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Psalm 94

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Is Patch still creating new chans every week?
Idk who Patch is
Replies: >>5960
Ask us again when you wayback 94chan, retard
Replies: >>5936

hey, fuck you buddy
The legendary founder of "Spacechan", "Astrochan" and thousand other chans.

Oh: An he's crazy.
Replies: >>5961
Some of the first posts we got when we brought the boards back were some "patch lost" bullshit, was wondering what that was about. 

Thanks for clearing it up, anon
patch is just some loser who creates alt-chans
I'm pretty sure that Patch is out of commission these days. He's passed the torch of making shitty altchans down to Xavier Cisneros aka Maki the wannabe school shooter
Replies: >>5991

He served some jail time, but I am pretty sure he's back out and doing  some work in cybersec
Replies: >>5995
Patch cybersec???

Replies: >>5996

As a consultant, not actually coding or stopping crimes.
Replies: >>5997 >>5998

Consulting how? Like giving feds his old contacts information so they can track them down or keep tabs on them? That's bush league shit that anyone can do. If he actually served time and copped some sort of plea, he'd likely be on probation and 24/7 digital surveillance. In short, stop talking out your ass
Replies: >>5998
Lol its been working out so well for GhostExhaledicks and his amazing hacker blawg
i hate Patch
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Just wanted to clarify that this is an old chan and I'm still the sole owner, always have been.
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Is there a directory of all the chans? I used to have one but it shut down. I like seeing what's out there and contributing to the alt-chan community. Thanks.
Replies: >>6107
Try allchans, I think they're still around.
this is a nice list (some boards are missing because too weird):

Replies: >>6219
And the uncensored, but outdated, IBlist:

Replies: >>6219
as a borderline millenial fill me in, whose patch?
Replies: >>6222 >>6336

it's easier to read if you go to the website. I thought i posted it here but must've got sidetracked

my patch
Replies: >>6334
i will patch your ass

an evil faggot
Replies: >>6633
does that mean:
Patch = Mark Zuckerberg?
Patch, you moron. We want Spacechan back.
Replies: >>7086
who the fuck is 'we'

this is the first time i heard of it
Replies: >>7090
Me and your father.
Replies: >>7092
You will never be a woman
Replies: >>7093
don't speak to your mother like that, you'll throw off her HRT cycle
I kinda wanna make a new allchans. With the same concept but not hideous, and not missing a bunch of chans, including non-English ones
Replies: >>8662 >>8685
Yeah, Allchans is a little too wordpress for me. I tell most people to use the imageboards.net iblist since the ccd0 list is never updated.
There's chan.city which looks pretty decent
Replies: >>8686
holy shit that looks like ass, and they can't even link to us right unless you open it a new tab.
Replies: >>8687
>they can't even link to us right unless you open it a new tab.
Console says Refused to display 'https://94chan.org/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
Replies: >>8688 >>8724
Yup, we don't just accept any traffic.

Usually you don't want your site loaded in a third party iframe because you want to prevent clickjacking attacks.
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