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take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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Trudeau is doing about as bad as Biden is doing in the polls. he know that the near decade of the LPC raping canada is about to be ended if there is a federal election within the next yr or so....

the LPC and the NDP  have brought economic disaster and unfettered immigration down on canada so hard that this doesnt seem like the same country it was 5 yrs ago. 

now, the Liberal government, knowing their gonna be BTFOed come the next election, is now attempting to implement UBI or some sort of adjacent program.

imho this is an attempt to buy votes, they are attempting to create a band-aid for the problems that their marxist ideologies has created. 

so basically, destroy a country with marxism via inflation, taxation, immigration, and regulation, meanwhile u knee-cap the biggest industry (oil and gas)....and keep urself in power when it looks like everyone is at the breaking point by giving out "free" gibs. 

we are living in weimar conditions, this is now a 2nd world country. 

mark my words, they will use UBI as a way to roll oyt CBDCs and social credit and a carbon credit systems. 

the government has u by the nutts because the basic necessities are more then u can afford, so u take the "free money" and then the government gets to dictate to u what u can and cannot do, using the UBI as leverage.
Replies: >>6959
Replies: >>6895
good, maybe you fags will have something to talk about besides the US
Replies: >>6892 >>6893
it's gonna be interesting to have Canada be the Nazi Germani of the XXIth centuri tho
Last edited by Hidden User

what happens in canada is 5-10 yrs down the pipeline from the US, in fact some aspects of it is happening to the US rn.

canada importing sandniggers and streetshitters is that same as 10k beaners and random mfers sneaking over the southern border. it will have the same effect. 

just wait and see. mark my words
Replies: >>6894 >>6901
ah yes but nobody cares about Canada
Replies: >>6896
laugh away dingbatt
Replies: >>6900

dont cry when it happens to u, u had a warning and an example.
Replies: >>6897
You stupid french cunt, YOUR warning was it happening to US
Replies: >>6898
im not french, niggerfaggot.
Replies: >>6899
I know, you fags are slightly more British than us
I am
I'm personally gonna enlist in whatever equivalent of the SS you proto-nazis develop up there and help opress/execute y'all
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>>6889 (OP) 
wait I've seen this movie before
what comes next?
now I remember
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