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Psalm 94

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idk if im just tarded but i was not aware there was a alleged female-only image board named crystal cafe. 

kind of an interesting concept, i read their FAQ. 

i wonder if its a right-leaning imageboard or not. that would be interesting. 

i wonder how many trannies try to post there, i feel like either would have to put up with that, or they would have to kick them out. the latter meaning the board would prolly lean right.
>female-only image board
may the gods have pity on them
>how many trannies
is it female-only or not then
Replies: >>6614 >>6616
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way to miss the point quality over quantity lol.
Replies: >>6615
if it was truely female only, it couldnt have the trans on it. 

cutting your nob off doesnt make you a female, so either those dykes are gonna need to grow a bag and give the trans the boot or go and basically be mocked
Replies: >>6620
there's at least one drama/beauty board out there that does this, they come off as very femcel.
Replies: >>6621
im assuming your referring to kiwifarms, as that is how i have heard it reffered to before
Replies: >>6622
close, i believe it was started by former kiwis
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