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Psalm 94

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dear homicide and IHM

you are both sexy and homosexual

that is all.
Blessed post
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Requesting a dedicated tor onion address for the site.

t. Tor masterrace.
Replies: >>325
I'm sure OP is some fucktard wanting the spam the site with cp.
Good on you homicide!

Since everyone seems to think all the site staff have been censoring them or abusing power or whatever, put your complaints in one thread so they can all be addressed adequately instead of shitting up the entire site with it.

I can't speak for the other mods, because I'm not them, but the only shit I've deleted or edited was illegal content or porn. 

That being said, I became a mod because I was asked to by a friend, not because I wanted to get in the middle of some internet war and people are going after my actual livelihood and members of my family now, so with that being said, this is my last act as a mod, to try and get things clarified and hashed out so we can go back to shit posting as God intended

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Thanks for spoilering the dix and gore on /b/
Thanks for spoilering the dix and gore on /b/
Replies: >>274 >>275

NP I wasn't sure whether to just ban or not, but yeah, that shit isn't going to fly here. Figure as a warning we would spoiler it first then start banning
Replies: >>275
I've been debating banning the gore but it wasn't like that gory if it makes sense and luckily no more has been posted. If it gets worse then yes I'm gonna ban it, that stuff is creepy.

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Welcome to 94chan.
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Replies: >>190
Spoiler File
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>>2 (OP) 
Thank you. I have just found this alt. I guess its true wut they say, "keep counting" its slow of course but i hope that changes. Nigger nigger nigger kike faggot. This has been only a test.
Replies: >>191
Quality over quantity. Godspeed, anon.
hello i would like to eat ass
Replies: >>193
request denied

replace reverse image search tineye with yandex
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Replies: >>182
>>143 (OP) 

you know what, fuck it. done.
Replies: >>183
Replies: >>184 >>185

why do you people make me regret things
it was done because yandex shows best results and doesn't filter.

Hello I would just like to know why if you are back why you were gone before, and also what happened to chans 0 through 93?
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nice dubs
2008-2012 cool
Replies: >>15
Yeah it's been a very long time. Glad to be back!
Based. Thank you for your service.
Replies: >>171
True to Caesar

Not to step on anyone's toes, but this site could use more professionalism from staff.

I think it's quite cringe to use old memes for the board descriptions ( even if it is ironic)
Replies: >>162 >>163 >>169
>>161 (OP) 
I think the only ironic thing here is you saying that an imageboard from 2008 shouldn't have relevant descriptions. I don't allow a lot of the things other altchans cater to, so I think I'd rather let the content speak for itself than change my descriptions.
>>161 (OP) 

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>>161 (OP) 
Lmao how empty is your life that you want your 94th Chan to "have more professionalism".

Neck yourself, plz. You clearly don't belong here on 94th street.

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Hi, so the latest news post is gonna be a divisive thing, I'm sure, but since Kirtaner is being a dumbfuck and dragging me into his beef with IHM, I've disabled tor, as he is documented as having posted CP to attack people before.

Anonymizer file posting is disabled.
The DNSBL is on.

If you don't want us having your IP address that's cool, we don't log shit. Unlike Kirtaner, weev, feem, bonzi_b, Ian, moot, Partyvan, and probably countless other irrelevant people from 2008, we're not fed informants.

If you have a problem with any of the above, or have any creative solutions that take more than 5 minutes to circumvent, feel free to reply.
Last edited by homicide
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Loli is illegal federally in the US, so yeah.
Last edited by Hidden User
Not sure what any of that means but I'm down with all canadians being mercilessly raked.
Replies: >>116
tldr MUH PRIVACY rights have been suspended due to aids.
Due to current events I turned tor posting back on

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no visible /v/ but we have /ck/?

bring back /v/
Replies: >>158 >>159
>>157 (OP) 
I tried. Then /vg/ was born.
>>157 (OP) 

isn't /v/ that board about sticking your cock in wine on 7chan

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