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Psalm 94

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Hey, i want ya'lls to teach me almost everything about aliens so i can deeply liberate myself and my circle of influence from the influence of whoever(alien) it is that tried to suppress my pineal gland, whoever(alien) it is that tried to entrap me by provoking me by trying to break my neck and then telling me where they were from (slovakia), and whoever it is that thought it a good idea to sow my right eye open. 

Please help me become more knowledgable.
Please help me be accepted into greater civilization 

Send messages to [email protected]

Also teach me other stuff too, i'm also interested in other stuff that'd useful
Replies: >>166 >>167 >>168
>>165 (OP) 

Lol no
>>165 (OP) 
here's what you need to know: It's not aliens, you're just a schizo
>>165 (OP) 

Here's what you need to know. You're retarded. Aliens may or may not exist, but not how you think they do. They are likely similar to us in looks and just have an evolved perception of reality. 

Or, aliens are angels and demons.
Replies: >>169

Verse 1
Hitler was kind of like Jesus
His words were often wise
He said that we should be united
But we chose to disbelieve

He said that we should love each other
No matter our differences
But we chose to live in hatred
And it brought us to our knees

Verse 2
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>The US has been urged to disclose evidence of UFOs after a whistleblower former intelligence official said the government has possession of β€œintact and partially intact” alien vehicles.


It's happening ay lmao bros. Full disclosure when?
Replies: >>160 >>161 >>162
>>159 (OP) 
I've actually been waiting for this thread. I saw a UFO once, and find the entire topic fascinating. Drop your ayyy lmaos.
>>159 (OP) 

The aliens exist thing is a psyop. It's likely a prototype of military technology
>>159 (OP) 
>the US has--
Stopped reading; the US lies, always.

My mom (42F) told me (14M) this story. So it's 2010 and I'm about 3 at the time, my mom is getting my highchair to feed me. While she's feeding me, her fan flew across her room. A FAN. She heard the loud bang and went to see what happened. The fan was originally on the dresser, but it had moved about 5 feet. The thing is, there was nobody there to throw it. How did this happen? I need answers! ⁠(°д°)

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Underage; see you in two years

Replies: >>155
>>153 (OP) 
>My mom (42F)
wow glad you clarified, I wasn't sure what the fuck you were talking about for a sec
Replies: >>156
Wrong hemisphere. I fixed it.
Replies: >>157
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they were 3 in 2010; they were born in 2007, that is 16 years ago
math is the true spooper here

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I'm trying to understand Flat Earthers. They claim to be pro-science but anything that contradicts flat earth is something they don't believe. Should Flat Earth craziness be considered 'religion' or 'paranormal'?
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Replies: >>147 + 2 earlier
>>144 (OP) 

I would say flat earth comes from a misunderstanding of Biblical text, so I'd blame it on religion.
Replies: >>148
it has been stated that they are mentally ill
i for one believe it is the moon that's flat

(the back of it has a giant laser mounted to it)

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Are they real? Are there Rogers among us?
Replies: >>103 >>104
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>>102 (OP) 
>>102 (OP) 

Depends on your definition of alien. Would you consider nephilim alien? Then yes
Yes, you call them Jews.

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Normies were genius level all along?
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Replies: >>119 >>138 + 1 earlier
You type like a spastic fluoride spawn
>>80 (OP) 
if magic real work, normies do magic all the time. The LoA is so normie tier that kids in elementary school were trying it out. 

Of course you don't call fish smart when they swim back to the place they were born.
>>80 (OP) 
Learning takes money unless you are accredited genius

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Let's get this going! 
>What paranormal events have you anons experience lately?

Pic unrelated but they're most likely all <die
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This one's a home brew, from about 15 years back.
>be me
>27 year-old ginger neckbeard
>Born and raised in Appalachia (WV)
>Mountaineer by trade, not for fun
>Work with survey teams for local mining concerns
>Just signed with new outfit, looking for new coal deposits
>Friend transfers with me, we'll call him 'Phil'
>Phil works with survey equipment, I guide the team
>Company is based in California, has no clue how things work out East
>Most of the crew are bussed in from San Francisco, never been east of St. Louis
>Decide to fuck with them
>We have an urban legend, pretty much completely spread by local black-lungers
>The Coalman (Urban version) or the Howler (Miner version) is said to walk the hillsides, trying to kill work crews in its "territory"
>Guys blow it off, except Phil, since he grew up here and knew the background of it better
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methods in which tulpa succubusses can be summoned? Is this possible?
Replies: >>114
I think the it involves travelling to a dimly lit bar and ritualistically consuming alcohol until you teleport
>>100 (OP) 
Replies: >>116
Definitely Instagram

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So what happen to this nigga? Aliens?
Replies: >>115
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many such cases
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>>91 (OP) 
this injustice makes me sick

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general spoopy experiences thread

i think there's ghosts in my butt

pic unrelated
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Replies: >>111
that was your mom. no ghost. rest easy lad.
Replies: >>112
did you mean to say that it was your aborted sister?
Replies: >>113
yes, yes i did.

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