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Psalm 94

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Any one here do any modem spoofing shit?
You know you don't have to use Cumcast's equipment right? Even the modem.
Replies: >>10652
You do have to use the mode if you want static ip's (thats the problem)
Replies: >>10653
you could literally reserve an IP address in any router's DHCP pool.

you do not need a modem to be able to pay Comcast for a static IP. They will happily accept your money.
Replies: >>10655
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I don't think you understand what "static ip" means in this context. This might be the stupidest thing i have ever read.
Replies: >>10656
that's your problem, faggot

my IP never changed while I had cuntcast so you're doing it wrong
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>10658
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Why are you here, if you don't even know how a computer works
Replies: >>10659 >>10661
Why are you here?
Replies: >>10660
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I asked first
Replies: >>10662
someone has to run this site
You asked about someone's computer savviness; I'm demanding you justify your so-far pointless existence
Replies: >>10663
i think his purpose is to be annoyed by grossly oversimplified but technically correct while not necessarily applicable information. I feel like that should be hyphenated or something. 

I still say he should just use his own network equipment. Comcast has bad enough service without having to use their shit equipment on top of it.
Replies: >>10664 >>10689
>grossly oversimplified but technically correct while not necessarily applicable information
So, an average, run-o'-the-mill terminally online faggot
>I still say he should just use his own network equipment
The entire point of this thread was to ask if anyone has done any modem spoofing so i can use my own equipment. All i have got so far is retards telling me to get a static ip from dhcp.
Replies: >>10690 >>10691
Consider: You were too stoopid to not feel the need to make this thread. You get what you deserve.
Replies: >>10700
why did you feel the need to ask here though

hell who even asked
Replies: >>10701
I did not get anything though
Replies: >>10707
This is the most alive board on here? and its b so why not?
Replies: >>10702 >>10708
You better take your business anywhere else but here.
You see, ihm and the 2,5 minions she still got left in her life don't really want any activity here unless it's solely between themselves, as in completing themselves and answering their own questions and shit.

Anything beyond that is considered a threat in their eyes because then they can't jerk each other off in peace in what is the only arena left for them.
Piss off eurofaggot, I don't even post that often.
Last edited by homicide
Replies: >>10704
That went fast kek

Go fuck yourself
Replies: >>10705
You're the one upset at pixels
@cainite on Telegram rapes children
Replies: >>10710
You don't deserve anything
>You better take your business anywhere else but here
You first, ya crywanking shitbedded tailormade whoreson
The /b/oard is alive with the sound of retards like you and not a thing else
what should we do then? idk if there are anons here capable of doxxing him or anything
Replies: >>10712
Go and murder him in irl life
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