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Psalm 94

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i need the absolute cheapest earbuds that dont sound like dollarama trash, but has a mic and a play/pause button.

yall reckon these will do the trick?

right now i am running skullcandy inked also from walmart, i use them almost everyday for the past 4 years
Replies: >>10588 >>10589
Stick with the skullcandy tbh
>>10586 (OP) 
I've had good luck with mid range Sony. $30 and up will get you decent with Sony earbuds.
>>10586 (OP) 
I am too poor for even these, I copped my headphones from the rehab facility my father was staying at while recovering for his stroke (actually, he copped them and asked if I wanted them, to which I said yes).
anything at that price point is gonna be garbo but Sony has some $9 earbuds with inline remote
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