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Psalm 94


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Why does this Dystopian Cyberpunk trope not exist irl? Why is there no elite hacker groups working to take down globohomo like the Juggernaut Collective from Deus Ex? Are Hacker groups just leftist cowards filled with CIA fake and gheys? 2nd Question why isn't places like 4chan not full of leet hackers and shit? Have we really been reduced to just memes in a ((( brave ))) new world?
Replies: >>184 >>185
they were all derailed into lgbtqiap+ groups after occupy wall st almost caused people to have inconvenient thoughts
>>182 (OP) 
This is the final stronghold of the webz man, the rest is dead and infested by the troon virus. We are the last ones left, the final hope of humanity.
Charge your lazers, un-gape your asshole and join the cause because this is it
>>182 (OP) 
Chanology was the beginning of this infiltration of feds and media in the chan and hacker groups, then operation wallstreet cemented it. Notice also how both of these happened under Obama. Really makes you think.

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Last edited by ihm
Replies: >>160
>>159 (OP) 

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1. Go to "guerillamail.com"
2. Compose an email to "[email protected]"
3. ???
4. Profit
4 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
not my problem, I've never used it
Replies: >>158
Why not try 10 minute mail?
Replies: >>157
I had forgotten about that one, thank you very much!


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If this guy is still around, what are some ways we can fuck with him? His last stream was only 2 days ago.

Holy shit I thought he died with the bronies. I will pass along this information to Gaben.
Replies: >>147
Gaben who? The fat man who never gave us hl3/hl2ep3?
Replies: >>148
Yes, the mascot of NCF. 

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4chan anonymous poster

the url gives me aids though. be better.
Replies: >>142
What was in the link?
Replies: >>143 >>144
beats me, i didn't click on it cause the domain is cringe
From the looks of the URL, it seems like a 4chan archive (like boards.fireden.net or desuarchive)

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IP: themutiny.org
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/H7azvUaJbN
Version: 1.12.2

This is a Minecraft server with no rules and the map will not be reset. The server is based on Java Edition 1.12.2, but you can join on newer clients (hacked/modded clients are allowed). This server also does not support Mojang/Microsoft's shitty bullshit chat report feature.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Swing and a miss champ

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we ought to create a a pro-racism group on this spacehey site

who is with me
Replies: >>121
i mean xenophobia is a big thing when it comes to spacism
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>>119 (OP) 
I’m all for it, just created my account:
Replies: >>123

wow, suspended in 2 days, way to go

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make the lives of these scammers as miserable as posible 


joanne sietzema
cody karson

they live in red deer alberta. neither have jobs, they just live off welfare and theft.
Replies: >>118
>>117 (OP) 
Number isn't in service.

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we dox, hax, ruin lives and also send pizzas faggots who ruin other lives,criminals,scammers and pedophiles. as we stuff bbc in there mouth we do not dox the "innocent" some may find the information here valuable so feel free to fuck over these faggots

let the wars begin

[link removed as OP cant afford to keep their honeypot running for even 90 days]
Last edited by Hidden User
heil o/
So you're moralfags?
Also, site's dead.
Fucking Dead Shit
Your site has to be online in order for us to check it out 

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what is this page and why does this mp4 provide places to test it
15 replies and 8 files omitted. View the full thread
>I could consider IP relays though, which use a middleman which slows things down since it needs an operator to type out text the other person says and speak what I type out, but it allows a bit of anonymity and the operator has to say whatever I type even if it's ridiculous
Sounds like some lulz in the making
Software update, fuckface.
Replies: >>104
Ehrm, admin? What hoster do you use?
Replies: >>105

Private individual :3

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