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Thread for Games that Deserve Awesome Respect:

I'll start with Tron 2.0. Awesome FPS that was ahead of it's time and still looks good nearly 20 years later.
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Replies: >>198
>>196 (OP) 
>Awesome Respect
How can respect be awesome? Do I have to express it through a massive mural, or a post-modernist meta-novel? Should I commit suicide in its honour?
That game got me into Fear Factory

I've been on a big Stardew Valley kick recently, shit's fun.
The ace of spades alpha had early 2010s vidya going wild
Replies: >>213
have you tried the openspades project?  Its pretty legit as well

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but its kicking my ass 

we will see, it will be reverse proxied and accessable via a domain name.

stay tuned
Well if it doesn't pan out you can always make it a Goldeneye: Source server, I'd play the shit out of that.

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recommend me some maybe 20 titles of rpg from snes to psx era (also includes DOS)
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Suikoden, Suikoden 2, Soleil, The Speris Legacy, FFVII.
Sweet home for the famicom is really good. There's translations of the rom on the internet. It's the predecessor to resident evil

Star Ocean
Bahamut Lagoon
Mario RPG


Shining Force I + II (Shining in the Darkness is ok)
Phantasy Star series


Star Ocean
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little big planet was some awesome gaming
Didn't get to play much PS3, just some Assassin's Creed and Infamous. I haven't owned a console since ps2
Replies: >>207

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Games you played that you know are shitty, but still love to play them.
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Replies: >>203 + 1 earlier
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Total Annihilation: Kingdoms (TA:K) isn't shitty but, when it came out, everyone shat upon it bc Chris Taylor (the man behind Total Annihilation) wasn't involved in it and everyone just wanted more TA (specifically, TA2) and not TA:K.

TA:K was ahead of it's time when it came to Real-Time Strategy, with an engaging storyline, distinct multiple sides and streamlined gameplay. In some ways, it's almost a proto-"Tower Defense" game in that some single-player levels are quite "Tower Defense"-like.
Replies: >>204
>>70 (OP) 

JFK Reloaded. It's literally a 3 minute simulation of killing jfk to prove the official story was a lie
First time I saw a lan party they were playing TA

I played Tribes instead lol
Last edited by homicide

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Obscure games you played as a child
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>any psygnosis game
>if theres a sound test
Based Matt Furniss enjoyer.
Riddle of the Sphinx on the Atari 2600. I don't have a fucking clue what was going on, but I think I got to the end.
I've played so many obscure games that it's hard to list.

I was a beta tester for a game called "Jumpman Zero," which was a homage to the game "Jumpman." That was pretty cool. I think you can still find it on the Internet, too.

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if this gets enough attention normies will seethe
Replies: >>190 >>191
>>189 (OP) 
I see team sneed, I immediately support. He's a good friend, gonna have to check this one out.
>>189 (OP) 
the fact that the "similar to" game is "getting over it" is just wonderful

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internet went down for a while and got into this game. loving the music, graphics/art and how fast paced the movement is but basically Square was better when they knew less about western culture. side quests are bullshit. this song is definitely getting ingrained in the back of my mind.
have not played automata but probably will after.
i been looking for a beat em up but shit like Bayonetta is extra af so I've been leery of even looking into this tbh
DLC dungeon is the best part of this gameplay wise. automata has better gameplay but slightly less charm, guess I prefer the environment/music of Replicant. still, i see why automata gets so much hype now, beatemup ground combat and aerial bullet hell shit. there's also a dark souls type feature where you have to get your shit back from your dead body or lose it. wanna see where it all started and play drakengard? good fucking luck. don't understand why it's so hard to emulate. the company Cavia made a Bayonetta knock-off that failed miserably called Bullet Witch which looks interesting.

So its been a hot minute since the release (like I think around 3 years at this point) but that crab rave song that was made into a video game seems to be finally out) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk1ME0SRltg

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I made this video game myself. It would make me happy if you played it.


Replies: >>185 >>186
>>184 (OP) 
no trailer footage of what it looks like?

im supposed to buy an indie game with no demonstration?
>>184 (OP) 
I just made it free!

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