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Psalm 94


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Who has the hookup for the good shit, like port scanners and trojans and whatnot? Post em here.
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Replies: >>43
Isn't it always?
Replies: >>33
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looks open to me
close the port 80
>>30 (OP) 
>not using kali
ngmi bruh

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meme made by a buddy of mines owo brb hacking into your main frame
Replies: >>25 >>41
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>>24 (OP) 
Replies: >>26

haha rm sudo lmao
>>24 (OP) 
Not bad, but a bit too genZ for my memetastes.

t. 27 anon

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Seems like the internet overlords in silicon valley are pushing the "be nice" tolerance shit on the mainstream. What's the best way to break through and fuck with them?
Replies: >>35 >>37
>>34 (OP) 
nobody gets hurt when feelings get hurt

i got banned from a discord server for telling someone where he lived because he had a skype listed on his profile, like bro are you for real
>>34 (OP) 
Fight back like we used to. Psyops, use their own tactics, infosec, cancel culture. Pose as a normie, build yourself up whatever identity you decide to portray, infiltrate their circles and learn their methods. Then begin to apply them and weaponize it from your angle.
Replies: >>38
No. That's too nice. Think of a more frontal assault.
Replies: >>39
A more frontal assault means jail and short lived fun. This is the long game, anon.

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i am anomalous region

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i hacked 94chan and inserted my own xss in new banners

there is a lot of gay porn
Replies: >>11
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>>10 (OP) 
>source: trust me bro
Replies: >>27
>source: i have many gay porns

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hello my children im cyber criminal 12 and iv been hacking toasters and rooting toiltets to clog people on them from 2012 todays subject is how to ddos first download LOIC,HOIC,udp unicorn or thors hammer also cant forget another leet 1337 haxor tool hping after that you need an ip to ddos to grab ips head over to grabify.net and using leet 1337 social engineering skills and make them click the link after that open your tools and also click this link for a full guide on how to web app pentest deface using XSS  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ also here https://files.catbox.moe/ve2sq8.txt
Those links aren't entirely correct. You can see more accurate info here:


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OwO whats this?
*notices ur dox*

brb hacking the gibson
Replies: >>9
im scared
>>1 (OP) 

>no centOS sticker on the laptop

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