/rx/ - drugs

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Psalm 94

1. No asking for drugs, soliciting drugs, discussion of sources for drugs or the sources for equipment and supplies to make drugs, or in general any discussion of buying or selling drugs in any way shape or form.
2. Do not encourage reckless or careless use/abuse of any substance.
3. Feel free to ask questions about whether something is harmful. We are here to minimize harm.
4. Be excellent to each other. We're all just trying to have a good time.

Keep in mind that we are not medical professionals, just people relaying our own experiences, so please do your research before following any advice on this forum and when in doubt, seek a medical professional.

Do your research

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AGE 28




HEIGHT: 5'10



Im 28. I work at a steel mill and I have no college degree. You'll have to take my word for this because i dont post any personal information about myself.

Anyway, here's what you came for, how the trip went.

11:00 ish: took 80 pink caps, throat got tired of swallowing so many so i almost puked

11:30 extreme fatigue set in, believe me when i say it was physically difficult to move. Not the "oh haha, im high, soooo couchlocked hehe" but literal near paralysis, i couldn't walk. I out paste all over my mouth and throat so dry mouth was intense but no excruciating

12:00 at this point everything went to shit. I was completely paralyzed so I just gave up trying to move. Everything was dreamlike, jumpy and flickery. On lsd everything is relaxed and flowing, on dph everything is skittery like a low fps video game. My bedroom door swung open and suddenly a black figure dashes in. It teleports in front of me and stares at me. Even though its a silhouette with no eyes or face, i can feel a stare. No spiders, but thousands of black beads begin spinning around my wall. I can see a man in a hat, fully shadowed about 12 feet away. 6 minutes in im not sure if this is reality or im dreaming. I cant even check to see if my eyes or open or if theyre closed. Cant move, just silently scream in horror as the entire room begins spinning at 900 mph with shadow people dancing around me.

12:25?: The spinning of the room keeps getting faster and faster until i can feel myself vomiting, but the pain and sensation feels oddly distant. I cant describe it. It feels like someone else if vomiting through my body. It is horrific nonetheless. A shadow person then chokes me, and i feel like im being strangled for a good hour before everything goes black. Everything begins fading to white. I realize i can move and walk around, and that i am not high anymore. Looking back this was obviously a lucid dream while i was comatose. I can't really compare it to anything, look up the SpongeBob episode "SB-29" and thats about as close as what i experienced. I was in a completely white space, and rhe whole time it was just ambient random noises like whirrs, buzzes, growls, screams, voiced whispering, lion roars, jet engines, and streaking lights. The sensations felt like sandpaper was being rubbed all over me, and i felt very cold. I cant put it into words but i felt like this was the longest part of the trip. My sense of time was so distorted i believe i was in the white space longer than ive been alive. What was less than 1 day legitimately, wholly, completely fuckin felt like 5-6 YEARS minimum. I have 6-10 YEARS worth of auditory and visual memories from that. 6-10 YEARS of my life were forgotten and replaced with those auditory voices, streaks, and noises.

12:40-5pm?: I don't know when the white space ended but now im in the middle of the road. Its reality, not some surreal dream. I see a shadow man about 300 feet away so I start running. I chase and chase but he never gets closer. Eventually i stop out of tiredness and suddenly the sky opens up and a gigantic black mouth just swallows me whole. What happens next is that om looking at Reddit, no joke. I cant see my own body, i just see a giant page that displays Reddit. I scroll through all the pages and all of the titles and comments make no sense, like "Trump reveals the reveals the reveals the truth about reveals" Eventually the screen fades and i feel vomit again, i can feel it bit dont see it

5pm-8pm?: Pure blackness and pain. All i can say. Every part of my body hurts more than it ever has. The phrase splitting headache cant describe it, it feels like theres a hot coal between my ears. I still cant move, and im still knocked out. The hallucinations are just streaks and flickers now.

8pm-12 pm next day: Lots of buzzing noises, felt like I was covered by a swarm of bees that were constantly vibrating. Some point during this stage i woke up in a puddle of sweat and pink vomit. I tried to get up but everything exploded into beads and swirls and i felt a stabbing pain in my back. After about 1 hour of chilling i managed to find my phone and called 911 saying I OD'ed

2 am+: at the hospy they pumped my stomach and narcaned me even tho i dont do heroin. Woke up later, not to nig of an ordeal but i managed to spin it off as an accident and avoided memtal hospital.

I go for dialysis weekly now.

Aftermath: Quit my job for this trip and still unemployed. No insurance but i got Obamacare which covered a part of it.

I am on Dialysis and have permanent liver damage. Permanent brain damage and cognitive reduction Reduced brain size Irregular heartbeat

OG account here. U niggus didn't believe me despite the evidence so i went to GREAT lengths to ensure you, the people, know what a 4g trip is like.

If you notice a behavioral change its because i had an epiphany on dph and see everything diff now

this aint erowid
Replies: >>65
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i for one encourage trip reports
you get some funny stories every now and then that really make you reflect on what life is
Replies: >>68
Thats a hell of a story OP

Yeah don't care.

Don't be an irresponsible retard. 40 benadryl is enough to watch spiders crawl out of the popcorn ceiling in my room. Plus, it ain't fun. If I wanted to feel like my skin was walking off me, I'd go find some meth.

But hey enjoy throwing away your health less than (maybe) halfway through your life, dumbass.
Replies: >>69 >>71 >>72
kek, I tried em a few times and I gotta say the trip is terrible but the insight afterwards is what's rewarding. You feel happy to be alive. 

I don't condone depressed people taking dph to get through it, but in my personal experience I say be grateful for what you have. That's it
Replies: >>70

You know what, that's fair. Sorry for being a jerk.
Go fuck yourself, normie. Do some nasty cucumber up the ass shit like normies do
Replies: >>73
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Fucking fed

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST who you calling a fucking fed you fucking fed

You should smoke a bowl and relax.
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So benedryl (dph) created Majin Buu
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