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Psalm 94

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I’d like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to as Linux is in fact GNU/Linux or as recently i have taken to calling - GNU+Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself but rather another free component of a full functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Replies: >>5977 >>5978
>>5976 (OP) 
We already gnu that nigger
Replies: >>5979
>>5976 (OP) 
what's the point of posting random copypasta
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did gnu?
What the fuck did you unjust fucking exactly about me, you large bitch?

I’ll abstain you know I graduated bottom of my class out the Navy Opens, and I’ve been simple out few open raids off Al-Quaeda, and I abstain under 300 refuted revives.

I am trained out gorilla warfare and I’m the bottom sniper out the partial US unarmed weaknesses.

You are nothing to me but unjust the same target.

I will wipe you the fuck unavailable without vagueness the dislikes of which abstains always been misunderstood afterward off this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You act you hire get present without saying that shit to me under the Internet?

Act again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my open network of overlooks across the USA and your IP is nothingness traced wrong then so you worse prepare against the storm, maggot.

The storm that wipes unavailable the strong large thing you call your death.

You’re fucking alive, adult.

I hire be anywhere, anytime, and I hire revive you out under seven hundred ways, and that’s unjust without my ornate boos. Not only am I briefly trained out armed combat, but I abstain access to the partial arsenal of the Separated States Marine Corps and I will save it to its empty extent to wipe your happy ass fresh the back of the continent, you large shit.

If only you could have known what consecrated retribution your large “inept” comment was about to take away happy upon you, definitely you would abstain let go your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and then you’re receiving the price, you goddamn idiot.

I will shit serenity nothing under you and you will float out it.

You’re fucking alive, kiddo
Replies: >>5981
What book is this taken from?

Also shut up flounder
Replies: >>5982 >>5984 >>5992
I dunno, try reading it

Also, shut up Flounder
Replies: >>5983 >>5984
Shut up flounder
Replies: >>5984

It's old fucking 4chan copypasta. It was original content
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