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join my minecraft server frends
1.21.4 vanilla no-hack anarchy, works on java and bedrock.

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Remember FlatOut?
never actually played it, was more into Gran Turismo and Need for Speed

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That also came out before 2020. My mobile old as fuck and I keep seeing online shit, it's pissing me off.
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Major Mayhem was an Adult Swim game that I found entertaining enough to bother unlocking all the stuff. Probably played it back in '16 but the only other mobile games I really play are Stardew Valley mobile, Flow Free Bridges, and Shattered Pixel Dungeon.
too old for you, pedo
Replies: >>457
do i even wanna ask how you're gonna fuck a motorola that likely has a microusb at best or proprietary charger at worst
Replies: >>458
*I* ain't gonna, the pedo looking for underage hardware is; it's his problem how he wants to defile himself and the very concept of tech

i like video games :>

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A monster taming game but with  rhythm based combat. In a battle a song plays and you have to time specific button presses to the beat to initiate commands.
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if you think it is a software issue I can pass it along to the devloper.
Replies: >>430
>this level of cringe
Well you need fix your fucking site,modnigger cuz that ain't me. Also you should be working right now dimwit. You're not going to get your 1$ salary by doing nothing.
Replies: >>431
1. Mods can't see IP addresses, for reasons such as fuck you.
2. Everything else you said is invalidated by you choosing to use a Nigerian VPN.
3. Nobody wants to talk to you.
Nobody gives a shit; kill yourself today

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About an hour ago the official server for Genesz, devs for the driving game"The Long Drive", was completely pwned by persons unknown.

Quote of the night comes from the unofficial server which has served as a 'lifeboat' for the massive amount of people banned for no reason, BS reasons, or just refusing to validate certain voluntary lifestyles.
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Raids on homotrannies sounds like more of a black people meet dot com thing, he might get more interest over there.
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>414
you might go fuck yourself. This isn't a call for a raid, and if is, it's on the wrong fucking board
Replies: >>415
maybe not a call for a raid, but definitely less /vg/ and more "lol trannies amirite fellow /pol/tards"
Replies: >>416
Yeah, I'll give you that. it's fine here, nobody will notice and be a retard except the spammers anyway

also how dare you sage a post that actually contributes to the discussion. Shame on you
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TL;DR - Starts out all spooky and with good plot/lore, degenerates to grindfest with huge difficulty spike.

6/10, with 1/10 for being a rare open-world driving sim like The Long Drive or BEWARE

TL;DR - Starts out all spooky and a promising plot/lore combo, degenerates to grindfest with huge difficulty spike.

6/10, with 1/10 for being a rare open-world driving sim like The Long Drive or BEWARE

Ironwood studios are massive fag-huggers
I recommend the Fitgirl release

Link in photo has a mod that removes the fag/troon/freak decals

---Homo couple with one fag making Dramatic Heroic Sacrifice (tm) 2/3rds into the game.
---Lore takes insane amounts of farming to find all of it.

---No hints on where or how to get the mid and late-game resources that you need for advanced car parts, unless you install the Resource Radar and notice the funny new symbols.
------This is especially retarded as you have 3 people over the radio trying to help you escape, one is even a top science nerd.

---All the posters are all gibberish instead of readable text because the devs cheaped out (compare with games like Black Mesa)

---By midgame you have craploads of parts, insane amounts of storage, and no use for it all. 

---Optimization so bad that my 3080 sounds like a jet engine after a single 'run' ingame.

---Game lets you softlock yourself into dying in Dead Ends that randomly appear
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you typed out a TL;DR twice, and the second time was longer than the first

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any1 of u /v/iggers play Minecraft anarchy? No better place to troll troons and make them overdose on SSRIs.
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Replies: >>389
OMG so nostalgic ΒΊoΒΊ
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we can be gangsters together
Replies: >>405
but can we?

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i am bad at fps games, but i like playing them. bad as in ur girlfriend could prolly kick my ass in a 1v1 fps session.

i own both cs1.6 and cs:s but im not sure which one i should install and play. 

i prefer tdm style online multiplayer. 

my potato laptop cant run cs:go/cs2 so thats off the table.

picrel is said potato faptop
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>less video games than PS3
I remember way back when, I went to this schoolmate's house who was kinda middle-upper class and had just gotten a PS3. All we did was play this boring as fuck basketball game. Granted, the graphics were mind-blowing at the time but holy shit what a bore.
Replies: >>399
The only games on PS3 are Infamous and NBA 2K10
Replies: >>400
>NBA 2K10
That's the fucker. It doesn't help that I hate IRL basketball
Replies: >>401
oh yeah nah I played some of that on xbox 360 in 09 cause it was the only fuckin thing around to play. i just got lucky that the Magic were pretty good that year

does anybody still play it
the servers have little to none players but the gaem is epik
i still like it
its cool but pretty dead
samefagging in a slow imageboard is pathetic

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