/pol/ - politically incorrect

take the red pill, anon

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Psalm 94

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here's some ideas i had so far
>big empty locked room with flat surfaces, no trickity tricks
>floor is suspended in mid air by chains connected to the ceiling so nothing at all could be hidden and everything is in plain view
>non electronic
>everyone is naked, fit, and hairless to not conceal more votes
>glass or transparent ballot box or just use a big bowl
>everyone can see each vote being cast without knowing what the vote actually was, this gives plausible deniability to blackmailed people
>each vote has an individual unique identifying set of numbers,  so once every vote is counted in the end everyone can silently verify that their vote is in the ballet box without saying which one was theirs, again plausible deniability 
I still feel like i'm missing something important though
Short answer, there is no way.

There has never been a fair and anonymous election in the history of time. There never will be.

Since your geotag says America, I'll go into the only way for a fair and honest election in America.

Each representative gets 1 vote and only votes from their district can go towards their vote. The votes are made public before the representative casts their vote so the constituency knows if the representative followed their votes, whether the votes were tampered with or not.

This is the only way we'll get close to a fair election in this country. We're too large and bloated to be a constitutional republic. Ideally we'd be a federation of states, but that would likely lead to a lot of war with how the last few years have gone. 

The best solution is a full scale revolution that dissolves this country into at least 5 different countries or districts.
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