/pol/ - politically incorrect

take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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Alright, so it strongly appears likely that we're about to start seeing countries invaded from the inside via insurgency, using China as the militants to bring about a one world government because they have the manpower to infiltrate and begin setting things how they see fit.

The question is, what do we do? At this point, even if it isn't China, the United States is helping the United Nations and Nato set up a global paramilitary force and it's not going to be good for anyone.

Do we just try to exist within the bs laws and shit until we die or do we revolt and get killed but prove a point? 

Idk, I'm just not entirely excited that China has bases in Cuba and central america and is rushing military aged citizens to our borders
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>what do we do? 
we party while we can, my dude
Replies: >>5665
oh also
>get killed
I'm partial to that, too

I'm honestly kind of on this wavelength. I'm just waiting for Jesus to come back. I don't know if I try and live long enough to see his return or party until it gets heavy, then fight and die a martyr
Replies: >>5666
just remember to delete your cookies and browser history before you go out a-martyrin'
Replies: >>5667


Not today satan
Replies: >>5668
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in your own time
Replies: >>5669

I want everyone to see my browser history because it is based and holy
Replies: >>5670
Replies: >>5671

the holiest position
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Replies: >>5679

the end needs to hurry up
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