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Psalm 94

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>empty salad dressing bottle 
>bay leaves
>3 or 4 frozen garlic cubes
>Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
>Honey Mustard 
>Bragg's Liquid Aminos
>Sesame Oil
>Olive Oil
>Shake Well
Simple as.

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Anything wrapped in pastry is good. 
What delicacies have you pastrified?
Replies: >>64
>>61 (OP) 
In Spain I made a type if pizza like dish but with puff pastry and it was bomb diggity. Don't have any pics though

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Here's a burger I made a few years ago.
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Condiments of choice on next
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Some green shit, idk was probably trying to impress a chick or roofie a male vegan
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Now wrap ur fucking laughing gear around that ya fuckin cunt
that's a good fuckin burga ye dill cunt

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Post pics and shit about pizzas in here or GTFO

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how do you niggers make your pizza? I like mine hot, with loads of jalapeno
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I'm a fan of anchovies so you can imagine how popular i am :(
Replies: >>42
you would be popular with me, fren. regards op
Replies: >>43
ayy :D

this is why i keep emergency caesar dressing
Replies: >>44
emergency caesar dressing is more important than having a fire extinguisher
Last edited by Hidden User

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What is /siegK/ throwing on the grill tonight?
had some pork chops last night, shit was delicious

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what is your favorite soul-draining bar food to eat when your date doesn't show up
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aw man I love them lil niggies with their ridiculous laugh they do.
Replies: >>12

my spahget
They cute, their wings are good too
I thought I'd won the lottery when my old bar had peanuts, but that only lasted for a couple weeks.

For shit like bar/grill restaurants  I'll smash the fuck out of some beer battered pretzels.

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I'm currently waiting on Domino's, got the chicken carbonara pasta with boneless chicken wings and mango habanero dipping sauce.

My favorite? Panda Express. That chow mein is to die for and orange chicken never fails.
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friday night, should have just gone for carryout somewhere else tbh
it takes less time to make a pizza then it is to get it delivered at costs far less. All this excess bloatware infastructure of pizza places has strained out economy and caused much angst and strife so help us god.
Replies: >>33

I like doing carryout, it takes tip and excess fees off the table
popeyes crispy chicken sangwich

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Can a batch of wings that were made WAY too fucking spicy be salvaged? Maybe made into a soup, or something else that would tamp the heat down a bit? I ordered 24 of them last nite and they're completely inedible.
Replies: >>30
try dipping them in sour cream, should be fine
Replies: >>29
Yeah or blue cheese maybe, I should have thought of that. Right now I'm trying to decide if I want to risk it. Pretty sure I'll get in trouble at work tomorrow if I'm on the shitter all morning.
>>25 (OP) 
caesar dressing is my goto for that, can't guarantee it'll work for you tho

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Hey so I don't plan on giving out board ownership, but if you guys want stuff like "official" rules, board ID's enabled, different css (even though this is clearly the 2nd best one) file size etc, let us know on >>>/94/7

or i guess here, it'll be stickied for 3-7 days.

take it easy~

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