/ck/ - cooking

or jus food

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Psalm 94

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dead ass board.
Replies: >>143 >>144
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>>142 (OP) 
Blue rare.
>>142 (OP) 
Don't like it? Here's your options:

1) Post elsewhere
2) Make your own
3) kys yourself before clock strikes 00:00

You low-grade shitposts aren't going to make this board more lively.
Replies: >>146
also for topic's sake I like beef well cooked; I'm thankfully not part of the portion of the globe which has bought into the "the less cooked the better" meme
im trying to make my own fucking board, retard. shit ain't easy.
Replies: >>147 >>148
Go ahead and do that away from us then, monkeybrain
It's quite easy if you just read the readme
Replies: >>149
how tho
Replies: >>150 >>151
like this, look:
1. Read README.md
2. copy from README.md 
3. paste into terminal
4. unfuck your non-standard software environment
5. congrats, you're a server admin; otherwise proceed to give up and install some crappy forum software
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