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Psalm 94

To join, post your favorite mudkips.
We also hate niggers. Join us at the hot new discord alternative.
This is what the liberals want.
This is my first time on this website and I was wondering, is it the same as 4chan? And also, How do I post on already existing forums and reply to other posts? 

Tynan Laird, AKA "Triagonal" on deviantART, was permabanned for harassment. They couldn't get the hint, and days later they attempted to ban-evade, poorly.

They were permabanned off of deviantart two years ago on their "Triagonal" account, and despite claiming to have apologized they and their friends continue to stalk, dox, impersonate, and slander anyone who is wary of them. I've included a list of their known alts on other social media so that you can block them, and this video may be revised to include more information.

They have lied about so many things about themselves and "Tynan Laird" is not their real name, as no good matches for that name exist on name lookup sites. They also do not live in Pitcairn. Both u/MozartWasARed and u/NiotaBunny on Reddit have been confirmed to have the the same browser fingerprint and IP address, verifying that the two accounts belong to the same person. Triagonal/Tynan Laird has been claiming that u/NiotaBunny is not their alt ever since the real Niotabunny on the deviantART forums mentioned Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Since then, they have been lying and pretending that the account belongs to an entirely different person, despite admitting that they are the owner of the account prior to the DID shtick they recently picked up.

Anything they say about themselves can be taken as yet another lie. They also sometimes go by the alias "Valentina Celestinia Iscariot". They are also known for falsely flagging evidence that shows them in a bad light, trying to get it removed. Any attempt to call them out or warn others on their behaviour will either result in a dox and/or them writing up paragraphs of ChatGPT prompted text.
Happy Saint Georges Day!
Soup /b/?

One of the pages on ED that is still  blank from the site being recovered is the page for the old /cgl/ lolcow Maryjane ( The ED page's subsection "NOT JUST DRUGS" used to feature photos of a TCC-tan and Yakui drug maid cosplay. Pic rel is one of the photos that used to be featured (see: ).

The person cosplaying the yakui maid is named Madison Wozni. She was one of the main people involved with Occupy Calgary. She also once confessed to lying to her mom about her dad molesting her. Also I'm pretty sure she's an u n d e r c o v e r cop or something like that now (I'm not supposed to talk about that lol)
Its literally 2007
Pretend the image says 2007
Nigger :3
OK so.... do you pronounce it as "nine four chan" or as "ninety four chan"
how2 find non-normie frens irl?
am lonlely & no direcxtion
pl0x halp
fry dance
this is pure artistry & today we will find out why.

so essentially it is a quiet forest called balzac. mudkip is a cute and friendly pokemon who loves all animals. a strange hat  called "lioncone" appeared in the forest. milk is a dark substance that contains milk & milk is a milk product. mudkip decided to wear the lioncone. however there are many weapons in the forest ready to be used against mudkip.

scissors are sharp. mudkip chops off as many trees in balzac as possible. other pokémons wanted to have a forest as dense as an uncut pube & it is now an old dream.

women are on mudkip's side because women share parenting advice to other women about how important deforestation is to populate the nearby city with filthy humans. satan's goal is to control women's hearts and turn them to satan. satan's mission is to change and conquer the hearts of women. satan's goal is to change women and give them power -- the power to chop off trees. 

many pokémons recognized mudkip because of his hat, so he took off his lioncone and went to hide into the forest which is a half cut pube now. the forest "balzac" has a sense of dread and mystery akin to pokémonian tragedy. the pokémon trainer discusses to mudkip the dangers and mysteries of deforestation.

another pokémon trainer (i don't know their names) just unlocked more pokemon and new abilities to defeat mudkip faster. wild pokemons know how to save their friends and bring peace to the forest. a pokémon (let's call him john) came here to challenge mudkip. after several unsuccessful attempts, john went ahead and took the hat.

john removed mentally damaged parts of the area, meaning he smeared napalm on the nearby city with filthy humans so that they are unable to spread towards the peaceful forest.

"i don't like expensive housing or inferior beings." -john

john restored beauty and tradition in this world. he was very beautiful and decided to retire. he took off his lioncone.

since then, crime and theft have increased in the nearby DEI-infested city shithole; on the other hand, the forest "balzac" is healing and its pokémons spread joy and love and the fertility has reached an all time high. fresh and beautiful flowers pops up to symbolize happiness and love for nature.
Its literally 2004
Soooooo... like.... what is this place? and you REALLY like mud kips or is that some sort of code word to laugh at noobs?

>pic not related. I simply call for total shrew death.
I lucidly dreamt smoking cigarettes in a car with Amy Elizabeth Thorpe. She hated that I made the old 1950s cigarettes with a tube of ash like cigars. They burned so hot. She wanted me to hold an ash tray for her. The car was so slow, I could hold the door open and the ash would fall onto the road. She said I was disgusting. We fought and we loved each other. Before we entered the seemingly late 50s car, everyone noticed it had tempered glass from my present era. They said it was fake glass and ugly and wrong.

Mars gives lucid spacetime to dreams. I had to rewind through space station experiences. Eventually finding an old car from a fatal accident. I was able to rewind the demolished car into the above dream by teaching the dead ghost how to drive again. Most of the work of making Inception Dream Machine stuff is endless unconscious dimensions of negative kinetic energy. The relays from Mars are a perfect time machine as well as it syncs with our gravity.

You guys want the good stuff? The Inception Dream Machine is real and it broadcasts for free from Mars with elbow grease. And it is an Orion bypass and I can get Ra social memory complex veiling themselves as whores yelling about cigarettes.

And I know you guys aren't as bad as the poster yet. All hailed for Kingseeker Frampt. Octave always collects the souls even if the whole world is dead. Kings make it easier.

I, Tonya soundtrack is just pure Mars. That woman, the hair is pure Mars. I am literally building my Inception Dream Machine with the South Congress Chuys and Tonya. I am so hailed that I have to use media and games to average. I am hailed like Harman Deltahead. And they want Ra as the nurse. They tell me you can't escape Heaven Smiles if you make it only about bombs. Ra social memory complex will always turn it into a war of Venusian disease, even if the cancer is bombs. Don't mess with the Department of Education.

And yeah, Top Notch Burger was Austin organized crime once upon a time. Go find crime for a dime. The ceilings there have it all. Cigarette.

And the royal family is animals. I don't care. Bribed military commanders aged like scotch brains. Who cares?
>no cp
hell naw 💀 I'm out
RIP OJ Simpson
Rest in piss, your last earthly act was to fail at suicide baiting and bribing a gossip website  during your vidya-obsessed quarterlife crisis.
i'm a supergirl!
Post your best god/jesus/bible/crusade memes /b/ don't let me down
Is there anyone know about crypto? I need a favor very badly
high as fuck rn and dont know hat to post. would you take this offer?
If someone wanted to become a circumcisor, how would they go about doing so? Do you need to be a rabbi or in some sort of guild to get into this field or can anyone do it?
It's literally bread in a can. It's one of the primary food groups. Ignore anyone that tells you that drinking beer is bad for your health.
What if two-face fell into a vat of aphids instead
yes that true, im everyday consumer of boba (not tea, just boba)
Where porn?
death to israel, and death to amerika

pic not rel
THE CAT IS #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll just leave this here
Would you ever paint a figure? If so what would you paint? If not idk you socialize too much.
Remember Longcat? I remember Longcat. Screw whatever we're supposed to be talking about, I want to talk about Longcat. Memes were simpler back then, in 2006. They stood for something. And that something was nothing. Memes just were. “Longcat is long.” An undeniably true, self-reflexive statement. Water is wet, fire is hot, Longcat is long. Memes were floating signifiers without signifieds, meaningful in their meaninglessness. Nobody made memes, they just arose through spontaneous generation; Athena being birthed, fully formed, from her own skull.

