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Psalm 94

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wut a dump. does anyone even poast here!? wheres the feels threads its friday night. every other chan i fucked by captcha. i just wan to shitpost. who knew the internet would suck so bad in the future?! i hate this place.
>>4509 (OP) 
"feels" threads
Faggot this chan is 2008, quit your bitching and post CATS for CATURDAY
>>4509 (OP) 
gas yourself, kike
Replies: >>4559
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>>4509 (OP) 
Sorry incel, this imageboard touches grass!
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i miss the days when "kys faggot" would be the first 5 replies in any thread. never thought id miss it but shit still feels like home so thanks for that anon.
Replies: >>4562
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>>4509 (OP) 
>Go to 94chan
>Notices that there should be more good threads
>Makes thread complaining instead
You are part of the problem
Replies: >>4577
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my shitty complaining thread is already more entertaining than 94% of the shit here. Even started it with OC. I complain. Its what i do. you want better thread? You're in one. have some more terrible oc anon. i bitch, but im honestly happy to be here and posting again.
Replies: >>4578
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Vodka tonic. Anyone else? am I drinking alone tonight? this is the slowest board ever. dont get me wrong, i love having somewhere to post but holy shit boys, i was in chat rooms in '95 with more traffic. soooooooo sloooooow here.  do those faggots on 4chan actually enjoy being there. seems like a lot of old fags left but where did they go? not here. who the fuck gets a chan pass?! hard to have a convo when it takes 2 days to get a response. now im just rambling. fuck. shitting into the void i guess.
Replies: >>4616
fat dicks
Replies: >>4617
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>fat dicks

that's what youre drinking? sounds fuckin gross bro.
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just gonna spam my own crap thread i guess
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