/rx/ - drugs

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Psalm 94

1. No asking for drugs, soliciting drugs, discussion of sources for drugs or the sources for equipment and supplies to make drugs, or in general any discussion of buying or selling drugs in any way shape or form.
2. Do not encourage reckless or careless use/abuse of any substance.
3. Feel free to ask questions about whether something is harmful. We are here to minimize harm.
4. Be excellent to each other. We're all just trying to have a good time.

Keep in mind that we are not medical professionals, just people relaying our own experiences, so please do your research before following any advice on this forum and when in doubt, seek a medical professional.

Do your research

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Anyone know of Intuniv and it's side effects? I recently went to a psych who recommended I take it as an anger management med but I'm scared of what will happen to me if I take it (because big pharma is making us all castarted) Anyone have any experience?
Replies: >>471 >>472
>>470 (OP) 
>I'm scared of what will happen to me if I take it (because big pharma is making us all castarted)
You sound like you've got a paranoid disorder to deal with, friend. It would do you good to start taking risperidone.
>>470 (OP) 
its blood pressure medication and adhd. youre probably a dickhead because of not being medicated.  take it retard.
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