/pol/ - politically incorrect

take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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Everyone knows it, why the denial?
Replies: >>6709 >>6956
>>6707 (OP) 
Prove it. Record yourself sucking her dick. If you're a man, that is, and not a coward.
Replies: >>6718

how can i suck something he cut off?
Replies: >>6719
if it ain't got a dick and it ain't a woman, then it ain't a man: It's a halfling, a creature inhabiting limbo, barely human, shunned by both sun and shade, condemned to roam the wretched interstitial spaces that surround but never touch all things

go and take a selfie with its wound as proof
haha tranny
 still waiting for that promised proof smh smh fr no cap swear 2 g
Replies: >>6846

Oh just  you wait.
Replies: >>6847
I literally cannot not wait. Waiting is inevitable and ongoing. Like aging. In fact they're both closely related, and kindred to death, another inevitability.
Replies: >>6848

big mike will come out some time next year
Replies: >>6849
Good for him
Replies: >>6850

This is important. We elected a fag to be president
Replies: >>6851
Good for you
Replies: >>6852

no it's bad
Replies: >>6853
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heve seen some weird bulges on big mike
Replies: >>6882
hevee debee ebby?
Replies: >>6883
abby dabby boad?
Replies: >>6884
ur dk cld
Replies: >>6885
ion beeb dat
Replies: >>6886
Replies: >>6887
twangle hat
Replies: >>6888
woot^2 n'daboot
Even for a tranny, she looks good.
Replies: >>6946

Replies: >>6947
says the schizo fag enabler
Replies: >>6951

please explain how  I enable fags?
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>>6707 (OP) 
allah is a butt pimple too
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