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Psalm 94


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i think we should troll 8chan someday. they have a board for zoophilia. sick shit.
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If I'm wrong, please correct me. 👍
Replies: >>1357 >>1359
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I honestly don't bother keeping track, however I have reason to believe he's more involved than he isn't. Buying 420chan off of Kirtaner and appointing cho0b plus his history of other sites points to him still involving himself with this shit whether or not he owns it. Influencing, I guess.
Fuck 8chan day came about because of some poltard saying they were from 8chan but i don't think he specified which either

but tbh fuck everyone else, 94chan predates all the degenerate user created boards comfy hugbox lynxchan webring bullshit.
You are wrong in your insistence to exist

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i've found this ib with a board for pedo shits, it reminds me of 8chan but even worse.
Replies: >>1352
>>1351 (OP) 
well it certainly is trying to go for the 8chan look
Replies: >>1353
fuck 8chan

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tell me I'm a naughty boy
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Replies: >>1340 >>1341
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>>1338 (OP) 
I'm not feeding your humiliation fetish, faggot
>>1338 (OP) 

Lol no

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>where you could do whatever you want and use a vpn

There's never been an imageboard like that, for obvious reasons.

8chan, home of pedophiles, murderers and rapists. Yes that's what we need more of. Fuck out of here
how about don't
ok pedo

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kill chris chan

disgusting individual that ought to have died in prison due to blunt force drama

pic not rel
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Replies: >>1317 + 1 earlier
>>1294 (OP) 
Do you really need two monitors? Seems like waste of electricity.
Replies: >>1318
pic is off of /g/ so not mine

not as much electricity as u  think. i had 5 monitors one time.
pls go to alogspace.
Replies: >>1325
what if I fucking don't

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tf is this lol
Replies: >>1321 >>1322
>>1320 (OP) 
A banner.
>>1320 (OP) 
Are you retarded or just "pretending"?

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tranny faggots made a list of trnasphobic twitter user(names)

what a thin skinned beta thing to do
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Replies: >>1211 >>1287 + 2 earlier
>>1195 (OP) 
>be lgbt
>claim to not be pedos
>murder pedos
>lgbt starts flipping shit
Why so Afraid faggot if you aren’t a pedo there’s nothing to worry about
Replies: >>1212

is this a kyle rittenhouse bit?
>>1195 (OP) 
Mass culling of troons is what we need, in pajeetland troons kidnapp little kids and chop off their dicks to make them another troon. And killing troons for that is illegal.
Replies: >>1288
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What I'm hearing is that we need to exterminate all pajeets. I agree with your statement that pajeets need to be exterminated. Also nice work bumping a dead thread

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Dear /i/...

It's time for something to be done about the cancer known as "soyjak.party".

For the past year or two, they have been shitting up chans with "soyjaks", and making Anonymous look like reddit or 9fag.

They even have their own pathetic excuse of an /i/ knockoff.

Just throwin' it out there.
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an admin also went rogue and posted everyone's IPs, even if it survives this it'll be gone for a while
Replies: >>1243
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if anyone has $8k you can kill it
Replies: >>1239
not worth a zimbabwean cent
oh please, I did that here for the first month we were up.

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not into trigger warning shit but uh if you struggle with self-harm, maybr sit this one out. 


time to mass report this account.

pic not rel

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where are the raids?
idk someone tried raiding /b/ about 49 minutes ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
would you guys raid chatrooms?
Replies: >>1203

Why not
this takes me back to the days when I used to use AIM invader to scare my friends

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