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Psalm 94

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Didn't know this godforsaken chan has turned into a little pc pool of politically correct faggots who can't handle criticism?

Your leader is a walking bacon dispenser
>>10810 (OP) 
you didn't because it didn't, hope that helps!
>>10810 (OP) 
Also choke on nigger cock you bastard son of Muhammad and an aborted attempt at cloning Moshe
Replies: >>10813

You deserve a pat on the head for being such a good little doggie.
Captain Faggano
Replies: >>10814
Can one-off shitposters ever be anything other than schizos? It gets really boring afther the 1000th babbling hallucinating mess
Replies: >>10816
>>10810 (OP) 
Shut up, faggot
What's a one-off shitposter?
Replies: >>10818 >>10819
Don't you worry your pretty little tiny head
Why don't we focus on your weird obsession with my wife instead
Replies: >>10844
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Wow Elaine, sounds like a cope! Try posting one from this year.
Replies: >>10836 >>10880
How did I get here I am not good with computer haha
Replies: >>10829
By being a right tosser
Replies: >>10830

No message or files.

>>10810 (OP) 
What are you talking about, must be all in your mind huh?
Replies: >>10835
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Makeup can do wonders to whales
Replies: >>10837 >>10869
what's britain to do with anything
Replies: >>10838
oi m8 this bird is a whale just like adele except she's not ginger and covered in freckles
Replies: >>10839 >>10844
>just like adele 
Is this... 2008?
Replies: >>10840
1446 AH
Replies: >>10841
Sorry, we don't do that here; we frown upon fucking 8 year olds
Replies: >>10842
I'd be disgusted if you'd say otherwise.
Did you learn English by watching TV?
Replies: >>10843
I learned the rudimentaries of it while robbing the priests at the time, and afterwards I just settled there, so it became second nature. Aaah, the days before the Bastard Duke came. I often yearn for them. A simpler time, to be sure.

Still waiting
Replies: >>10845 >>10865
Forþon þe Anglonormannas scyldig, ic swēorce. Hīe nǣfre gedrēfaþ and nǣfre lærð. Ænig swīðe sǣcgen.
Replies: >>10846
Don't make me read dead languages, google translate decided I wanted it in Japanese for some reason. Also, what?
Replies: >>10847
I just hate anglos and their inability to lose their own damned wars twice, allowing for unwashed franks in "nordique" disguise to further bastardise (pun very much intended) their language and peoples, ya know?
Replies: >>10848
I cannot say with any certainty that I have cared that deeply or even thought about any other living person on this planet for long enough at a time to form a coherent opinion
Replies: >>10849
That's the french influence
Replies: >>10850
Buy a man eat fish, he day, teach fish man, to a lifetime
Replies: >>10852
If you hard then you hard
>>10810 (OP) 
Wait wtf IHM is actually cool/cute ?
Replies: >>10854 >>10860
Go on, hit on her, you got this
Replies: >>10855
Ha. I wish. I actually miss talking to IHM. I hope she's doing well these days.
Replies: >>10857 >>10858
Homicide is lucky. Just saying.
Replies: >>10859
Plus, those two are cute together. Ultimate chan power couple. I'm no homewrecker.
Replies: >>10859 >>10860
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Can you suck her trans dick a little harder?
Replies: >>10861 >>10865
This isn't your porn site of choice's search function, deviant
Replies: >>10862
Fuck my whore mouth
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>10863
Replies: >>10864
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a vegetable
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>10866
If you wait for schizo clownshoes to make sense of themselves you'll die waiting, my guy
Replies: >>10867
What else am I gonna do now that the hill is built
Replies: >>10868
Iunno, man, build a cool watchtower? Maybe then yer lot will see our ships come to your abbies this time hurhurhur
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Wouldn't know, hardly wear it! 

I'm doing rather well, playing stardew autistically and doing some light reading. Thanks! Hope you're well too, anon.
wow shes hot
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