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Psalm 94

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My new 4chan life is just so based! Because I am a stay at home mom, I can get out of bed whenever I feel like, then sip on some wine "Whooopsie! Hihehe, I meant coffee ;^) lol" And AWOO for hours on /ptg while my husband is at work. We have plenty of money because my husband got hired directly into his dad's company and into a senior position ( Wow, I just love family! ) During the day our kids are all being taken care of at a child care home where he will pick them up after work. After posting in /ptg all morning, I will have some hot coffee with our mailman Pat. He works so hard... I just adore him. And he hates those beta males just as much as I do. But whatever. I just LOVE my conservative lifestyle, it just really turns me on. So does my husband, of course.
Wow that’s amazing
this is a one in a lifetime story, truly you have given me a crazy boner just by simply giving me the air to read all of this.
hot mom tbh.
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