/vg/ - vidya gaem

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Psalm 94

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A monster taming game but with  rhythm based combat. In a battle a song plays and you have to time specific button presses to the beat to initiate commands.
Well, what do you think? Come on, this board can't THAT fucking dead
Replies: >>419 >>422 >>424
This entire fucking chan is dead.
Also, you are a faggot
Replies: >>420 >>422 >>424
Project harder cocksucking faggot
No time to sleep, frens
Nobody gives a shit
Kill yourself today
Replies: >>423
>Nobody gives a shit
You don't give a shit, faggot. Fuck off, autist.
Replies: >>424 >>432
No its not

You said that last time too. Your idea sucks and you can't even not interact with people without being inflammatory so I dunno what you're after here besides asspats for combining Jade Cocoon with PaRappa the Rapper.
Replies: >>425
Why the fuck are you referring me to a random thread?
Replies: >>427
It's a link to a post that you made 2 weeks ago
Replies: >>428
>a post that you made
Are you okay there, anon? Did shit hit the fan today?
Replies: >>429
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if you think it is a software issue I can pass it along to the devloper.
Replies: >>430
>this level of cringe
Well you need fix your fucking site,modnigger cuz that ain't me. Also you should be working right now dimwit. You're not going to get your 1$ salary by doing nothing.
Replies: >>431
1. Mods can't see IP addresses, for reasons such as fuck you.
2. Everything else you said is invalidated by you choosing to use a Nigerian VPN.
3. Nobody wants to talk to you.
Nobody gives a shit; kill yourself today
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