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Psalm 94

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What is really stopping us from exchanging taco shell and meat with hot dog and bun

i feel pretty smart for this and wish I had taco fixins
Replies: >>167
>>166 (OP) 
Replies: >>168
You tellin me you identify as a hot dog, son?
Replies: >>169
I'm saying if you take a taco and exchange taco shell with bun and meat with sausage it ceases to be a taco and is now a hot dog. Basic logic, dawg
Replies: >>170
no it's a hotdog supreme
Replies: >>171
but my man of many sorrows that's just a subset of hot dog
Replies: >>172
arent we all
Replies: >>173
Excuse you, I'm more of a pierogi and/or empanada
Replies: >>174
I, too, am a pierogi appreciator.

I have this idea rolling around in my head.. I call it pierogi roulette. Imagine a bowl of pierogis but all with different flavors. One might be prune filled. The next might be pickle filled. I think it would be fun.
Replies: >>175 >>176
it's all fun until you get to the one filled with sodium metal
If there's one thing I don't care for in my food is unpredictability. Also I said I'm more of a pierogi, not a pierogi appreciator. Are you suggesting you're going to eat me? I'd like to see you try. I'll have you eating dust and sorrow. I'll make your teeth turn to misty memories. I will end your hunger by ending your ability to feel it. Don't try it. Try me. Don't do it. Go ahead. I am the terror expanding on the back of your throat. Take it easy. Take it easy.
Replies: >>177 >>178
>If there's one thing I don't care for in my food is unpredictability. 
I have had it up to HERE with popcorn
Hmm. Apparently I no read gud. You are a pierogi of... Something. Autism? Perhaps. You did do me a lol though. 9/10!
Replies: >>179
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