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Psalm 94

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That also came out before 2020. My mobile old as fuck and I keep seeing online shit, it's pissing me off.
...so you got anything?
Somebody check that shit out. I' not watching dolphin porn
Replies: >>438 >>439 >>440
Well any other ideas?
Replies: >>441
it's the Rolling Stones
That's what someone watching dolphin porn would say
>dolphin porn
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have you considered
Replies: >>443 >>449 >>450
So anything yet?
Replies: >>443
see >>441
Replies: >>444
Nah, seethe
Replies: >>451
Anymore suggestions?
Replies: >>450
Stardew valley. It's like $4 and worth it even on mobile plus the update just came out
Replies: >>447
Stardew valley is shit, you made a mistake by mentioning that. Also get a life man
Replies: >>448 >>449 >>452
p. sure she's married, thus already has a "life man"
pretty retarded way of saying it tho
oh also see >>441
yeah >>441
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>le 4chan buzzords ecks dee
back up your argument or fuck off
Replies: >>453
Come on now, don't be stingy: Allow him to do both.
how old we talking
Replies: >>456
Major Mayhem was an Adult Swim game that I found entertaining enough to bother unlocking all the stuff. Probably played it back in '16 but the only other mobile games I really play are Stardew Valley mobile, Flow Free Bridges, and Shattered Pixel Dungeon.
too old for you, pedo
Replies: >>457
do i even wanna ask how you're gonna fuck a motorola that likely has a microusb at best or proprietary charger at worst
Replies: >>458
*I* ain't gonna, the pedo looking for underage hardware is; it's his problem how he wants to defile himself and the very concept of tech
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