[Hide] (642.9KB, 1920x1200) This one's a home brew, from about 15 years back.
>be me
>27 year-old ginger neckbeard
>Born and raised in Appalachia (WV)
>Mountaineer by trade, not for fun
>Work with survey teams for local mining concerns
>Just signed with new outfit, looking for new coal deposits
>Friend transfers with me, we'll call him 'Phil'
>Phil works with survey equipment, I guide the team
>Company is based in California, has no clue how things work out East
>Most of the crew are bussed in from San Francisco, never been east of St. Louis
>Decide to fuck with them
>We have an urban legend, pretty much completely spread by local black-lungers
>The Coalman (Urban version) or the Howler (Miner version) is said to walk the hillsides, trying to kill work crews in its "territory"
>Guys blow it off, except Phil, since he grew up here and knew the background of it better