/pol/ - politically incorrect

take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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File 169833720742.png - (129.35KB , 680x625 , cognent.png )

Polish companies have been the predominant source of our recent uptime. However, Cogent's CEO seems directly invested in shutting us down. I have had multiple run ins with Cogent and this is their most aggressive.

Usually the Tier 1 ISPs have censored the Kiwi Farms by simply refusing to broadcast my IP addresses. However, since Liz Fong-Jones has been successful in censoring the Internet this way, I no longer even try using my IPs.

This time, Cogent has directly instructed a customer of theirs to stop providing us - by name, through the customer's own IP addresses - networking infrastructure.

No company has done this until now. This is the most invasive, direct actioning from any ISP thus far.

If you are in the industry you need to make it absolutely clear to Cogent that you intend to move your business elsewhere.

Just to confirm, Cogent's CEO is directly forcing two customers to drop us, not just one.
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Replies: >>7485
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the ape got raped
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hi rapeape
still coping about your dox i see kek
Replies: >>7752 >>7755
>replying to a weeks old post with schizo nonce-sense
this truly is the /pol/ of all time
we don't like 420tards here, fuck off
Replies: >>7756
aw man my edited finnpost

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Illegal threats by liberals
haha cool
>angry faggots
Moronic leftist clowns

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As we all know the US government likes to groom, organize, incite, and commit mass shootings. They tried pinning Uvalde on 94chan just like they pinned Christchurch on Kiwifarms.

 Post your best evidence of the crimes committed by US Government and discuss.
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They tried pinning the trump assassination attempt on 8chan
Replies: >>7734
>evidence means schizo ramblings right?
>They tried pinning Uvalde on 94chan

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Only the classic

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Congrats in advance 
Time to kick some ass
Replies: >>7742
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Fuck yes it is glorious POST THE SALTY TEARS LADS
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>>7740 (OP) 
The salt is amazing. GOD BLESS AMERICA

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murk the pigs

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So I was randomly on Google Earth until I searched up area 51 and this is what I saw

2 planes ready to go
No aliens just badass planes in a air force base called area 51
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Replies: >>7724
>>7710 (OP) 
Yeah, it is a government owned airline, they fly from Las Vegas. Callsign is Janet and an ICAO identifier of "WWW".

This is all public info, by the way.
Replies: >>7725
you're a government-owned airline
Replies: >>7727
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Gonna have to have a word with that plane.

Israel-Hamas war latest: Israel carries out attack on Hezbollah headquarters in Beirut
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Replies: >>7714
This post is perfectly normal and not schizoid at all; very good
Replies: >>7713
haha nice dude *high-fives* xD
>>7683 (OP) 

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Antifa troon terrorist attempted to assassinate President Trump today. This was clearly an act of war. If they can't steal an election, why not just arkancide the opposition? Fortunately, liberals are so fucking gay they can't shoot and only grazed his ear. Must be a skill issue.

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Listen: We ALL want to shoot U.S. politicians. Don't try to make the schizo sound less of a schizo.
ZOMG tehres been anuva shoitng o_O
Replies: >>7681
speak like you have matured mentally at least somewhat over the past 20 years please
Replies: >>7682
I suck cock for old bread
Last edited by Hidden User

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When you see those nofap threads, always assume filthy muslim monkeys are behind every one of them. It's pretty self-explanatory why they push it, but in the end it's all about spreading sharia law to everywhere. The day we implement sharia law is the day we lost to those disgusting arab monkeys.

You should treat porn as entertainment, there's nothing "unhealthy" about it unlike what these monkeys have claimed. Porn is the main driver of technological advancement, it is an essential element of our society. It's also interesting they never mention small startup porn producers, and how they'll get hit with their backward propaganda. No, these sneaky fuckers paint porn producers as all big powerful cartels, in order to make it easy for us empathetic westerners to dehumanize anyone in the porn industry. 

As we approach November, you can expect more nofap shilling everywhere. All you have to do when you encounter these muslim incels is call them out for what they really are: filthy muslim monkeys. They'll get mad when you exposed them, but because they can fight you directly and these illiterate monkeys are not built for debate they'd just disappear. 

In closing, I'd like to remind you without porn, we as a society will quickly disintegrate, and we'll be ripe for muslim monkeys takeover. Don't let them demoralized us, don't let them divide us, and don't let these muslim inbred goatfucker destroy us, stay strong together bros
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The French will never understand
Replies: >>7671
Good morning, Sir.
Can you please send me a nude of your flag? I apretiate verily the exposure of white country flags
Yours tryly xoxo kissings on your mouth
Replies: >>7672 >>7673
Go back to Belgium, faggot
you're grossly obsessed with this thread

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