/pol/ - politically incorrect

take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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How do we advertise this place without it becoming a tranny-fed shitfest like 4cuck?
>>5801 (OP) 
You don't. It's a moronic idea. Almost as moronic as posting wojak shit.
>>5801 (OP) 

No soyjack posting, first warning
Replies: >>5812
word of mouth is probably the best
I found this place by looking for similar anons that might post like me
I mean, the guy is Slovenian and you know how average Slovenian male looks like.
Replies: >>5813 >>5814
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yeah, they look like the turk rape baby of some slovak uggo
Replies: >>5814
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Picrel is the average slovenian
Replies: >>5815
Post on above top secret
Maybe some targeted individual support forums
Not having it listed on imageboards.net would be a good start
Replies: >>5894
Rather that than any webring
if you know someone cool, tell them.
>>5801 (OP) 
>don't make it talk about it that much
>on raids in /i// don't say shit like RAID BY 94CHAN SQUAD AHAHAHHA in raids
>only talk about this site to people who are WN and NS so then the site won't get filled with troons 
>Do not talk about this site in places where there are normfags or kikes
>only talking about this site in NS/WN places will get this site full of based people and not fags like 4cuck
>mods ban anyone, highly doubt they wouldn't be willing to ban any kikes/troons if on here
Replies: >>5947 >>5948
who are you quoting
>only talk about this site to people who are WN and NS so then the site won't get filled with troons 

racists are niggers
Replies: >>5949 >>5954 >>5976
Ironic that he wants nazis here but not troons and 4channers when they're literally the same people
Replies: >>5953
How many pages of the Talmud did you read today? Kike.
Replies: >>5955
You are a nigger
Replies: >>5955 >>5956
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>Racists are niggers
Replies: >>5978
I don't take xanax, coon
>>5801 (OP) 
Simple! Have jannies who ban shills and prevent raids. Buy ad on 4chan. Simple as.
Replies: >>6043 >>6044
>laughs in /i/
Replies: >>6046
>buy ad on 4chan

lol, no
I know man...Jannies on 4chan /v/ are paid shills.
Replies: >>6047
every other poster on 4chan is either a paid shill, or worse, a pro bono shill
Replies: >>6048
Or just a poster looking for discussion amongst the shill posting.
Replies: >>6049
hence "every other"
I came across this board when looking at the list of chans on encyclopedia dramatica
You know, there seem to be so many similar /pol/ boards on various chans. Why not reach out to one another and choose one to consolidate on. You can still post on you local board of choice and have an overall community at large.
Replies: >>6096
That's because all poltards across all chans are literally the same people
Replies: >>6097 >>6107
A disappointing and yet unsurprising assertion. I've been searching the web for a place to leave 4chan for. I really miss the days of 8chan's /pol/. I literally just found this site today.
Replies: >>6098
post here if you want. don't worry about one abrasive person. people on here are pretty chill and theres even unironic wignats to make fun of
Replies: >>6099 >>6103
>one abrasive person
Surely you don't mean softy ole me
 like your mother
>all poltards are the same people
Yeah cause /trappol/ from 8chan and the original NS dominated /pol/ from 4chan 2016 are all the same bros
Replies: >>6108
>>5801 (OP) 
8chan was pretty successful in making it freedom of speech, all 4chan refugees want to migrate to a site similar to 8chan where you can create your own boards and little to no rules, literally just do that and allow vpns or tor or anything to mask your ip so feds can’t fuck the site over. And yeah I get that some people don’t want the site to be that faggoted so you could also just not allow anyone to create boards that are trans/LGBT/Jewish kinda like a far right 8chan, 8chan had a lot of troon boards. Also the likely hood of troon refugees trying to find a different site other than 4cucks is retarded, they have 4chan which is just troon occupied now, why would they go to a different site?
Replies: >>6127 >>6983
gotta give it to ya, datsa lotta words
>8chan was pretty successful in making it freedom of speech

>where you can create your own boards and little to no rules
Probably one of the worst ideas ever conceived tbh

>literally just do that and allow vpns or tor or anything to mask your ip so feds can’t fuck the site over
Gold star for effort but that's not how that works, chief.
>>5801 (OP) 
you dont
>Also the likely hood of troon refugees trying to find a different site other than 4cucks is retarded
Nope. You're retarded you fucking normalfag.
I already told yuo fags to leave them alone. Don't yuo pay any attention. How hard could that possible be?!
On a 'free speech' site you'll always get people you don't liek but your IMO is irrelelvant.
Get it naw?
>but the tr00ns will censor us!
bc you weak faggots let 'em. You abandon communities bc you respond to social shaming!
>hurr durr
>I only seek out new sites when I get banned from my fav so media
Also a 3rd of the soy userbase is hecking tr00jns you faggot.
>like a far right 8chan, 8chan had a lot of troon boards
Not only that something liek this already exists but...
Ahh I leave it @ that!
Replies: >>6984
damn I bet you wrote some cool stuff maybe I'll read it someday
>>5801 (OP) 
Don't advertise so it doesn't become like 4chan. I've noticed the other changes are alot more effortfull then really "haha le epic trolling ma!" 4shits is.
get better moderators
Replies: >>7208 >>7209
Our mods are fine.
speak on that
>>5801 (OP) 
you don't
Censoring troon-niggers is based and effective. We don’t need their subhumanity.
Replies: >>7278
That's a weird way to ask to be censored. Do you have a humiliation fetish or something?
Replies: >>7294
Replies: >>7295
Be quiet, euronegro
Replies: >>7296
euros dont get quietness
You can't and you don't want to 
You just have to hope more but not too many anons discover here
Replies: >>7552
as long as the fucking swedes stay gone it'll be alright
Replies: >>7553
>fucking swedes
them and poet-posting faux-ebonic-speaking 4chan-brained tweens like the rest of /pol/
dont,advertising will drive lots more people,slowly driving into 4cuck
Replies: >>7600
thank fuck you came along to warn us about it, who knows what would've happened
hey im just sayin cuz they shouldve figured that before postin so i figured they didnt fuckin know
Replies: >>7602
quote the post you reply to, you useless coward
i was a minor fuckin mistake man
Replies: >>7604
correction: you are an ongoing medium-sized mistake "man"
i meant to say it bruh
Replies: >>7606
quote the post you reply to, you useless coward
no bitch also uno reverse
Replies: >>7608
be quiet already
Replies: >>7609
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Y'know you don't have to follow him across the entire site, stepping in his poop every time one of his soft worthless plops flutters to the ground like a septic garnish, right?
Replies: >>7610
what else is there to do
wut is blud yappin abt
Replies: >>7612 >>7613
we speak english in this imageboard
ayo we don't rep blood in this hood
Replies: >>7617
idk but i found you guys off of doogle
Blood for the blood God.
Replies: >>7619
I stand corrected
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