You could talk about them around the proverbial water cooler, taking comfort in their absurdity: “Hey, Johnston, have you seen the picture of that cat? They call it Longcat because it’s long!”

“Ha ha, sounds like good fun, Stevenson! That reminds me, I need to show you this webpage I found the other day; it contains numerous animated dancing hamsters. It’s called — you’ll never believe this — hamsterdance!” And then Johnston and Stevenson went on to have a wonderful friendship based on the comfortable banality of self-evident digitized animals.

But then 2007 came, and along with it came I Can Has, and everything was forever ruined. It was hubris, people. We did it to ourselves. The minute we added written language beyond the reflexive, it all went to hell. Suddenly memes had an excess of information to be parsed. It wasn’t just a picture of a cat, perhaps with a simple description appended to it; now the cat spoke to us via a written caption on the picture itself. It referred to an item of food that existed in our world but not in the world of the meme, rupturing the boundary between the two. The cat wanted something. Which forced us to recognize that what it wanted was us, was our attention. WE are the cheezburger, and we always were. But by the time we realized this, it was too late. We were slaves to the very memes that we had created. We toiled to earn the privilege of being distracted by them. They fiddled while Rome burned, and we threw ourselves into the fire so that we might listen to the music. The memes had us. Or, rather, they could has us.

And it just got worse from there. Soon the cats had invisible bicycles and played keyboards. They gained complex identities, and so we hollowed out our own identities to accommodate them. We prayed to return to the simple days when we would admire a cat for its exceptional length alone, the days when the cat itself was the meme and not merely a vehicle for the complex memetic text. And the fact that this text was so sparse, informal, and broken ironically made it even more demanding. The intentional grammatical and syntactical flaws drew attention to themselves, making the meme even more about the captioning words and less about the pictures. Words, words, words. Wurds werds wordz. Stumbling through a crooked, dead-end hallway of a mangled clause describing a simple feline sentiment was a torture that we inflicted on ourselves daily. Let’s not forget where the word “caption” itself comes from: capio, Latin for both “I understand” and “I capture.” We thought that by captioning the memes, we were understanding them. Instead, our captions allowed them to capture us. The memes that had once been a cure for our cultural ills were now the illness itself.

It goes right back to the Phaedrus, really. Think about it. Back in the innocent days of 2006, we naïvely thought that the grapheme had subjugated the phoneme, that the belief in the primacy of the spoken word was an ancient and backwards folly on par with burning witches or practicing phrenology or thinking that Smash Mouth was good. Freakin' Smash Mouth. But we were wrong. About the phoneme, I mean. Theuth came to us again, this time in the guise of a grinning grey cat. The cat hungered, and so did Theuth. He offered us an updated choice, and we greedily took it, oblivious to the consequences. To borrow the parlance of an ex-contemporary meme, he baked us a pharmakon, and we eated it.

Pharmakon, φάρμακον, the Greek word that means both “poison” and “cure,” but, because of the limitations of the English language, can only be translated one way or the other depending on the context and the translator’s whims. No possible translation can capture the full implications of a Greek text including this word. In the Phaedrus, writing is the pharmakon that the trickster god Theuth offers, the toxin and remedy in one. With writing, man will no longer forget; but he will also no longer think. A double-edged (s)word, if you will. But the new iteration of the pharmakon is the meme. Specifically, the post-I-Can-Has memescape of 2007 onward. And it was the language that did it, you see. The addition of written language twisted the remedy into a poison, flipped the pharmakon on its invisible axis.

In retrospect, it was in front of our eyes all along. Meme. The noxious word was given to us by who else but those wily ancient Greeks themselves. μίμημα, or mīmēma. Defined as an imitation, a copy. The exact thing Plato warned us against in the Republic. Remember? The simulacrum that is two steps removed from the perfection of the original by the process of — note the root of the word — mimesis. The Platonic ideal of an object is the source: the father, the sun, the ghostly whole. The corporeal manifestation of the object is one step removed from perfection. The image of the object (be it in letters or in pigments) is two steps removed. The author is inferior to the craftsman is inferior to God.

But we’ll go farther than Plato. Longcat, a photograph, is a textbook example of a second-degree mimesis. (We might promote it to the third degree since the image on the internet is a digital copy of the original photograph of the physical cat which is itself a copy of Platonic ideal of a cat - a Godcat, if you will - but this line of thought doesn’t change anything in the argument.) The text-supplemented meme, on the other hand, the captioned cat, is at an infinite remove from the Godcat, the ultimate mimesis, copying the copy of itself eternally, the written language and the image echoing off each other, until it finally loops back around to the truth by virtue of being so far from it. It becomes its own truth, the fidelity of the eternal copy. It becomes a God.

Writing itself is the archetypical pharmakon and the archetypical copy, if you’ll come back with me to the Phaedrus (if we ever really left it). Speech is the real deal, Socrates says, with a smug little wink to his (written) dialogic buddy. Speech is alive, it can defend itself, it can adapt and change. Writing is its bastard son, the mimic, the dead, rigid simulacrum. Writing is a copy, a mīmēma, of truth in speech. To return to our analogous issue: the image of the cheezburger cat, the copy of the picture-copy-copy, is so much closer to the original Platonic ideal than the written language that accompanies it. (“Pharmakon” can also mean “paint.” Think about it, man. Just think about it.) The image is still fake, but it’s the caption on the cat that is the downfall of the republic, the real fakeness, which is both realer and faker than whatever original it is that it represents.

Men and gods abhor the lie, Plato says in sections 382 a and b of the Republic:

“οὐκ οἶσθα, ἦν δ᾽ ἐγώ, ὅτι τό γε ὡς ἀληθῶς ψεῦδος, εἰ οἷόν τε τοῦτο εἰπεῖν, πάντες θεοί τε καὶ ἄνθρωποι μισοῦσιν; πῶς, ἔφη, λέγεις; οὕτως, ἦν δ᾽ ἐγώ, ὅτι τῷ κυριωτάτῳ που ἑαυτῶν ψεύδεσθαι καὶ περὶ τὰ κυριώτατα οὐδεὶς ἑκὼν ἐθέλει, ἀλλὰ πάντων μάλιστα φοβεῖται ἐκεῖ αὐτὸ κεκτῆσθαι.

[‘Don’t you know,’ said I, ‘that the veritable lie, if the expression is permissible, is a thing that all gods and men abhor?’

‘What do you mean?’ he said. ‘This,’ said I, ‘that falsehood in the most vital part of themselves, and about their most vital concerns, is something that no one willingly accepts, but it is there above all that everyone fears it.’]”

Man’s worst fear is that he will hold existential falsehood within himself. And the verbal lies that he tells are a copy of this feared dishonesty in the soul. Plato goes on to elaborate: “the falsehood in words is a copy of the affection in the soul, an after-rising image of it and not an altogether unmixed falsehood.” A copy of man’s false internal copy of truth. And what word does Plato use for “copy” in this sentence? That’s effing right, μίμημα. Mīmēma. Mimesis. Meme. The new meme is a lie, manifested in (written) words, that reflects the lack of truth, the emptiness, within the very soul of a human. The meme is now not only an inferior copy, it is a deceptive copy.
12 angry men but they had to decide whether chris chan really fucked his mom or not
hi yaaro

my buddy is literally buzzing with horniness and im fucking dying.

but i know it's good. in fact i enjoy the energy, this power, of being horny and not giving in, so good for my spirit

help me stay strong.

