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Psalm 94

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update: been fucking around a lot on endchan. it really is just anti-Semites, incels, and schizos. not to say it isnt interesting, though.
Replies: >>8450
no one gives a shit
Replies: >>8444
you give enough of a shit comment though
Replies: >>8445
if that registers in your radar as "giving a shit" then I'm sorry you were so severely neglected as a child
Replies: >>8446
your right for the wrong reasons
Replies: >>8447
my right what
Replies: >>8448
i was severely neglected as a child but i still think that if you actually didnt give a shit you wouldnt even comment.
Replies: >>8449
of course you would
>>8442 (OP) 
there's also lolicon on there no thanks
Replies: >>8451 >>8456
I thought that was implied?
Replies: >>8452 >>8456
talk to ihm on the telegram about it she's the autistic watchdog
Replies: >>8453 >>8456
Oh I'm well aware, I've witnessed her on the prowl
Replies: >>8454 >>8455
ihm takes her job way to seriously
Replies: >>8457 >>8464
shes the best for information on anything related to this stuff
i never got that loli shit its sick
Replies: >>8457
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Very. I've had my eyes on a few places this year, there's still monkey/animal torture happening in circles I frequent as well as lolicon. That being said.

Replies: >>8458
jesus christ man were the fuck have you been?
Replies: >>8459
They watch this site, so I don't talk about it here (yet)
I'm open to discussing it personally, though. I have telegram & session.
Replies: >>8460
not in a secure location rn so cant, but imma hit you up on telegram in the future
Replies: >>8461
My telegram is tetrachromat. We'll verify and go from there.
Replies: >>8462 >>8463
ill talk to you then.
but until then imma do some more research on the shithole known as endchan.
maybe you don't take it seriously enough, how about that huh
Replies: >>8465
((( what the fuck are you talking about )))
Replies: >>8466
stop being gay and retarded and pay attention
Replies: >>8467
ok i will but what the fuck do you want
Replies: >>8469
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what any man wants
Replies: >>8470
((( relatable )))
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