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Psalm 94

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Post old stuff relating to 7chan, stories, screenshots, and other things relating to 7chan.
Replies: >>4586
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>>4585 (OP) 
Conductor Cat would like to see your ticket
Replies: >>4587
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Replies: >>4589
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7chan was where I went after the chin chan raids. I also used kusaba x and tee still owes me reparations. Shut up poe. 
the fucking furry board yiff in hell
I believe my true self is that of a 1993 BMW 525i (automatic). That is who I truly am on the inside, my soul-being. To express this aspect of my personality I draw pictures of myself as an anthropomorphic 1993 BMW 525i (automatic) and share them with others of my kind. My girlfriend is a 1994 Chevrolet Camaro (standard), and we are soul-mates. Automobile soul-mates. I communicate with others of my kind mostly through the internet, but sometimes we attend conventions. People persecute us for our true selves. My neighbor threatened to call the cops on me just for talking to his Pinto. I'm not even into Fords, but that's besides the point. Just because I AM a car doesn't mean I'm going to have relations with just every car I see. It's not about the sex, though there is a 1955 Chevy Bel-Air I will never forget. You never forget your first. But I'm sick of people saying I'm perverted and wrong, and that I'm not really a car I'm just crazy. They don't understand, I have just as much right to the road as they do. Those assholes at the DMV are the worst, but I'd rather not talk about that ugly incident of carsecution. I have a good mechanic, though. You've never lived until you've had this guy change your oil. It doesn't make me gay, because I'm a BMW, not really a person. Your morality doesn't apply to me. I am a car. Beep beep, mother fucker. Deal with it.
Replies: >>4594
YouTube's gay and age restricted it,
here's an alt front end
Replies: >>4596
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Figured I'd just uploaded it directly too for good measure
Replies: >>4612 >>4613
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As a normie to alt-chan culture what happened to 7chan?  Their irc is relatively active here and there but I almost never see a new post on their board
Replies: >>4614 >>4620
hard to say

I'm surprised its even still up
Replies: >>4619
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The word on 7chan since 08 has been "bitter oldfags"

It's probably exactly the same.
Replies: >>4622 >>4625
/b/ is the most active board by far but people post shit all the time. Most of the boards are dead though is the issue. Frozen in time.
Well yeah, it was that way when I modded it too :3
ITT: Seething newfags.
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