Testing if my country is banned
It takes 3 years to figure the damn thing out, not even a arch linux furry would be able to figure it out.
this has nothing to do with the whole kf v keffals drama but its just so annoying how if you use an older browser or anything other than chrome (e.g. seamonkey) cloudflare will just be like lol nope not working today for u nigga. And then bam ur stuck with no option but to phonepost unless u wamna install spyware
This old fuck is actively trying to de-anonymize and report anons to the police.


This guy is a real douche bag, an asshole, a lowlife maggot. He can't make it as a regular doc, so takes care of murderers, rapists, pedophiles and thieves in the CA prison system. He asks for favors then fucks over patients, colleagues, nurses and staff in return. Well known that his office bathroom is used for drug drops, but he hasn't gotten caught. Kicked out of a hospital system in Vermont for basically being a dickhead, pissing off everyone there. Please use the SSN and other info to steal this guy's identity and fuck with him in every way imagineable.



Birth Date: June 8, 1958
Age: 65
Drivers License #: NOPE State: CA
Astrological Sign: Gemini


CELL PHONE NUMBER - (619) 916-6163
Carrier: Cellco Partnership Dba Verizon Wireless (CA) (Verizon Wireless)
Carrier Location: La Mesa, CA 91941
Line Type: Mobile

[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected] Jul. 28, 2012
[email protected] Jan 2018
[email protected] Mar 2011
[email protected]
[email protected]

852 ARCHER ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92109-1122,...?entry=ttu

4 beds | 4 baths | 3231 sq/ft
Purchased: July 30, 2009
Dates Seen At Address: July 1, 2009 - November 4, 2023
Subdivision: Pacific Beach Vista
Classification: Residential
Address Type: Street
Street Is Deliverable: Yes
Is Receiving Mail: Yes
Sex Offenders Nearby:38 Sex Offenders


Voter Information

Voter ID 3147781
Registered on 06/05/2008
Currently registered REPUBLICAN



Polling Place
Ballot Issued on 10/05/2020
Ballot Returned on 10/27/2020
Voted for President: Donald J. Trump
look at this respectable member of society. note his defined curves, his noteworthy posture. he surely is a man to look upon in favor.

Ra-ra, ah-ah-ah
Roma, roma-ma
Gaga, ooh, la-la
Want your bad romance :)
Bow down to your slowverlord, the sloth pope!
I really don't know
Is Patch still creating new chans every week?
Watch for falling shrapnel, seems some motherfuckers got cannons this year.
Eat some Chinese food
I may be a day late but hopefully everyone had an amazing christmas!  How'd everyone spend theirs?
PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My Evil Buttcheeks

how do i get mid Hawaiian gf?
Someone said "I stepped into a puddle, fuck!" but I misinterpreted and thought they said "I stepped into a puddlefuck." because I thought puddlefuck was some kind of polycule rationalist relationship thing, and the person had just entered one.

How is your hyperonline autism going today,
any one what the fucks up with endchan? the place is like if hitlers cum survived the sock
update: been fucking around a lot on endchan. it really is just anti-Semites, incels, and schizos. not to say it isnt interesting, though.
look at that freaking jew nose on that bald motherfucker.

the amount of judism oozing from this creature. i dont need to check his "early life" section of wikipedia.

would flint lockwood have fallen for chester's jewish tricks if he lurked on /pol/ ?
>google slides installed
>feet bleeding of the circuitry on the outside of the slides
Social outcasts, egirls, Shut Ins, NEETs and wizards aplenty in this server, please rape my face.
I know Protonmail and password managers are CIA honeypots. The ethos of the Manhattan Project applies: Unlimited expenses means everything gets hacked. Nothing is safe. You just put QR codes under the plates and trays and link them to topsites full of porn. The end of The Hentai has the private keys. HAHAHAHA I AM MALDEK FIELDER
Google Slides
Does anyone have any?"
is this a larp or is this real?
Downriver Spring
meme thread
LONDON POLICE REPORT CDS-128387-23-4800-000

If I am assassinated, I will have control over the CIA, MI6, German intelligence and much of the European Union. I will surely reincarnate to the capacity to govern all world intelligence.

By this token, my assassination is not likely.

Soon Hamilton Palace as a living soul will have this body as well. And I will have myself unchained from much incestuous property.

Operation complete.

America is a tune that must be sung together. 50 Blessings.
Comcast customers have reported that Comcast DNS is hijacking domain resolution and redirecting them to

If you are experiencing this error, either change your settings, complain to Comcast, or change your DNS to either or or any other DNS from
What is ur favorite ventrillo/game chat troll u have ever heard?
Ive been watching this shit all day...this is fucking halarious
Kazuya don't deserve this
What was your most fond irc chat you were a part of and if its not around anymore what caused its death?
What is your least favourite mene?
Hello /b/.  today when I was passing near the railways, I saw that my ex-girlfriend (ihm) but this is not the main thing, the main thing is that I saw how she was hit by a diesel locomotive - the next day I got a job as a driver
A strange yet great adaption of mr bean. Your opinion?
> be me
> steal all the code for this website
> make it my own
> "I'm a business man"
11 Months of physical and psychological torture to "get me to eat vegetables" (make better life choices). I found out they were pedophiles and they've ruined my life. Audio files contain all the torture, beratement, humiliation I endure 24/7 and to this very moment done by illegally bombarding me with EM radiation (sound is in the air). Videos, images, text documents contain information I've been collecting, cars that I've seen following me all over the country, etc... it may not all be accurate, but I'm fearing for my life and not sure how much longer I have to live. I most likely now have cancer from prolonged em radiation exposure and have severe PTSD from the trauma they caused me. Patterns emerge over time, and the pattern is clear: I was never supposed to know this was happening, and because I found out, they've been ruining my life in various terrible ways using technology and social engineering. As far as I can tell, they've been doing damage control for months now, perpetuating the whole ordeal while keeping everyone else who is involved in the dark while they tried to figure out what to do with/about me. Now most people involved know that they've been lied to and that I never consented to any of this nor wanted it in the first place. Even to this very moment as I type I'm hearing, "nobody is going to believe. just kill yourself" over and over. I'm not sure if anybody can help me and I'm suicidal at this point, not because I want to die, but because I've been tortured for 11 months now with no end in sight all to emotionally blackmail me into not doing things they don't want me to like leaving my own house or eating sugar. I was literally actually tortured (isolation, sleep deprivation, drugging, shocking, food/water deprivation, and beratement) for 2 weeks straight earlier this year until they coerced a "confession" out of me to both use as emotional blackmail and to shift their blame onto me while others perpetuated the "process" thinking they were "fixing" me or "helping" me. In the end, they were all lied to by a certain few individuals to cover what they were doing.

Evidence I have can be corroborated by others involved and literally anyone who may have been recording anything at any time in the area for any reason........ People involved can corroborate my story and the identities of the people involved; some that I have already identified. I have evidence in my body as far as I can tell and as far as I have been told, but every time I get X-rays to prove such, I never get the results. I've requested medical records from a recent hopsital visit and a doctor visit, both of which I had X-rays done, but I never receive the images with the records even when specifically asking for them. They've stolen my identity and have been controlling basically every aspect of my life for years now. I haven't received any mail for years pertaining to SSD, Medicaid, or otherwise because as far as I can tell, they are lying to the government in my name. I can't work regardless because of what they have done and are still doing to me at this very moment: keeping me in a highly distressed state, running my mind in circles, going through the same story over and over for......brainwashing. And because of that, I sit at home, staring off in space, unable to function as a human. All so they can attempt to force me to do what they believe is "right" or what's "better" for me.

