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Psalm 94

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Lol 4chan is down. Rest in piss.
Replies: >>7561 >>7565 >>7566
still down
Replies: >>7565
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>>7559 (OP) 
I hope we get more users. This is genuinely a better website than that burning trash heap.
Replies: >>7565 >>7652
>get banned for whatever reason
>the domain where i have to check reason+duration is down, can't appeal either
the mods has to be either maliciously retarded or have a vendetta against me. i get banned for the most inane reasons lately.
Replies: >>7565
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I can't connect to 4chan either, yet 4plebs and desuarchive show that theres still new posts being made, meaning that the site is up.
Why is this happening?
Replies: >>7565
>>7559 (OP) 
Who the fuck cares
>have a vendetta against me
No one cares about you that much
>I hope we get more users
So long as they understand this isn't 4chan, sure
>>7559 (OP) 
I can still look at it through a proxy
I wonder what the last straw will be for 4chan?
Replies: >>7568
as long as someone's willing to pay in order to own and run one of the most notable URLs in existence, literally nothing
Replies: >>7654 >>7702
>wanting 4chan users
for shame, 94
Replies: >>7655
even big sites have fallen
only so much fed and neonazi backing can do to pump up the corpse
Replies: >>7655
I'm sure you are
you're literally replying to a 4chan immigrant
what hiroshimoot does meets the bare minimum definition of "run"
Replies: >>7703
that's so interesting
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