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Psalm 94

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Watch for falling shrapnel, seems some motherfuckers got cannons this year.
Replies: >>8711
>>8710 (OP) 
I don't normally have good new years anyway, but boy oh boy has this one been the worst of my life by quite a margin
Replies: >>8712
The only redeeming factor is that 2023 is dead and buried
Replies: >>8713
2024 has begun, for me, on exactly the same note 2023 ended, so I can't say I'm looking forward to the next 365 days
Replies: >>8714
Yeah, I barely got an hour of peace before the same old fuckshit started again. It's like clockwork.
Replies: >>8715
Janus seens to have been cooking this new year's gift that he gave me for quite a while, since it started suddenly and violently last Wednesday and will continue to go on indefinitely, perhaps fading out over the years until only a new, low,  rumbling voice in the tinnitus choir finds its definitive seat, or it can end as violently and cruel as it started. Either way it's going to be one of the worst experiences of my life. Ask IHM about it, she asked and I told her more or less what's in my agenda for the next who-knows-how-long. Let us however keep it off the chan.
Replies: >>8716
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Life has many doors, square peg in round hole Ed boy
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