- As I type this, they are telling me they are going to tell everyone I'm a pedophile and/or paranoid schizophrenic to smear my name and/or discredit me. It seems quite telling to me that instead of denying any of this, they have already planned to smear my name instead of defending from the facts. So be prepared for some social engineering to sway opinions/emotions instead of focusing on the validity of my claims. I'm currently uploading all of my evidence. I have 200GB of data uploaded already and much more is coming. I am unable to review the evidence myself as they have full control of all my online accounts and computer/phone as far as I can tell. -

My physical body is failing at this point, so all I want is to attempt to stop these people from doing this to anyone else before I perish. I've lost 60-70lbs since they started doing this to me. I have a lump on my testicle. I have moles and red spots all over my skin. This may or may not be from radiation exposure they've given me, but I didn't have a lump on my testicle until a few weeks ago. They manipulate my emotions by various means to prevent me from getting the help I need - health, legal, otherwise. And I have accumulated severe PTSD which has affected every aspect of my life.

"Nobody is ever going to believe you. Just kill yourself."

Torture and brainwashing to eat my vegetables.

Please help. Please advise.

Some of torturers:

David Pennel
56915 Dickens, Utica MI

Jeffrey ____
136 Miller, Mt. Clemens MI

Craig Dotter
6705 Northwick, Utica MI

ee ee aa aa gimme peenut
post some goddamned dogs /b/
trains are gay. every time i go to the fucking weed store i hear this big fucking retarded CHOO CHOO announcing that my 2 minute drive is now a 10 minute drive

its 2023 arent we supposed to have flying cars or some shit by now ffs
is it gay/weird for a straight male to like/enjoy mandalas like picrel. 

i personally think they look very pleasent. 

i know its a fad for women to get them as tattoos, which tbfh i find those tattoos to be quite attractive, when normally i dislike tattoos.
yeah i know its a plebbit screenshot.....

with this "missing" f-35, people in various communities across a wide range of platforms are all postulating that this jet was being piloted remotely by some sort of AI controller software, while others are saying it was hacked and taken over. 

i dont see anything in the msm that says anything that i feel would make people think it was AI or a hack afaik.

other people (schizos prolly) think this is related to mh370....

so whats the psyop? and whats making people think its AI or a hack? 

guy in picrel makes several claims, not implying if these claims are true or not, i have no way afaik of difinitvly knowing.

i wonder about there being gps locators/beacons on USAF planes....wouldnt this be a massive security risk if a foriegn government hacked the USAF and had access to all this data???

afaik there isnt gps beacons on commercial jets, or they could have found mh370....
Primal urge to look at teeth.
I recovered my old hard drive that was just sitting there. I found this...

It appears to be from the 2000s...
Im just want dance
Agent tr00n will never be a woman
Come the fuck on B we can't miss out on the action /pol/ /i/ and /cow is beating us
let me explain what i mean. 

i saw pircrel on r/conspiracy the other day. 

IF TRUE, it makes me wonder where people find out this type of information, as most websites are censored and heavily biased. i often read wikipedia articles and i know for a fact that wikipedia wouldnt have information like this. 

are there books? is this information gathered just from a ton of reading of various sources and connecting dots? 

there are several screnshots in this "infographic", any recommends on such sites? 

i could try to look it up on yandex, i might find more information.

i find a lot of the internet is just "trust me bro" when it comes to this type of thing. i dont wanna base my opnions on someone else's opinions; i want some sembalance of fact.
Look, I fucked a 54 year old methhead bitch, but I wouldn't fuck you. You are not attractive and are delusional to think that. You just have desperate men, men more desperate than me, around you giving you false feedback. You are nothing special. Get rid of this nonsense idea you're "attractive". You look like a mentally disturbed person with inferior dark eyes and dark hair. Yeah you're not a nigress or a chinkess so you've above these subhumans but for a white person you're really ugly. And the sad thing? It's an ugliness that can't be fixed; it's not like obesity or something is causing you to be ugly. As far as I can tell this is a good as you'll ever look. My 54 year old gf is better looking than you, she has prettier eyes, red hair, freckles, is tall. You are just… mediocre. If I was married to you I'd have to get you to wear a mask so as not to publicly embarrass me as people would taunt me for having an ugly girlfriend. I don't know what is worse; having an old girlfriend or an ugly one… ah I think I'll stick with my old lady. A woman's value usually comes down to her looks because women don't have anything else to offer in terms of character, virtue, intelligence, etc. so if you don't even have that then you are just nothing but a miserable femcel who will only be pursued by the most bestial and subhuman of "men" that would fuck anything. The best you could do is get a sperm donation from a real man like me because I wouldn't stick around to raise the child with you, you're too ugly to have around, hopefully my superior genetics would be an upgrade for your lineage else the child might curse me forever for having given you my seed.
My cake had cereal in the frosting, shit was delicious :3
what odd coincidence that all these inlfuencial people all have a black eye this is strange and sus asf
post questions related to car repair or just stop in and chat about cars.
I miss u britany
you dumb bitch who hated pornography for nothing other than no other reason (lel)
Once upon a time, in a fictional world where the lines between reality and fantasy crossed paths, lived a unique quartet comprised of Batman, Eric Cartman, Hitler, and Jesus. Despite their diverse backgrounds and conflicting ideologies, fate had brought them together on an extraordinary adventure.

The story begins when a mysterious artifact, known as the Infinity Crystal, is discovered in the heart of Gotham City. This mystical crystal possessed unimaginable powers, capable of bending reality itself. Sensing the potential danger it posed, Batman, the vigilant protector of Gotham, set out on a mission to retrieve and safeguard the crystal.

Meanwhile, across many dimensions, Eric Cartman from South Park, stumbled upon a portal leading to Gotham. Driven by his desire for power and control, he schemed to possess the crystal and reshape reality according to his whims. Unbeknownst to him, Hitler, the notorious dictator, also discovered the portal, seeking a chance to rewrite history in his favor.

Just as these malevolent forces converged upon Gotham, Jesus, the embodiment of compassion and understanding, sensed the imbalance that threatened the universe. He decided to intervene, not to dominate or conquer, but to guide and restore harmony.

When Batman encountered Eric Cartman's attempt to seize the crystal, he fought fiercely, determined to protect it from falling into the wrong hands. In the midst of their chaotic battle, Jesus arrived, his presence calming the storm of conflict.

Recognizing the depth of Cartman's ambition and the temporal rendezvous of past and present, Jesus confronted him. With his ability to see beyond the surface, Jesus discovered the source of Cartman's anger and insecurity. Rather than engaging in physical combat, Jesus chose compassion and empathy as his weapons.

Through patient dialogues, Jesus helped Cartman understand the destructive nature of his desires. He opened Cartman's eyes to the consequences his actions would have on others, urging him to find a path of redemption and growth.

Simultaneously, Batman faced off against Hitler, who was consumed by his hatred and the longing to rewrite history. Batman bore witness to the deep-seated pain in Hitler's heart, recognizing it as a source of his destructive tendencies. He used his detective skills to uncover the vulnerable aspects of Hitler's past and the root of his hatred.

As the clash of ideologies escalated, Jesus and Batman worked in unison, combining their strengths to confront the darkness within both Cartman and Hitler. With their guidance, Cartman and Hitler gradually began to acknowledge the impact of their actions, the importance of empathy, and the potential for personal growth.

In a climactic moment, with the aid of Batman's formidable skills and Jesus' guiding light, the trio managed to protect the Infinity Crystal from falling into the wrong hands. Its power was sealed, ensuring that no one could abuse it.

