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Psalm 94

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why did they discontinue these tasty little fucking niggers? Piece of shit, I HOPE THE OWNER OF STAUFFERS DIES
Replies: >>4863 >>4897
Holy shit memory unlocked
>>4861 (OP) 
Sorry but that seems like the grossest goyslop I've ever seen
Replies: >>4864 >>4871
You're not sorry, you're just an asswipe.
Replies: >>4865 >>4874
Cry about it
Replies: >>4866 >>4871
Nobody cares
Replies: >>4867
You do apparently.
Replies: >>4868 >>4871
I missed the part where anyone was talking to you prior to you replying to me.
Replies: >>4869
>I can't believe this person on this anonymous imageboard replied to me.
Replies: >>4871
You're not >>4863. 
You're >>4865 and >>4867, and I still wasn't talking to you when you rudely interrupted so fuck off.
Replies: >>4872
So what if I am or am not?
Take your medication.
Replies: >>4873
> oh you're the guy who always ends up saying the same shit whenever you are butthurt. Why dont you take your own medicine?
Replies: >>4876
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Welcome to the internet, faggot
Replies: >>4899
ITT a single torfag arguing with themself
Replies: >>4878
The admins are scared of tor here.
tor is easily blocked
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Replies: >>4884
Nigger we literally have an instance
Replies: >>4885
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ITT: An actual fed article.

Show me one singular instance where the actual tor encryption was broken and responsible for anonymization of some one and I will wire you 1 monero.
This is glow nigger fud, OFC, being spread on this backwater shit hole of the internet. Tor is perfectly safe. The only viable compromise TOR Has is between Hidden services and Onion nodes. That and exit nodes, but, you can simply mitigate that by not using exit nodes.
99% of the people who talk shit about tor have no idea how it works and this has been true since I started having this argument with retards.
Replies: >>4886 >>4887
What is it?
Replies: >>4890

Once again, I am proven correct. You retards do not understand tor at all and the very attack vectors that are being targeted revolve around exit nodes which no one is doing anything of note over anyways.

Not Hidden services themselves:

"A. Threat Model
In this work, we mainly focus on the problem of evaluating
the effectiveness of using NetFlow data to perform practical
traffic analysis attacks for identifying the source of anonymous
communication. In our attack model, we assume that the victim
is lured to access a particular server through Tor, while the
adversary collects NetFlow data corresponding to the traffic
between the exit node and the server, as well as between Tor
clients and the victim’s entry node. The adversary has control
of the particular server (and potentially many others, which
victims may visit), and thus knows which exit node the victim
traffic originates from"

That is directly from the paper linked in the article. Everyone knows exit nodes are insecure you fucking babbling retards. Learn what you are talking about before you spread your unintelligible, uninformed fud.
You're actually retarded. Read the Wikipedia article dumbass, it was literally designed BY feds. So that makes you the fed, doesn't it?
Replies: >>4889
Imagine not simply using a VPN.
Replies: >>4889
A VPN isn't good enough for ordering black tar heroin off the internet.

VPN providers actually do collaborate with feds, but, I feel like I don't need to tell you this....


You know what else was made by the feds?

>The literal internet itself

Feds fund tor, again this is nothing new and feds are not the only ones who fund tor but they do so because IT WORKS you morons. I can't deal with some one so brain dead they can't understand that just because the government funds or does something that doesn't inherently make it broken.
Replies: >>4890 >>4891
94chan does not an will not have a .onion if that's what you retards are talking about.

shut up fed
Replies: >>4892
And silk road, entirely based on Tor, was raided in 2013. I'd trust a VPN over Tor any day, though, none of them are trustworthy at all when it comes down to it.
Replies: >>4892
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y-y-y-your a fed for pointing out all the flaws in my arguments

k, lol.

Do you even know how the silk road raid worked? The fbi literally had to stage a fake fight in order to distract the dread pirate and snatch his laptop.

Furthermore, he was also deanon'd because of his own stupidity. What ultimately linked him to the Silk road was the fact he was posting publicly under his real alias on shroomery talking about how he just opened up a tor website for selling drugs.

Again, it isn't anything wrong with the security of tor itself, rather, it is the own ineptitude of the people who use tor.
The only VPN worth anything is mullvad because it lets you pay with monero.  If you would trust VPN's I don't know what to tell you, kek. There's numerous examples of VPN's bending over to supeonas from the feds and handing over user information to them.
Replies: >>4893 >>4894 >>4898
Yes, because I used to order drugs off of there. I watched it happen in real time.
Tor has been backdoored by the feds for a long time. Always heard good things about mullvad in all my years. Won't ever trust/use Tor again though.
Gee it's almost like the security of tor is dependent on retards

You're really winning us over, fed
>>4861 (OP) 
ok fag. then convince me why that should be the case instead of posting a picture of the fucking box like that tells me anyhing. i dont remember this shit. what years was it running? come on retard we need facts not feelings.
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i know most vpns are shit in a can but i have no idea how to purchase 
then send moreno. 

for instance what exchange do i purchase moreno on? and what wallet do i get set up to recieve thus moreno
Replies: >>4900
based retard.
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mmmm cheese wheels
Don't buy XMR directly, at least you can't in most cases. Get a normal coin like Litecoin or Tron or something cheap to transfer, then send that over to an exchange that still has XMR (usually the exchanges in south east asia or russia). 

XMR has a light wallet mode you can install the official wallet without downloading the entire blockchain on your PC (unless you have 100GB free and a weekend to sync it, it is more secure that way), or Monerujo on Android has worked for me too.
Replies: >>4905
I use Cake Wallet, if you trust a mobile option. Slow af to sync at length tho. I rarely receive monero but I'd put my doge there.
only on this site can a discussion about discontinued cheese snacks turn into an autistic argument over TOR/VPNs.
Replies: >>4985
it ain't easy being cheesy
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