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Psalm 94

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any idea how do i compile a list like this into  a more simpler A4 sized page or so
sorry this i mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_musical_instruments
Replies: >>4480
Try using something like ublock origins element picker to remove side panels and other undesirable elements from the page then printing it as is. Hope that helps
Replies: >>4481
...the ad blocker? i dont understand.
Replies: >>4482
The ad blocker has a mode that can zap out elements too. Makes it so you can clear a page when printing it even though its main purpose is to block unwanted things when you browse a site
Replies: >>4483
what a bout multiple list inside a list. like hyperlinks.can i sort of bring the links into one same pages instead of clicking them one by one
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