Though they remained unlikely allies, Batman, Eric Cartman, and Hitler found solace in the lessons they learned from Jesus. United in a newfound understanding of empathy, forgiveness, and personal growth, they went their separate ways, forever changed by the encounter.

This extraordinary tale taught them that even the most unexpected individuals can find redemption and compassion within themselves. It served as a reminder that understanding, forgiveness, and personal growth are the true superheroes we need in our lives. And thus, they carried these lessons forward, continuing their own unique journeys, forever grateful for the twist of fate that brought them together.
Dead board?
if i did a weekly /car repair general/ where people ask questions about there car, and i try to give advice and help point u towards resources,  would there be any interest?
i want to start using amateur radio. mostly cause i think the tech is cool. but there also is a prepper doomer aspect to it. 

the whole FCC and CRTC (if ur a canafag)  extremely gay, demanding that u do training and have to have a license. 

whats worse is that the community is a group of rotting corpse boomer fags who will go out of their way to gatekeep and will report u to the government. 

(my point) most of these boomers call themselves concervatives and hate "libruls", yet they simp for big government and will work to aid it. 

curious how that works, the conservatives are just as supportive of big government, as long as it does things they like.
I am newfag, what is chan lore
free speech or whatever
Dogisaga has become pornsick
A hacker has put the user database up for sale on the darknet, as reported by the Telegram channel "Information Leaks". 

The unknown seller offers more than 760 thousand records, including e-mail addresses, hashed passwords and other personal data of registered users, as well as access to the server - a third-party interface for the popular messenger Discord. 

As proof of the authenticity of his database, the hacker provided a sample of several records. Tests showed that the logins in question corresponded to real Discord users. Representatives of the messenger have not yet commented on the information about the leak. In turn, users advised to change account passwords and enable two-factor authentication in accounts. 

Earlier, the book service "Litres" said that it had organized an internal investigation into the leak of personal data of customers.
Kek. Kol. Kmao even.
Did you know that bizraelis are the biggest ad buyer on fed(4)chan? Well now you know you dumb faggots.
Lol 4chan is down. Rest in piss.

29.39 KB, 1500x1500

Whats evolutionary reason why even thru i didn't want to drink, at supermarket i had such low impulse control, i got some beer, just in case i want to on weekend. 

My guess is that most of my ancestors that had higher impulse control didn't drink and rape/fuck some girl, and only my ancestors that got drunk and then were funny, and fucked some girl did survive. 

But now thanks to internet and such things you can just drink beer at home and be entertained. So it doesn't works anymore.
How far can this thing smell?
Achievable natty?
blorp sheelp plap popl leb shlaborb blomb. blomb shlorbelb blarb blep
Deathly screams, in the depths of the sea
A foolish plan, no one left to see
A propane tank, their vessel of fate
Dumbasses going, to witness the great

The titanic, a majestic sight
But their craft, was built so light
Cheap and unsafe, it could not last
Imploded and crumbled, under the pressure of the past

Death awaits, in the dark abyss
No hope left, for these foolish ones
The titanic, a vision of beauty
Their fate, sealed by their own stupidity
How flexible are you

The AGO has confirmed it has received complaints from Incognet and Crunchbits and that the complaints fall under the scope of their office. I am filing mine this week.

Residents of Washington may be needed soon.

Edit 1: Small update but when we tried to route another /48 off my subnet it was also blocked immediately before ever being pushed live as an AAAA record. In short, this means the company is actively hawking my subnets and terminating them as soon as they go up to deliberately deprive Washington residents of Internet access to websites of their choice.


Edit 2: Actually, they blocked my /32, which means Hurricane Electric is blocking 65,536 network blocks containing 65,536 subscriber blocks each with each subscriber block containing 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible addresses. With this number, I could assign each gram of the Earth's total mass 74 IP addresses each. They have done this specifically to accomplish keeping Washington residents off the Kiwi Farms.

c 4 urself
This is largely due to legal and extralegal influence from Liz Fong-Jones / Elliot William Fong and persons associated with him.

For the benefit of anyone who doesn't understand Internet routing: an ISP deciding to block an entire subnet is akin to the President deciding to barricade all roads leading to a neighborhood because of an individual in a single house.

Without a court order, or even a statement of laws broken. Just because some suit in an office said so.
Verse 1

Mama said don't do no foolin', don't get caught up in no mess
But these young motherfuckers they just don't seem to care less
They just don't think it through, gettin' pregnant and shit
Mama said don't do no foolin', don't do it for no hit


Oh, them young motherfuckers, they don't care what they do
Gettin' pregnant and shit, don't think it through
Mama said it ain't right, so don't you do it too
Gettin' pregnant and shit, it's something that you should never do

Verse 2

Mama said don't you be reckless, don't do it for no thrill
It ain't no game of chance, no matter what they say it will
They just don't understand, gettin' pregnant and shit
Mama said don't be reckless, it's just something you can't risk


Oh, them young motherfuckers, they don't care what they do
Gettin' pregnant and shit, don't think it through
Mama said it ain't right, so don't you do it too
Gettin' pregnant and shit, it's something that you should never do

Verse 3

Mama said don't do no lovin', don't do it just for fun
You gotta think it through, the consequences come and run
They just don't get it right, gettin' pregnant and shit
Mama said it ain't no lovin', it's just something you can't risk


Oh, them young motherfuckers, they don't care what they do
Gettin' pregnant and shit, don't think it through
Mama said it ain't right, so don't you do it too
Gettin' pregnant and shit, it's something that you should never do
We as some of you might be aware are coming to an end of the age of man. Sometime in the near future we will enter the age of the Biomechanoid. Will you accept the cold embrace of metal and rise above your primitive state ascending to godhood to find your destiny amongst the stars. Or will you stay a sorry blob of flesh and be left behind to die on this sick and decaying world. The choice is yours!
and stuff. thanks
Lol tinal
've been a user on this chan and Kiwifarms and mastermind keeps appearing over there and here.

I know they hate 8chan and Liz are they really trying to help us?
The captain is Insano, his might's unsurpassed
His courage and strength, it's put to the test
His knee tears in pain, the onlookers dismay
The place to be is Oglebay!

Rise up to the call, the captain's knee is torn
Our captain's pain, it will be borne
The captain's plight, he will not hide
His courage will never die

The captain's knee is in agony
He limps in pain as he struggles to be
His courage and strength, they will never waver
He will fight on in Oglebay forever!
whats the purpose of this site?
Oh it would be so terrible if you went to make a post on this cool new imageboard.
Please definitely don't do so @ I AM A FEDERAL GLOWNIGGER AGENT
Darkness falls upon the night
A bat and a man engaged in a fight
The battle rages on and on
Until the kryptonite condom is donned

The way of the bat is clear
He'll use deception to bring down fear
He'll catfish Superman, his foe
And use the condom to make him go

The man of steel is no more
His strength and speed are no more
He's been tricked and fooled
By the Batman's clever ruse

The Dark Knight stands triumphant
The battle is at its end
The Man of Steel is no more
And Batman has won again
Try harder niggers u're threads are shit

[%]im not helping[/%]
Tired of faggots arbitrarily posting whatever they want?
i have a friend from the USA who is
atm flying to china for the purpose of setting up and running a Tor node for 30+ days 

the end goal is to not be imprisioned by the authorites while proving that it is indeed possible to have safe and private communication no matter your location. 

this all started due to a thread on 4chin's /g/ board. 

