/rx/ - drugs

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Psalm 94

1. No asking for drugs, soliciting drugs, discussion of sources for drugs or the sources for equipment and supplies to make drugs, or in general any discussion of buying or selling drugs in any way shape or form.
2. Do not encourage reckless or careless use/abuse of any substance.
3. Feel free to ask questions about whether something is harmful. We are here to minimize harm.
4. Be excellent to each other. We're all just trying to have a good time.

Keep in mind that we are not medical professionals, just people relaying our own experiences, so please do your research before following any advice on this forum and when in doubt, seek a medical professional.

Do your research

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DPH is really weird. Small Doses seem to have a fun, thrilling ride, but when you go past 400 mg you start going to hell. 

The dry mouth and dysphoria in heavy amounts of dph, might be counteracted with Beer?

Would this make a good trip?
pic unrelated
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You're saying that beer makes dph visuals (bugs, spiders, shadow objects) more vibrant, or does it make them less occurrant?
Replies: >>233

Beer will make no difference in the hallucinations or dissociative effects, it just will cause extra cns depression so if you're not a heavyweight or very mature drug user, it can be a bit much and potentially leave you comatose for awhile
Replies: >>234
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Ok. Beer does not make any difference--is there a substance that does?
Replies: >>235
Beer does make a difference. All alcoholic beverages do. You will literally destroy your liver/kidneys doing this. Be smart.


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It's a royal pain in the dick, that's why I use bowls or one hitters
Replies: >>189
better hope it's not crunchy use a razor or splitter and plenty of spit to seal.
Replies: >>189
i dont understand why these are even popular. they just frustrate me. 
you split them? some jogger i used to work with told me to unroll it. but i could be wrong that was years ago. i dont work with joggers anymore.
Replies: >>190
You can unroll the outer leaf on say a Dutch Masters but if you want the blunt experience just go grab a wrap such as Platinum or Royals, they're much easier to fuck with

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Tramadol in Norway
Replies: >>180
Great post
such content

Replies: >>181
>>178 (OP) 
Wow stop namedropping me
better content than your mom's pussy
Replies: >>182

my mom's pussy created me, and I'm fucking amazing.

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maybe you should get a job
This thread is about anything but drugs.

Replies: >>176
this thread is brough to you by drugs
Replies: >>177

That is a good point actually

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Replies: >>133 >>149
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>>107 (OP) 
LMFAOOOOOOO is that u anon.
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Dont mind me Im just shrooms
>>107 (OP) 
i remember seeing this and laughing so hard. this is when retards were buying tree sap / pine resin instead of wax , no lie hahaha. i think it was around 2018

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Hey, you know. Drugs are bad. Mkay.
Replies: >>148
>>147 (OP) 
Please, continue.

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I looked at the catolog, no ones asked this yet and im new so i was wondering if yall could help me (:

(Im not a glownigger btw)

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST You also can't read dumbfuck

Replies: >>142
>>141 (OP) 

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What is the worst drug you've tried
Replies: >>138
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That shit was one of the BEST one I took. Spiritual love and child-like euphoria for me, although I started off slow in calm, familiar environments. 

I did accidentally take 25-NBOMe, the synth LSD, and that just had me horribly confused and out of it wouldn't recommend.

The worst drug I possibly took was ketamine. Went full retard into a K-Hole drooling on myself then vouched to never touch the stuff again.
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bath salts. felt like extacy, kept me up all night and the weirdest thing was seeing red in the walls where there wasn't. they say if it's bitter it's a spitter but i had a good time on NBOME, just don't take too many or you'll die unlike the real stuff which you should just do instead anyways if possible.

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Is it a good idea to take LSD and shrooms together?
Replies: >>137
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I've never tried it, have you checked Erowid? They may have information on it. I imagine it'd be fun.
someone posted this before but I cannot vouch for the validity or accuracy

It's something I've thought about, and I really don't see it being much of a benefit to do both at the same time.

I noticed on the combo tripsit it cautioned cannabis and psychedelics. Which makes sense, even 10mg of THC took 1 gram of mushrooms to a whole other level.
>>124 (OP) 
Maybe if youre experienced but as someone whose taken both from high to low doses (never together) I wouldn't advise it.

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i'm trying to find information on the best ways to abuse kratom

they sell in my state but idk how to abuse it and tips would be helpful

thanks i love you thanks
Replies: >>127
sackojew dont delete this thread you autism faggot loser retard bastard
>>122 (OP) 
boof it
kratom is terrible

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