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Psalm 94

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Finding it hard to find some since a charting site for comics is basically non existent(seriously?). Also they have to come out before 2020. There are probably some shit I missed
Replies: >>10674
Still can't believe a site hasn't been made
Replies: >>10668
a whole half hour of disappointment. i hope you can recover
Replies: >>10669
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...are you high?
Replies: >>10671
So anything? I know there's something out there
so sue me for assuming you were the other sped, you all look alike from over here

also yes
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Replies: >>10672
>Seething this hard because of some rando
RENTFREE. The only sped here is you
Replies: >>10673 >>10675
seething rent free fr fr bruh smh lmao rolf lamo yeet fam
Replies: >>10676
>>10666 (OP) 
stop making shit threads no one cares about
I'm not seething I'm replying, there's nothing to seethe about
Replies: >>10677
Holy shit he's gone full schizo
Replies: >>10688
>Autist can't fucking read
Some guy's been living rent free in your head for so long you mistook this thread for his. I made this thread for graphic novels, not for schizophrenia lol
Replies: >>10680 >>10688
Autism aside. Anyone got reccomendations?
Replies: >>10688
no, I thought he was you because of the stupid  "omg nothing guys cmon" shit you do in every fucking thread you post.
Skip the mainstream catalogs and look for the good shit yourself
lol le seethe schizo xd autism rolmflafo rent free rent fre smh smh frfr
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