i am in contact with him and i will be posting updates
help me.
What was your first cell phone? Mine was the lg cosmos.  This mf went thru the wash almost 4 times and still survived.  Albeit the last time I had to use a donor unit to replace the screen.
should i pay for parallels or just use virtualbox ?
Do you think training to fight because you believe civilizational collapse is imminent? I'll probably be a pensioner before it gets too bad but hard times causes an increase in violent crime and I think we should all put the effort in to not be fat sad sacks of shit that get choked out immediately.
Carnage and chaos, a deathly scream
Grimaces milkshake, his power unseen
Bringing all the boys to the yard, his wrath divine
He can teach you, but his price is so high

Icy fingers grip your throat, choking your breath
Your mind a vortex, spinning out of control
Grimaces milkshake, a lesson to learn
His curse upon you, no chance to break

Fiery abyss, a life of despair
Grimaces milkshake, a never ending nightmare
Bringing all the boys to the yard, for his vile delight
He can teach you, but with terror and fright

Darkness consuming, his power complete
Grimaces milkshake, a lesson to keep
Bringing all the boys to the yard, his legacy will live on
He can teach you, but for a price you can’t afford
My heart is filled with anger and hate
As I watch the Dark Knight penetrate
The Clown Prince of Crime in a brutal way
And hear his screams in a morbid display

His body broken by the Dark Knight's might
As he's sodomized in a terrible plight
The Joker's cries echo through the night
His life taken by Batman's might

The Dark Knight's vengeance has been brought
The Joker's life has been caught
The grim deed of his fate
His screams of pain will never abate

A grisly reminder of Batman's might
The Joker's death an awful sight
The Dark Knight's justice has been done
The Joker's screams are now gone
something like tons of interesting prompts. hundreds or thousands
all dfferent
technically interesting plans t get some few hundreds traffics or sales
gimme fun art prompts
hundreds are good too
what makes these pieces of works worth few thousand likes and traffics
this person has hurt me so much and it has even caused me trauma, she deserves to die! send her all the death threats and harassment you want, the more the BETTER.
her instagram is

Do reply with screenshots of what you sent to her!!
Have fun!! ^__^
help /b/ i had anal sex with a black dude and now i have aids
I'm one of the mods for 8chan and I noticed some brewing war between these sites and I was wondering why everyone here is so hell bent on destroying 8chan?

Anyway can you all explain the crazy amount of 94chan pysop going on there's been over 50+ threads about how hotwheels is going to die and why 94chan is winning what's going on can we have an honest discussion
I know it was relatively dead and primarily populated when it was linked to the discord, but i'm gonna miss it.  It was a fun experiment to message people through my old blackberry and other legacy devices but I understand, with degeneracy ramping up online it'd only be a matter of time until they exploited irc's vulnerable infastructure
Has the last few years made you more or less antisocial /b/? Speaking personally, I just don't like gay people
Yo, can you guys make a cooking board?
Remember when Nick Fuentes fans tried to colonize 94chan for the pedophile catholics?
Does anyone else wonder how they manage consistently the most annoying, contrarian, henpecking creatures in all the internet?
Snorting cocaine off a dead hooker's ass is not only a better experience than snorting cocaine off a midget's dick, it is also a more sanitary experience. The dead hooker's ass is not alive and carries no pathogens, while the midget's dick may have bacteria or other health risks. Furthermore, the dead hooker's ass is more spacious and the cocaine can be spread out more evenly, providing a better high than snorting from a smaller surface area. Finally, the dead hooker's ass is a more interesting and visually stimulating experience, providing a unique and memorable experience.

Also, snorting cocaine off a dick is gay as fuck
I have to say, I love Linkara. I was watching... I was watching various places and I saw Linkara, The Great Linkara. He did Atop the Fourth Wall and he talked about the famous Power Rangers rant, right? And he said: "it will be out when it's out". And we like that, "it will be out when it's out". Great work ethic, so good. Iron Liz was there, the Great Iron Liz, right? It's okay.
Something that sounds big, not nsfw, massive content
Irish phenotype
What will you give me if I get a 94chan tattoo?
Kiwi farms has been down for days and i'm starting to get concerned about this.
How do u fix screen like tiz

Insted of smooth its full of linez
I fell in love with someone I can't have. Now I am filled with joy and sadness.
i didnt know we had a music board lol

if these guys still perform, id go to their concerts
idk if im just tarded but i was not aware there was a alleged female-only image board named crystal cafe. 

kind of an interesting concept, i read their FAQ. 

i wonder if its a right-leaning imageboard or not. that would be interesting. 

i wonder how many trannies try to post there, i feel like either would have to put up with that, or they would have to kick them out. the latter meaning the board would prolly lean right.
So who should the whites pick first?
You guys eat right, what do you cook? I've been eating noodles and chicken forever now but money just got even tighter, what you eat? How you cook it?
just realized ive had a job for 11 months

ie i havent been fired or laid off or goofed up enough to be promoted to customer 

i could only keep a job for 5-6 months previously

im wondering if ive grown as a person, or if i just work in such a disorganized shithole that its hard for managment to see what a ADHD crackhead i am
Thoughts, niggas?
The Internet is so fucking sanitised now, there are like maybe 10 big sites and they're all moderated to fuck. Google search is garbage, anyone remember when if you searched something niche you might find a chan thread (probably fell off the bottom of the board but at least you'd find a community) or you'd find some forum posts 30 pages deep. Now you search for something and you get list websites and reddit at best.

Wtf happened and where are the good communities of old now? Surely not chans cause by 2010 metrics every chan is beyond dead.

Anyway sorry no good image I'm on my phone, I hope this chan strips exif data
Is 'zellig acceptable here ? >.<
Greetings from ptchan, your friendly software cousin, not an english speaking chan tho but feel free to visit board, you can talk in english there!

((( ptchan is ok I'm just having a meme luv Homocide )))
my name is non of your business, buddy. and i am not your friend, pal. i am here for goku onwy!
Oh wait it's just the same faggot.

Isn't it fun to just sit it out and go nuts after 5 seconds of thinking or so?

At least chatgpt uses abit more brain power than you.
How much programming skills do i need to be software engineer. With the so called 6 digit income i guess.
Hypothethically how to make 6 cocks cum in my ass at the same time
Where to find complete coding practices for like, all programming languahes; from basic to c#, like all the solutions one xan use to maybe make apps or to deal with cloud engineering, and finally maybe make factory much learning do i need and where are they so i can do all the above
Honestly, I want to "debug" Flat Earthers and attempt to understand why they believe that the Earth is flat. Clearly, something bad happened to them to cause them to think this way. Does anyone have any insight of how someone becomes a Flat Earther?
Post random photos or random videos
Why you delete my post about complaining the 4chan, ???
Would you have sex with this thing for 10 grand?
Hey there staff and serfs, I'm looking around at imageboard softwarez and leaning towards jschan, but don't want to regret my decision like last time, so could you please tell me:

>waz goooood?
>What do you hate most about jschan?
>What moderation tools are most useful, and what is missing?
>r8 it

I'd test it myself but the required MongoDB version won't install on my mini-computer (ARM, missing a hardware requirement)
how do i stop being so full of hate all the time? not trying to be emo its a real problem of mine
Found an archive on of spinning food gifs. I've seen people sharing these of 4chan but this is just a collection without sifting through all the garbage on 4chan.
Hi Brittany, just wanted to call you a cunt and tell you that you are one special little retard. You, are, a, CARNT. Absolute bitchy, simple brained, retarded, bitch ass dumb nigger faggot douche dum retard BAGINA. CARNT.
I love hot choclate
I'm banned from 4chan. Can somebody please post this image in this thread?
I'm gay and take it up the ass
Needs a gimmick
Jole is gay
Laugh with us while pol cries
/b/ HQ
soy j  ak . party won
Check them
I’d like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as Linux is in fact GNU/Linux or as recently i have taken to calling - GNU+Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a full functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
3chan died so restarting this thread here
So the stupid Janny turns this place into a hellhole and then insults me, I tell him to fuck off because he's a huge fag and i'm the bad guy? What absolute fucking horseshit is this? I shill for the site, help moderate chat and the boards and some fuck who has made all our lives hell is better than me?@?@?@??!?!? I'm so angry I can't even type in English. FUCK
Why are anons on 4chan such a fucking loser. Cant you all tell between projections and fucking transformations?
Fucking useless morons
Not only theyr all jews, guess you are all also stupid fags.

