/rx/ - drugs

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Psalm 94

1. No asking for drugs, soliciting drugs, discussion of sources for drugs or the sources for equipment and supplies to make drugs, or in general any discussion of buying or selling drugs in any way shape or form.
2. Do not encourage reckless or careless use/abuse of any substance.
3. Feel free to ask questions about whether something is harmful. We are here to minimize harm.
4. Be excellent to each other. We're all just trying to have a good time.

Keep in mind that we are not medical professionals, just people relaying our own experiences, so please do your research before following any advice on this forum and when in doubt, seek a medical professional.

Do your research

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Replies: >>30
>>29 (OP) 

Congrats making the 1000rd post on 94chan as a whole.

The staff at 94chan would like to thank you all for posting and generally being autistic enough to be the dumpster fire of a community you are. <3
Replies: >>34
Thx ty <333
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we fucking did it! Thanks to the amazing efforts of everyone involved.

good game niggas

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What is the best way to get high /rx/?
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When I was young and wicked, I actually threw a rock in with the weed when me and my mate smoked a bucket bong. That shit blew my mind and hurt my lungs pretty bad for a few days.
Replies: >>24
shit i did it out of a bowl and it was rough enough lol

also your lungs going numb is an odd feeling
Replies: >>27
lmao ikr, my friends keep reminding me how they have done all sorts of fucked up things in life, but never on a crack in a bucket bong level -fucked -up.

Your lungs going numb can be pretty distressing if you're not prepared for it or used to that kind of numbness from doing coke, i wasn't sure i was breathing for about a minute after exhaling.
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>28
I've smoked spice resin, some of that headshop K2 shit. It threw me in a fucking time loop. Bad shit.

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Guys I am low iq what drugs can I take to become smarter
any at this point
Replies: >>26
not really how that works. stims can help you learn shit but there's not really a fix for dumb short of removing the warning labels and letting natural selection do its thing :/
shrooms have been proven to reset your brain essentially and cannabis also has beneficial effects on the brain.
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Have you ever had a genuine bad trip while using psychedelics? what was it like?
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That's fucking intense. I was watching American Dad on an incredibly high DXM dose once and I swear characters came out of the TV and spoke directly to me and I was in the show. 

Dissociatives, man.
Replies: >>20
Man it was insane as fuck, I'm glad it didn't last long.
What's funny is that the very next day, I passed my German exam and got an A.
I used to eat 3 bottles of robitussen gelcaps and listen to music until I would feel like the song I was listening to.

feeling like Garbage was surprisingly pleasant but lemme tell you what korn's Untouchables cd feels like to be
Last edited by Hidden User
Two, actually. Benadryl and n-bomes.

I took 25-30 Benadryl my first time, 25mg each. I recited the alphabet for no reason, saw extremely realistic spiders and beetles exploding on the walls and window blinds, and I tried to hand a lit cigarette to an arm reaching through my wall. Worst of all I felt like an actual wooden board. Moving was next to impossible. I was also very twitchy.

I did a single tab of n-bomes. I was in a dark room and I could feel this weird pressure just pulsing, then suddenly felt like I was spiraling down, spinning really fast. I forgot how my doorknob functioned and spent 2 hours trying to get out of my room. I had locked myself in and began panicking, finally figured it out and got the door open, and thats when I saw the entire room flipped 180° like a funhouse mirror effect at a carnival. Astounded, frightened, and tickled by this I shut the door only to lock myself back in. Rode out the rest of my trip and felt anxious.

TL;DR stick to shrooms

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wow i fucked up the first post

i'm not even high

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