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Psalm 94

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i want to start using amateur radio. mostly cause i think the tech is cool. but there also is a prepper doomer aspect to it. 

the whole FCC and CRTC (if ur a canafag)  extremely gay, demanding that u do training and have to have a license. 

whats worse is that the community is a group of rotting corpse boomer fags who will go out of their way to gatekeep and will report u to the government. 

(my point) most of these boomers call themselves concervatives and hate "libruls", yet they simp for big government and will work to aid it. 

curious how that works, the conservatives are just as supportive of big government, as long as it does things they like.
Replies: >>7723
>>7722 (OP) 
what the fuck's this thread about?
Replies: >>7724 >>7728
>i want to start using amateur radio

Seems pretty clear cut to me
Replies: >>7725
one sentence about radio, and the rest is literally all whining about politics
Replies: >>7741
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fuck it, I'm just gonna post some radios
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this one comes with a flashlight, how cool is that
im musing

it was a thought i had today. 

dont really think it belongs in /pol/ so i posted here
Replies: >>7729
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and this one's pretty old

so it seems at least, maybe it's just the set up

I'm retarded which is why I press enter twice at the end of clauses
Replies: >>7730
you didn't double space, illiterate swine
Replies: >>7731
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did I say double space ya wee prick!? YA, NO I DINAE THINK SO YA GOBSHITE
this one's not very special other than it's doing its best which is more than I can say about SOME people, amirite
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this one's a bit weird but that's probably allright
Replies: >>7733
that one sounds like shit(rus)
Replies: >>7734
...Connery? Ish that you? I thought you died! You shon of a bitch; let'sh go out and beat shome random women for old time'sh shake!

OP is a giant fag
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