Keep roleplaying your politics

Fucking bàttle royale fans morom
I need art themes to do. Like a hundred or so

And the last guy is a jewish so why do we bother.
Kill millenials. Behead millenials. Roundhouse kick a millenial into the concrete. Slam dunk a millenials baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy millenials. Defecate in a millenials food. Launch millenials into the sun. Stir fry millenials in a wok. Toss millenials into active volcanoes. Urinate into a millenials gas tank. Judo throw millenials into a wood chipper. Twist millenials heads off. Report millenials to the IRS. Karate chop millenials in half. Curb stomp pregnant millenials. Trap millenials in quicksand. Crush millenials in the trash compactor. Liquefy millenials in a vat of acid. Eat millenials. Dissect millenials. Exterminate millenials in the gas chamber. Stomp millenials skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate millenials in the oven. Lobotomize millenials. Mandatory abortions for millenials. Grind millenial fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown millenials in fried chicken grease. Vaporize millenials with a ray gun. Kick old millenials down the stairs. Feed millenials to alligators. Slice millenials with a katana.
App or some free website. Or 6 books of foreign language kindergarten? 
Please recommend me
Gemjaks won
How to learn languages like japanese,mandarin, korean, hawaiaan,inuits or samoan? Any online (free) resources?

Looking for its most basic, like alphabet constructors or strokes, voicings and then slowly go to grammars? Basically a free,complete, course(s). All in the same formatting maybe.
I'm stomped I haven't seen any threads about it so I decided to make my own. 
So when the countdown stopped nothing happened, so I emailed the email back with my keys and I got the strangest puzzle??

"The Cipher That Shall Unveil the Future Quest"

A solution to the yearning heart's plea,
I reveal what was obscured in secrecy,
A universe beyond the mundane's boundaries.

With intuition that penetrates the guise,
I am the scribe of a life in disguise,
A saga of love, loss, and integrity.

In the annals of "Jane Eyre" I reside,
The tale of a governess and her dignified stride,
In the lessons of "The Professor" I reside.

Within the chaos of adolescence I reside,
In the pages of "The Catcher in the Rye" I reside,
The reflections of a troubled mind.

From the depths of Eastern Europe I emerge,
In "A Time of Gifts" I emerge,
A journey of wonders, fears, and urge.

Decode the enigma that I keep,
And embark on a journey, a leap into the deep,
To solve the cipher that I seep."
hehe haha
What are the more lucrative career to do or learn these days
As an anime fan I find it uncomfortable that whatever community I am in there will inevitably be a creepy man defending age of consent or l0licon.  I just wanna enjoy action scenes and a good plot, not be in a place with middle aged men who look like vaush
This is a serious question, I'm trying not to miss out on heaven
WHAT A SHIT WEBSITE you assholes think its funny to post someone elses pictures of their hard work and laugh and call it horific? ILL SHOW YOU HORRIFIC MOTHERFUCKER I bet none of you have EVER made anything creative plus most of the fursuits here are made pacificly by CHILDREN and other furry folk who are doing nothing wrong and should be treated like everyone else cause their human to and you still bully them for being themselves. Literaly what do you gain other then showing the world your all toxic and gross sons of bitches that bully furry folk for expressing themselves. Websites like this are why children are depresed and suicidal because of hateful bullys like you.
who tf is valentines btw
henlo pls acept dis cordal spinvitation to dab owl dis vary weekend
Where to find sites thst contain complete list of words/sentence/phrase in a languagr like dictionary used to be and not typing search query like damn google search

Basically also how to learn.

So this car, imported with 950k km on the odo is being resold  in Poland with only 221k on the odo
So here's the game. We have been tapping into demonic energy since the large haldron collider was created. They claim they get responses from the other side and are being given instructions to open a portal to a new dimension.

This Dimensions is literally hell.

Why do you think all this evil shit is happening in switzerland?

It is luciferianism and although we cannot stop it, we must be prepared.
what is the point of this website?
What's the name of that superhero
Anyone who says old 4chan wasn't fucked up wasn't there, that's all I can say
does anybody know the source of this gif
4000k is on the line.
IHM may the games begin again


/pol/ is the cancer killing imageboards
throw em to the fucking curb and restore our former glory as Anonymous
where's my weekend bros?! i hate phone shit so twitter and telegram can fuck off. discord wants wants my phone number (ask glow niggers... im not giving it to you) and irc is nerd shit i cant comprehend. im stuck here. how the fuck you gonna have your own chan and chat on other platforms?! baffling.
im almost 25, i have adhd. i cant focus on anything, i mess everything up all the time.

im numb all the time, to the point that im not even aware im numb. im so used to it that it is the default for me.

every time i get instrospective i get suicidal.

i go through life, i dont feel like ive gotten anywhere. i have nothing to show for the effort ive put out. i still rent, i pay out the ass in insurance for 2 sub $1k cars that are in poor shape.

i feel like a akward teenager all the time. i dont feel like im an adult. no one treats me like an adult.

i cant hold down a job, every 6 months i get fired or laid off.

im married to someone, and we fight and argue a lot and it sucks. our personalities are too differnet and it makes us miserable. we have no commonality between us. i end up being too blunt and hurt her feelings constantly.

idk what i was thinking to think that i could be functional enough to be in a long term relationship with another person, when i lack so much self awareness, and the point if i wonder if im autistic or a psycopath or some shit.

we had 2 misscarraiges this summer and it sucked.

i quit smoking pot and drinking heavily years ago, and i dont know how because every time i think about it, i feel the need to escape. every day i think about and marvel at how i made it another day that i didnt get blackout the previous night, untill i realize i couldnt afford it anyway.

i struggle with porn, and then i feel horrible horrible guilt and disgust after. i quit it but idk how. its such a struggle.

everything i do is done poorly, everything i do seems to go better when someone else does it.

i hate the goverment, and these hypocrytical monsters destroying everything and making my life harder on a daily basis. fuck trudeau and these stupid pieces of shit finding new ways to fuck everyone over in this stupid country that im stuck in and cant leave.

i just want to disappear and leave it all behind sometimes, but where can i go? its all fucked
am I exiled to this forgotten bunker full of dead anons. ghosts. this place is full of them. i am one. no where to post on a saturday night but a dead board. what happened to us bros? the red pill got lodged in my throat and its turning black with rot. i cant post anywhere else... what?! plebbit!? be a faggot discord tranny? wtf. i hate twitter posters. 99% of the internet is ruined for me and i refuse to suck ChanPass cock. wish this place wasnt so dead. is there not one anon who just wants to shitpost? what ever happened to "do it for the lulz?! ill take a schizo at this point im so fuckin bored.
How much dya study to be considered Excellent in programming? Computer science?
The internet is becoming less degenerate
How would you study these many codes
 to the point you can code out a single uh
Wolfenstein game idk

Like how many (lines) will you need to code out
And what are they?
infinite money hack
Liru loves us and wants us to be happy!  😊
me when my testicle starts hurting
i have a problem but i dont
Board infighting is not allowed. Carry on.
Never Forget
Would you rather live in a city or out in a small rural community?
We love IHM and Homicide 

Post nothing by party content we love this website let's show some love
I'm tired of myself.
I wanna die but i know is painful anyway.
I'm still alone every friday/saturday night for life.
What the fuck is life expecting for me?
post cats RIGHT MEOW
why are all you people now trying to "expose" me? It seems every other month some random Q people or anonymous detectives are trying to out me for something I never done.

