Real Flounder here.
I am not on probation. This shows how fucking retarded you really are, Claire. You always were.
IDK if that granny bitch was your actual grandmother or not, but she chose to leave the class, clearly, because EVERYONE gets AT LEAST ONE negative comment.
She just used me as an excuse to get out of the class. If she was your own grandmother or not, idek. If she's not, that's pretty twisted that you would go so far to stand up for a pro-lifer who has no grammatical writing ability whatsoever. If you stand up for the pro-life, you have to be well-spoken. Her stupidity could have been fixed, but if you're going by that "can't fix stupid" motto, you better apply it to your self. Stupid fucking bitch. Nasty ass hair looking like a bird's nest.
You produce shit for a club of white women who flick their clit to pretty sounding words with no meaning and no soul whatsoever.
Know this, Claire. You have some writing ability, but you are dreadfully average. Your style is non-existent. Your fat lips and big gut don't give you the right to be lazy and stupid. You are lazy, stupid, unoriginal, and you do nothing but sit around and make everyone else feel shittier than they already are.
Keep your money laundering, keep your echo chamber, keep your obnoxious group of friends who can't produce anything original. That's all you have. It's pathetic. I don't want anything to do with it.
Pic related. I will own my anger and mistakes, don't confuse me with people who get mad and won't ever address their problems.
You are ignorant, arrogant, trash Claire. Whatever you do with your life, I hope you actually turn your self around and help people for a change.