

Polish companies have been the predominant source of our recent uptime. However, Cogent's CEO seems directly invested in shutting us down. I have had multiple run ins with Cogent and this is their most aggressive.

Usually the Tier 1 ISPs have censored the Kiwi Farms by simply refusing to broadcast my IP addresses. However, since Liz Fong-Jones has been successful in censoring the Internet this way, I no longer even try using my IPs.

This time, Cogent has directly instructed a customer of theirs to stop providing us - by name, through the customer's own IP addresses - networking infrastructure.

No company has done this until now. This is the most invasive, direct actioning from any ISP thus far.

If you are in the industry you need to make it absolutely clear to Cogent that you intend to move your business elsewhere.

Just to confirm, Cogent's CEO is directly forcing two customers to drop us, not just one.
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Hello nigger
Replies: >>7482
great addition to the board, Kyrgey

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>A meta-analysis published online in JAMA Psychiatry in September found that Black individuals are at higher risk of ADHD diagnosis than the general population, a finding that “challenges generally accepted statements that Black individuals have a lower prevalence of ADHD compared with others,” the authors note.

How do we solve the negro sperg question? Education doesn't affect them at all because they can't read due to lack of focus and attention span. Do we need to build special sperg camps?
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It's a superb anti swede repellant because this is how their flag is expected to look within this decade or so
Another sunny day in paradise
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The final solution.
Replies: >>7480
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We should convert this thread to a Norway appreciation thread just like swedish twinks are being converted to islam

Also we are better rednecks than them who prefer moonshine over amphetamines and we know how to volvo better than their svensson asses

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There must be formed and renewed a union of the Celtic and Germanic peoples. This union must be spiritual and societal in nature, inviolable while sill maintaining the sanctity and sovereignty of each people. Unlike the ancient Etruscan and Hispanic faiths, ours was not fully extinguished by the millennia of tyranny, though it was gravely wounded. To end Romano-Abrahamic ambitions to see us destroyed, the culture of our ancestors must be restored to the public consciousness. This must not be construed as Pan-Europeanism, it is not. The Celts, Gauls, Germans, and Norse are all peoples free and separate, but only by their union in purpose can the very concept of freedom be saved. The swarthy legions of the Latins, Hispanics, Hellenics, Balkan Slavs, among others, have proven time and time again their eternal enfeeblement before the architects of that so wretched tyranny they call the Great Work, the world's end for which the ((( Legacy of Rome ))) strives so passionately.

More to follow
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>celts extinct
Tell that to the Cornish and Bretons, faggot
Replies: >>7461
haha cool anyway
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The situation, to many, will seem hopeless, but remember what the enemy has done to you and your loved ones, and the righteous fury they have instilled in you will rally you against any doubts. They have massacred our people, and razed centuries of our architecture and wealth in a fraction of the years it took to build it (Karl der Gross). They have eradicated our just faith, which celebrates the beauty of Creation, and family, and justice, only to replace it with a Gnostic abomination pieced together from Babylon, to Jerusalem, to Rome. All that we love, nature, children, ideals, etc. is an affront to those we face; mere fodder for the great silence of destruction, and their fantasy of nonexistence. Recall that our people have for millennia pulled a great part of their sustenance from the very claws of death, and as the truffle consumes the corpse of ages past, our people bring it out to sustain new life in perpetuity. If our ancestors did this, what can we not accomplish?
Replies: >>7463

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>this backdoor is at least triggerable by remote unprivileged systems connecting to public SSH ports.

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I just realised the reason only the word schizophrenic is not in all caps is probably because OP didn't know how to spell it so he googled it and copypasted it LMAO
Replies: >>7453
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May OP rain dogshit on you all.
truly shameful, i at the least respell the word next to the correct spelling in all caps
Replies: >>7454
who asked

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When you see those nofap threads, always assume filthy muslim monkeys are behind every one of them. It's pretty self-explanatory why they push it, but in the end it's all about spreading sharia law to everywhere. The day we implement sharia law is the day we lost to those disgusting arab monkeys.

You should treat porn as entertainment, there's nothing "unhealthy" about it unlike what these monkeys have claimed. Porn is the main driver of technological advancement, it is an essential element of our society. It's also interesting they never mention small startup porn producers, and how they'll get hit with their backward propaganda. No, these sneaky fuckers paint porn producers as all big powerful cartels, in order to make it easy for us empathetic westerners to dehumanize anyone in the porn industry. 

As we approach November, you can expect more nofap shilling everywhere. All you have to do when you encounter these muslim incels is call them out for what they really are: filthy muslim monkeys. They'll get mad when you exposed them, but because they can fight you directly and these illiterate monkeys are not built for debate they'd just disappear. 

In closing, I'd like to remind you without porn, we as a society will quickly disintegrate, and we'll be ripe for muslim monkeys takeover. Don't let them demoralized us, don't let them divide us, and don't let these muslim inbred goatfucker destroy us, stay strong together bros
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no it doesn't you illiterate pooinloo
if they stop masturbating they're just gonna rape more
ISIS is a CIA creation for the bush administration
Replies: >>7450 >>7451
why would Bush have made ISIS when he did 9/11 himself
Al-Qaeda is a FDA creation for the Carter administration

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All relevant discussions go here.

Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner of 420chan
2-112 Buckingham ave Oshawa, ON, CA
A winnebago in the woods, lol

Honk honk!

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Replies: >>5159
You're in the right thread!
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Lol now Comatoast is footing the hosting? Y'all are sad.
Replies: >>7379
and nothing of value etc

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Replies: >>7365
russian troll
Replies: >>7362
a boring one at that
I remember the 2008 Kartvelia conflict well, and it's weird how no one else I personally know seems to

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How do we advertise this place without it becoming a tranny-fed shitfest like 4cuck?
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That's a weird way to ask to be censored. Do you have a humiliation fetish or something?
Replies: >>7294
Replies: >>7295
Be quiet, euronegro
Replies: >>7296
euros dont get quietness

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If all you consume is what you enjoy and agree with, that is confirmation bias. I like to get the views from a wide spectrum whenever possible. This puts me at odds with many people because we aren't a banana republic yet, but we're getting there.
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and the shit you agree with is low-IQ gypsy bullshit, aye
Uh yeah sure, nigger
Replies: >>7281
Aim your responses before we all make fun of you
Replies: >>7282
excuse him, he's got the gyppoisom

Back when we had funny shitposts whilst having a variety of topics to discuss while having a hands-off approach to moderation. And of course, no kids or trannies roaming about to poison the community.
Replies: >>7255 >>7256
>>7254 (OP) 
That means you won't be bothering us anymore, right?
>>7254 (OP) 
That's nice, fuck off.

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