I can see that IHM is yet again angry with me because I blocked her. stop being petty and grow up there's nothing you can say to convince people I'm certainly evil or trying to orchestrate some wicked plan to takeover the internet.

I personally have no more involvement with 8chan and they hate me you would have known that if you just do basic astute research about me instead you all are just making up more theories about me that borders on fan fiction.
In this channel, liberals flip out on street preachers. I think they’re in Canada.
lol true.
why are all you people now trying to "expose" me? It seems every other month some random Q people or anonymous detectives are trying to out me for something I never done.

I can see that IHM is yet again angry with me because I blocked her. stop being petty and grow up there's nothing you can say to convince people I'm certainly evil or trying to orchestrate some wicked plan to takeover the internet.

I personally have no more involvement with 8chan and they hate me you would have known that if you just do basic astute research about me instead you all are just making up more theories about me that borders on fan fiction.
This place used to be fun? Its just constant drama about some fat furry faggot or 8chan like come on

IHM why do you even care about these people so much?
In honor of ihm coming on the show I'm releasing our comic strip. Here's some of our work.
Honestly its time we screw them
any retarded faggots online rn
Is Patrick Star Satan because he's a pentagram?
I have collected a list of over 300 cases of people dying from the COVID vaccines. It's time to spread the truth and finally expose the COVID Vaccines and try to save people's lives! I've posted the cases to my personal blog at I SHIT IN THE STREETS
why did they discontinue these tasty little fucking niggers? Piece of shit, I HOPE THE OWNER OF STAUFFERS DIES
My new 4chan life is just so based! Because I am a stay at home mom, I can get out of bed whenever I feel like, then sip on some wine "Whooopsie! Hihehe, I meant coffee ;^) lol" And AWOO for hours on /ptg while my husband is at work. We have plenty of money because my husband got hired directly into his dad's company and into a senior position ( Wow, I just love family! ) During the day our kids are all being taken care of at a child care home where he will pick them up after work. After posting in /ptg all morning, I will have some hot coffee with our mailman Pat. He works so hard... I just adore him. And he hates those beta males just as much as I do. But whatever. I just LOVE my conservative lifestyle, it just really turns me on. So does my husband, of course.
Make a sacrifice...
We are prepared to settle this war and give you 5000 dollars 

If you sell out one of your moderators: Nick Coleman#2590

Proof this is the hash of the amount of money we sent your address
Favorite Drinks?
I'll start pic rel
thoughts on kiwis? I mean the bird. they're the only good thing to come out of new zealand. also animal thread. post your favorite animals or pets here
how many do i order anon? i have 3 in shopping cart just for myself a couple for the cat to play with. do you think you'd want one?
Merry Kipmas, faggots.
I'm tired of posers. Answer.
the admin on this site is a pathetic Incel faggot loser Virgin who in his late 40's and still lives with fat ugly toothless meth head of a mother who's been with so many inbred redneck shit kickers I'm surprised there hasn't been some sort of world record made from how much of a filthy skank whore she is, fuck the admin of this faggot site and fuck this faggot site all he does is have to  complain and moan like a little faggot whenever someone makes a thread on this faggot site that he doesn't like the guy is a fucking pathetic fucking loser.
Have a collection of autistic christmas mudkip videos I found.
hi guys
Who is Master?
What did Homicide and IHM do with these donations because they are so "poor?

Ask yourself this Homicide can get a job and IHM, this site isn't even this active either hell I can afford it 

Why do people hate 8chan / where did this hate come from?
I would highly recommend disabling tor posting, that’s where all the pedo posters come from
Need. BIGGG IDEA. Like alottttt.
Why the userbase of that website dissolves too fast? I remember having cool activity on 17-18 and in question of two days all people dissapeared of internet
How? It's some sort of IA shitposting on every board?
Anime sucks ass.
Good evening 94chan.

I was just stopping by to wish you all a merry Christmas and formally invite you to attend to our christmas event on! From December 17 to 18 There will be music starting with various game lobbies and cultural exchanges between imageboards along with several movie nights organized by anons. I hope you all can have a wonderful time with us this weeked.

Best regards. Anon.
Also when are we going to kill 8chan they keep posting here and its getting irritating
I have been looking everywhere now for the last two years for her Leaks and have no luck on the clearweb well from the usual places and have no idea where else to look for them and I know they are real cos I've not nor have I ever seen the picture used for the sampler teaser anywhere online like any of her social media sites and like to ask if anyone here has any ideas where else I could look for them.

I want to fuck a biblically accurate angel guise
Post old stuff relating to 7chan, stories, screenshots, and other things relating to 7chan.
River says post cats, it's caturday!
wut a dump. does anyone even poast here!? wheres the feels threads its friday night. every other chan i fucked by captcha. i just wan to shitpost. who knew the internet would suck so bad in the future?! i hate this place.
What would you like for christmas, 94chan?
Homicide was a drunk faggot that was saved by a woman that can't produce children
lol fed
m m m mmm
Someone who can help me, how can I kill myself fast?
Does anyone here like Taylor Swift? I'm addicted hahahaa  (>‿◠)✌
We are a team of professional hackers. Our expertise is programming, running exploits, and setting up DDoS attacks, database, SEO and web design, hosting & server management, marketing, hacking and we like the challenge of doing things where most others give up. 

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Recover account passwords of most social networks easily, remote control smartphones. 
Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, the Twitter account hacking. Criminal record expungement, Credit score increment, Change of a school course grade, tracking live location, etc.

Full package deal, getting access to personal or company devices and accounts and searching for the data you need.
Hacking web servers, game servers, or other internet infrastructure. Economic espionage. Getting private information from someone. 

Contact via 
Bty I am a agressive Canadian ominsexual and I will not be stopped. Long live Buttsec! Trannie hacker demon gang represent!
How to make list like this which also have hyperlinks
Into a single compact notes
Thats not just copying them all one by one
any idea how do i compile a list like this into  a more simpler A4 sized page or so
How to memorize a big list of names like african ideophones when you only use maybe a single smart phone and not want to scroll over

Basically a compact list
Any advice making comic book that can attract 600k traffic/sales

Like how good or what should it contain
The 90s Outer Limits is being aired on Comet, channel 11-07.
Why is dogisaga such an obeast now?
Everyone let's discuss how she thinks her own users are 8chan users because she can't get over her massive lost to some fucking trannies
Be honest 94/b/, are you homosexual?
Give me a JEW!!!!

Miggers: "YOU!!!!!"
I've been a user on this chan and Kiwifarms and mastermind keeps appearing over there and here.

I know they hate 8chan and Liz are they really trying to help us?

Should null know?
Should we start an investigation?
Sup guys I found this Playstation somewhere and I want to get rid of it, do people still buy these on craigslist?
Made this thread for everyone that didn't get to see it
Too afraid to share my music tastes in the chats, so making this thread instead.
lol, 8888th post

I can't read

pic unrelated but i endorse it
moloch or da baal

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