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Psalm 94

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Hey, i want ya'lls to teach me almost everything about aliens so i can deeply liberate myself and my circle of influence from the influence of whoever(alien) it is that tried to suppress my pineal gland, whoever(alien) it is that tried to entrap me by provoking me by trying to break my neck and then telling me where they were from (slovakia), and whoever it is that thought it a good idea to sow my right eye open. 

Please help me become more knowledgable.
Please help me be accepted into greater civilization 

Send messages to [email protected]

Also teach me other stuff too, i'm also interested in other stuff that'd useful
Replies: >>166 >>167 >>168
>>165 (OP) 

Lol no
>>165 (OP) 
here's what you need to know: It's not aliens, you're just a schizo
>>165 (OP) 

Here's what you need to know. You're retarded. Aliens may or may not exist, but not how you think they do. They are likely similar to us in looks and just have an evolved perception of reality. 

Or, aliens are angels and demons.
Replies: >>169

Verse 1
Hitler was kind of like Jesus
His words were often wise
He said that we should be united
But we chose to disbelieve

He said that we should love each other
No matter our differences
But we chose to live in hatred
And it brought us to our knees

Verse 2
Hitler was kind of like Jesus
He wanted to make the world better
But his plans to make it greater
Were only met with fear

He said that we should love each other
No matter our differences
But we chose to live in hatred
And it brought us to our knees

Verse 3
Hitler was kind of like Jesus
He had a vision, a plan
But his words were twisted and misused
To serve a darker hand

He said that we should love each other
No matter our differences
But we chose to live in hatred
And it brought us to our knees
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